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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Child
Episode 1, Season 2

Many good changes, one bad.
I am reviewing the many changes beginning this season rather than simply this episode. Quite a few improvements were made to the show from this point forward.

Commander Riker's Beard. Counselor Troi's hair. Lieutenant Geordi La Forge's promotion to Chief Engineer. Guinan and the Ten Forward. Lieutenant Worf's promotion to Security Chief, along with better makeup for the actor. Ensign Wesley Crusher's more adult uniform. Transporter Chief Miles O'Brien becoming a defined character instead of just someone in the background.

However, they made one glaring mistake. The talented actress Gates McFadden was let go at the end of Season 1. Her character was sorely missed. I absolutely cannot stand Dr. Pulaski. A lot of Star Trek fans felt the same way. Thankfully the Powers That Be listened and Dr. Beverly Crusher was brought back.

Grimm: Rat King
Episode 5, Season 5

I found this one sad.
There are many things that move the main plot along. I won't touch on that for now. However, I thought that the other storyline was a sad one.

The Reinigen, rat-like Wesen, were simply defending themselves from attackers who came to "play" with them. The Grimm and his friends were put into a terrible position because of the cat-like Klaustreich who started it all. The Reinigen apparently only become Riesen-ratte, "the rat king", when they are collectively terrified.

Monroe summed it up - "There are no winners here". Everyone involved paid a price caused by the actions of a group of drunken bullies.

The Waltons: The Threshold
Episode 17, Season 9

The origins of tv
It was interesting to watch the speculation about the concept of television. "It might someday be as popular as radio". That thought was laughed at. A concept they couldn't conceive at the time. People thought perhaps this new idea might take off and develop into something, but they weren't really sure.

I enjoyed John Boy's speech at the end about what television could lead to and become as long as people were careful about how it was used. Something that didn't always happen unfortunately. His idealized view could never have predicted raunchy talk shows. However he was right about how it would change the world for the children on the future.

On the down side, I simply cannot stand Zuleika. I hated the character from the time she started hanging all over Grandpa. No boundaries or respect for others. But every show has to have a bad guy. She certainly is one. She makes Corabeth look like a saint. Rose's reaction made a clear point about the dangers of improper dieting and what it can lead to. Also the importance of one's own body image and self-respect.

The Waltons: The Attack
Episode 18, Season 7

Everyone likes Ike
I love Ike. The Waltons would not be the same without him. He is a big part of the story and the mountain. Ike is one of the friendliest people in town. His store is where folks go for groceries, mail, pool playing and the latest news. And who else could put up with Corabeth? She drives everyone crazy, but she is well meaning and he loves her.

The Waltons: The Portrait
Episode 6, Season 7

Very powerful and moving
This was not as much about the Walton family but a young man who has seen and experienced things too intense to forget or to live with. They haunt him no matter where he goes. Erin is a reminder and he pulls her into his pain. She helps him begin finding a way out.

The Waltons: The Empty Nest
Episode 1, Season 7

Goodbye Grandpa, you are missed
I cry every time I watch this episode. I treasured both Grandpa Walton and Will Geer. I'm glad they made this one in his honor. I still remember the first time it was on and the shock of losing such a fine man. It's 2022 now and almost all of the adults on the show are gone now. Only Michael Learned and the Walton children still remain. So hard to believe.

The Waltons: The Family Tree
Episode 18, Season 6

Racial ties linger
I understand what Jason meant about feeling guilty. I am white and of German decent. Sometimes that bothers me because of what our ancestors did. Much has changed since then thank goodness. There are black and Jewish members of my family. How sad to think that in the past it could not have happened. We have come a long way since The Waltons time period. Yet prejudice still remains in our world. When will we learn to accept all people as simply human? We are working our way towards it, but have not gotten there yet. Hopefully someday.

The Waltons: The Long Night
Episode 22, Season 5

Gone but not forgotten
I love how when Ellen Corby had her stroke, Grandma Walton was still very much a part of the storyline. They could have written her character out or found someone else to take over the part. Instead they waited until she had healed enough to come back. The show would not have been quite as special without the magic of the relationship between Grandpa and Grandma. They picked at each other, but the tender caring between them came through loud and clear. Another actress would not have had the same wonderful chemistry that she shared with Will Geer.

