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The Simpsons: Stealing First Base
Episode 15, Season 21

This episode is a tribute to everything wrong in the simpsons.
This episode as my title says, is a tribute to everything wrong in the simpsons.

Letsee the plot. Bart gets with another girlfriend .... again, we already know they ain't ending together. First thing bad, repetitive episode. They got no more new ideas, characters never growth, they only become dumber and dumber. And damm, this is an episode of 5 years ago. They try to make a critic about the destruction of the innocence of children's, and strict parents of today. And fail, first on Bart's girlfriend is a bad stereotype of '' Men don't understand womens'' , really, she is crazy, what the hell is there to understand ? and if you as a parent, your daughter told you that a boy kissed her without her consense, then what kind of answer do you expect ? The answer of the parents wasn't exaggerate, they even gave an advertise to the simpson to maintain his son away from her daughter, they seem pretty legit to me, you can't expect to everyone on the world to give hugs and kisses, specially if your daughter is involved. What kind of critic is this ?

The simpsons try so hard of being a social critic comedy that they are not even a critic anymore, they are commenter's, and their critics ain't good anymore.

In the other part we have Lisa being a pesky little kid with no morals, who's only goal is the achievement of acceptation. No background history, as we saw in older episodes how it was the reverse, and she cared more for her grades than almost anything, until the point she regretted back to her former year of school so she could still get A+. A plain contradiction to the character's personality, the critic is also as dumb as the plot of Lisa, under what rock or cavern are the Simpsons writers ? Do they really believe kids these days still act like the 80's ? no doubt there is still that kind of bully but damm, they are totally disconnected from reality.

And for the last, the cherry on the cake, the participation of Michelle Obama ... god were do I start ? It was SO sad, SO sad, to see the Simpsons, a very important and influent cartoon, of comedy and irony about the life of the average US family, turned into a bunch ball suckers. It was like they were dogs saying '' Please Obama pet us, we deserve it !! '' when Nelson introduced the First Lady. They have loosed any kind of impartiality as a Show, they are only liberal propaganda now. I didn't care the stereotypes of the Simpsons like Mr burns, or the Texan businessmen about the capitalism, that are real critics about the moral of the corporations in this country protected by the right, they were funny, but this .. First we see no respect of the taxpayers money. The first lady, abusing of his power and connections to the white house, to go around elementary schools witch helicopters and give selfpitty speechs ? And calling her one of the most popular women in the world ? For real ? why ? she is only the wife of the president, she was not elected, she souldn't being using the money of the state for their own personal affairs. And for everything that is good on the world, the part were she opened the helicopter door for the marine .... really ? I mean really ? is that supposed to show us that she is a ''independent strong women'' ? It was so pathetic and sad... And after this pathetic display, that was all pointless because we have seen Lisa playing with others and having fun in the past, we see no growth, no change no nothing. Sorry Michelle, your existence is useless on this show, you changed nothing, if the actual critic requires so, Lisa will have or not have any friends.

Kickin' It

Horrible horrible HORRIBLE
what an horrible show. Guess my summary already said that. The thins is full of clichés. Every character is a cliché, the female counterpart that is fated to be the useless girlfriend of the protagonist, she is friggin hot, but she is independent and wants to be the best in what she does, guess what, that's never gonna happen cuz the protagonist is the best, and you my little one, no matter how hot or good you are, you are destined to be second place. The group of geek/nerds guy are simply insulting, I always was considered one and I kicked ass of any bully who tried to intimidate me almost getting expelled for letting some of them crying. what's wrong with Disney and stereotypes ? The protagonist ? oh dear god .... no men, I don't care with who you train with, I don't care if he was the friggin Mister Miyagi, you can't be even better than teachers in your short life !. The only reason they make him so perfect, is because they wanted him to be an idol, and example to follow, they wanted to every kid to relate themselves with Jack-ass, he is the hero and the protagonist, and even when kids might like that, it bores me to death.

The comedy ? oh dear god why, I don't know if I have seen another show abuse so much of the resource of CL, literally, is canned laugh every 5 seconds the characters talk, its like the producers are right behind you, screaming to your ears '' Laugh ! Laugh !!! Laugh!!!!!!!!!'' If you are 6 years old or can get related to any of the characters you are possible giving this a 8. If you don't, you are possible hating this. I don't think this deserves more than 3 stars, the things is, that this series have such score as 6.1, and I can't tolerate that. So i give it 1, in order to get the true score it deserves. 6 Its way too much for this.

