Reviews (4)

  • The negative reviews here are a bit over the top....those people are more bragging about their infinite medical knowledge than critiquing a TV SHOW. Everyone knows in CSI and Medical shows, one can't actually expect all details to be 100% accurate or each series would be 1,000 hours long.

    I like this show! I watch TV for entertainment, to be moved, good writing and characters I can relate to. My sister turned me on to Pure Genius and so far I'm loving it and so bummed it's not being renewed for a 2nd season!

    The story lines are so touching, the whole staff isn't boinking each other like Grey's Anatomy and the actors seem to really fit well together. It blends new medicine with technology in a simple manner - it's obvious it's purely entertainment but each show leaves you hoping that maaaaaybe these medical miracles could happen? I like shows that make me say "wow" or "god damn it" at the end, this one does it. :)
  • When The Mentalist first premiered, I wasn't too sure how long a show about a fake psychic would last...but I'm so happy they never touched it and let it run as long as it did.

    "Cho" has always been my favorite due to the 'stare' he gives stupid people. :) I'm hoping a spin off follows that brings Van Pelt & Rigsby back - maybe their quick cameo in the final show is a hint?? Gotta have Wylie to bring in that 'virginistic' tech dude vibe...and there is someone female that I wish could come back, but can't (no spoilers!). She would've been worth watching working side by side with Cho.

    I'll definitely miss this show and can't wait to see what everyone's up to throughout the year.
  • It's too bad this movie never really had a big theater presence. I happened to find it on Netflix and was pleasantly surprised.

    You see J-Lo's name and think "ugh", and then Redford & Freeman "Hello!", but everyone is great in this movie and very believable. First I thought it was only going to be about the Woman & her Daughter running from an abuser, but it turned out to be so much angry man who lost a son, a friend who is stuck in a damaged body, death, life, BEARS (lol!).

    It's heartfelt, simple, nothing fancy, but really makes you think about wasting time.
  • Well, this movie falls under the typical "Bad Sequel" bucket! The 1st was so funny, so we opted to see this one too, BAD IDEA. I've never stared at my Husband so much in the dark HOPING he'd look at me so I could beg him to leave.

    The banter between Sudeikis and Day was irritating, non-stop and actually stressful....not funny by a long shot. It's like someone ran out of dialog to use. Even Aniston wasn't as funny in this one. Of course seeing Kevin Spacey was a plus, but that's about it. We walked out of the theater with a glazed look wondering what we'd just done and if there was a way to get our money back. :-|