The Waltons: The Pony Cart
Episode 11, Season 5

Growing old
I'm watching this again in 2022. Martha Corrine makes me think about my grandma. She will be turning 97 next week. She drives us crazy, but we love her. Both ladies want to pass on their lifetime of wisdom to the younger generations but have trouble doing so in a manner that is acceptable to others. Sometimes you just have to smile and listen with your heart.

The Waltons: The Baptism
Episode 4, Season 5

Cast not the first stone
Olivia behaved terribly in this one. I am happy for people who have religion. I can see that they find comfort in their faith. However it is just that, their faith. Their belief. Their religion. Personally I believe cramming religion down someone else's throat is a sin. It is not welcomed. In fact, the harder you push the more likely you are to turn that person farther away. The bible thumping preacher proved that. I most certainly would have walked away from such a man screaming in my face.

Each person's relationship in whatever power they choose to believe in is a personal one. Something that has to come from within. It cannot be forced or nagged into their soul. It's private. An individual matter which should be respected.

The Waltons: The Emergence
Episode 9, Season 4

Changing lives
Mr. Gordon is wrong regarding Samuel. Every child should be given a chance to learn, even if he is older than the others and work at home takes a lot of his time. He just needed a little bit of help. However, I definitely agree with him about Elizabeth. She is not a baby. Olivia is spoiling her for no reason and it's wrong. She belongs at her desk like all of the other students. And then there's Marcia Woolery. I simply can't stand her. She is one of the few characters on The Waltons that I do not like at all. Those who call her "fickle" are being nicer than necessary. I'm sorry, but she deserves what she gets. It was also fun to see Jackie Earle Haley so young. I have had a crush on him since The Bad News Bears.

Star Trek: Voyager: The Gift
Episode 2, Season 4

Goodbye - Hello
I both love and hate this episode. Every time I re-watch the series, it upsets me. And yet I still think it deserves a high rating.

Kes was my very favorite character on the show. I enjoyed watching her grow from a naïve child to a dedicated nurse. Her connections to all of the other people on the ship made for deep and strong friendships. I think they could have taken her farther and explored her telekinetic gifts in a different manner. She still had so much to offer and this could have led to some great storylines. However, they chose not to. At least she wasn't killed off and they let her go out in a transcending manner. Moving on to something better? Perhaps. They had her leave the ship to protect and help the people that she cared about so much. That part did fit the nature of her character. Taking care of others was essential to her being.

Jennifer Lien was a very talented actress. They truly did her wrong in the way that she was dismissed. It ruined her life. She was beautiful and had that fantastic husky voice. Kes was a fascinating character with so much potential. But she was never going to be a sex object. She had not been established as that type. She was portrayed as a highly moral, dependable and intelligent person. That was not the direction the writers were taking the show. They wanted higher ratings, and sex sells.

Thus they introduced a blond bombshell in first skimpy, then clingy form fitting clothing that displayed off every curve to it's full potential. Jeri Ryan is also a talented actress. I was glad when they finally decided to let her show that instead of the Borg Playboy Bunny they originally brought her in as. Seven of Nine added to many good Voyager plots and I did like her. However not the way and reason that she was introduced to the show.

Castle: Under Fire
Episode 11, Season 6

Reel and real life emotions are shown
As I was watching this episode, I couldn't help but think how emotional it must have been for two of the main characters involved to film. Seamus Dever (Kevin Ryan) and Juliana Dever (Jenny Ryan) are married in real life. As the story plays out, Kevin is trapped inside a burning building. Jenny is in labor with their first child in an ambulance outside. She refuses to leave until she knows what will happen to him. I'm sure it had to be intense for both actors, imagining their spouse in such a situation. The strong friendship between Ryan and Esposito is clearly shown as well.

Castle: Get a Clue
Episode 6, Season 6

Teenage rebellion at last
The case was interesting, however this episode was really more about the relationship between father and daughter.

Alexis had a point. She has put up with a lot from her father over the years. She has always gone along with his craziness, even when she didn't understand or agree with the things that he did. It's his turn to accept the changes in her life. Kate also had a point. The more Castle objects to Pi, the longer he will be around.

Anyone who has ever been a teenager in love knows that first relationships are not about winning parental favor. In fact, just the opposite. It is about breaking away from your parents and trying to find your own path. In fact, often the closer the bonds are between parent and child, the more extreme lengths they may go to in order to declare their freedom and independence. It's all part of growing up and discovering who you are. And who you want to be.