South Park: Medicinal Fried Chicken
Episode 3, Season 14

Men what a show
This is one of the best South Park episodes. The references are great. The comparison between unhealthy food and drugs. The consequences of prohibitions, people will go under any circumstances to achieve their desires, also, they will abuse of laws in order to obtain their drugs. Also the innocent victims of the drug war, a war made with the only purpose of prohibit something that must be a right to persons to consume. The ridicule of some law, especially the ones about legal medicinal marijuana. Seriously, one of the best South Partk Episodes. It criticizes everything about the war against drugs. As always south park satire makes everything a lot easer to understand.

Steven Universe

Good show
This is a really good show. At least for today's standards. Alrigh I admit that the main character is annoying, actually, in an episode when he comes back at times and recruit a band made of himself, he accept that too. But that is a premeditate attribute of the character. he is 10 years old, and had a really optimistic and positive way of view. But that doesn't blind him, he isn't optimistic and idiotic in deadly situations, or when he is emotionally affected, except when he tried to impress Conney. The jokes ? well mostly of the time they are lame, other times they are funny. For example when Steven's Father, Greg, says when watching a cartoon about crying breakfast '' Men I must getting old, I used to like Cartoons '' The transfond of the series is pretty good. Actually I really like this joke, even whit its bad traits.

Independence Day

Men this was bad
Alright where do I start ?. Im not an US citizen, OK, and I think that's a good start for judging this movie. Why ? This movie it's just like a shallow flattery, if it's targeted to you, it's hard to respond with the truth and send them to hell, if isn't you, you can advice your friend about how shallow it is. The story is awful. To many coincidences, to many unrealistic things. And no, I'm not talking about the aliens per Se, I'm talking that, an interstellar race that came to conquer our world, with supreme technology capable of destroying cities without ease, doesn't have a frigging anti virus, and they can be destroyed by a stupid IBM. Dammit, the only thing missing was the cowboy riding the IBM. And that regular jets can compete with space age star wars laser jets.

You don't want to talk about the aliens to say this crap was bad ? OK bud, not problem. Let's talk about how in an explosion destroying an entire city, not letting brick over brick, the woman get locked in a maintenance closet one second before the explosion kills them, an instead of saving other people waits for his dog to jump, putting her children's life at risk. Really ? The only reason of why this movie got a 6,9, it's because show how Americans save the world, in the shittiest way possible, without brain, only with pure raw nuclear power, and with the stupidest plan that was possible to conceive, and because this is an American website. If the country that did that was France, or Germany, or any other, the score would be 3 without any doubt.

Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure

What an horrible deception.
Not even Dragon ball Evolution made me register on this site to make a critic. But not even Dragon Ball Evolution had this forced history. I can pass that a movie doesn't have the best animation, I can't forgive that a Movie doesn't have the best soundtrack, or the best music ambientation. What I care more of is history and development of the history. Both things this history didn't had. A pack of only Alphas ¿? god why, even I know that an Alpha it's a social status and not a genetic heritage, an omega it's on the bottom of the social status and that's why there can't be an only Alpha Pack, because there is always a lower class and upper class. But well, in terminology of the movie Alphas are in charge of fighting, and Omegas in charge of fun, so I guess I can let this one go. But in the development of history was awful, it was like all scenes were cut. The Dialogues weren't even funny, less say coherent or deep. It was like all the characters weren't themselves in all the movie. Humphrey wasn't funny, Kate wasn't energetic, for the sake of the drama, even physical aptitudes were destroyer, Humphrey always howled good, and now he couldn't in order to give Garth some kind of protagonism.

Let's be honest, the movie was awful, as a sequel, and a disappointment and boring thing as a single movie, as a movie it get a 3, as a sequel, it should have a negative vote -4 should be enough and I'm being merciful. The thing most disappoint me of this movie, was Princess. She was the only Character it made me look at this thing to the end, to only disappear and vanish from the movie, or any sequel of it. Yeah I look to AAO 3 to see her again and guess what ?. She could have a lot more of growth as a character, the same for her relationship with Runt, but again, cutted scenes, an entire season passed and in the end of such time skip, they were a lot more close. What happened in there ?

We can have a lot of excuses for why this movie wasn't even a shadow of it prequel. But I didn't watch that movie to hear excuses so I don't care about any of them. 1 awful, and only because there is no lower vote.

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