Castle needs to take a step back and allow Alexis to figure out where she is going. She has always been an extremely intelligent overachiever. Right now she is exploring the dreamer side of her personality that she has kept suppressed. She will probably grow tired of Pi in a short time. They really don't have a lot in common. Unless her dad keeps pushing that is. Then she will be forced to continue defending him as a way of standing up for herself and her right to make her own choices.

Castle: The Wild Rover
Episode 18, Season 5

Kevin's turn to lead the show
I like Ryan. He's a good character with so much potential. However I feel like they keep him in the background a bit too much. He and Esposito have a terrific partnership, but Javi tends to lead for the most part. Ryan always sticks to the straight and narrow, which has caused problems in the past. He follows all the rules. This episode showed a completely different side of him. It was great for a chance to see him shine.

Castle: Once Upon a Crime
Episode 17, Season 4

A princess in a fairy tale
With all of the drama going on in the royal family nowadays, it was interesting to see Meghan Markle as a young actress before any of it began. Ironic that she played a princess long before marrying Prince Harry and becoming one, even if she does not carry that title. Harry has always been my favorite. I hope things work out well for them when all is said and done.

Castle: Cuffed
Episode 10, Season 4

A note to myself
For the next time I binge watch Castle, and I know that I will, the cat is ok in the end. I'm one who can watch people be killed, but not animals. To everyone else, an unusual and interesting case. Relationship complexities explored. Along with the rest of the drama of course. Here kitty kitty, then again, maybe not.

The Rookie: Bad Blood
Episode 8, Season 3

Familiar faces
I know he is a bad guy, but Oscar is such fun. You can't trust anything he says, or him for that matter, for a millisecond. And yet I get such a kick out of him.

It was also enjoyable to see Molly C. Quinn, Nathan Fillion's daughter Alexis on "Castle", portraying a different type of character. I hope that both of them will be recurring on "The Rookie".

The Rookie: Impact
Episode 1, Season 2

Talia Bishop (Afton Williamson) is missed
I hate that Talia Bishop (Afton Williamson) left and why she left. Apparently the actress was abused by people on the show. She was my favorite. They barely mentioned her leaving, which was just wrong. Talia really stood out. The character and the fine actress deserved much more. Shame on everyone involved in this.

These Old Broads

Quirky and enjoyable
It started a bit slow, but just kept getting better with each twist and turn of the plot. Expect the unexpected and go with it. I remember these ladies from their heyday and they have still got it. And I must say, I wish I still had a figure like Joan Collins. I did once upon a time. We all get older, like it or not. This movie was such fun.

Secondhand Lions

Oh my. Exceptional.
Exceptional. Enough said. Watch it.

They insist that I write more. Ok. Here goes. A young man learns how to face life while living with his two indescribable uncles, a lot of dogs, a pig and a pet lion. I'm still smiling through my tears. This movie earned both.

We Bought a Zoo

This was an amazing movie!
I laughed. I cried. I bought the movie and will most certainly watch it again. The story is not light. There are some very sad and moving moments. There is also so much joy to be found. Learning to care again through an immense amount of pain is very difficult. It is a journey. And this one was worth the trip.

NCIS: New Orleans: Checkmate, Part I
Episode 23, Season 4

Just so unexpected. Never saw it coming. Tears. Shock. What more can be said? I kept waiting for them to prove that it was all a mistake. That it didn't really happen.

Crossing Jordan: Crash
Episode 17, Season 6

I will miss this show
This was a good episode, but they should not have ended the series here, like this. It should have been in the morgue. Perhaps they thought there would be another season. I love this show. I wish it would have kept on going.

All Creatures Great & Small: Another Farnon?
Episode 2, Season 1

Diana Rigg's last role
I'm trying to keep an open mind and not do any comparisons. I own every book James Herriot has ever written. I loved the original tv series as well. However I am quite disappointed in Tristan. He was my favorite character. In this series he is a bit of a jerk so far. It's only the second episode, so that may very well change. I hope so. They certainly did capture the beauty of the countryside. I am greatly enjoying the visuals and depiction of the people in the area.

I also cannot help but shed a few tears over the wonderful Diana Rigg. She died shortly after this was filmed. Heartbreaking. Such a beautiful and talented woman. I first saw her in The Avengers and have been a huge fan ever since. She is missed.

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