
IMDb member since March 2015
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    9 years


YA znayu, kto tebya ubil

Could've been something more
Besides a couple of characters, very lazy acting by the actors. As the movie was rolling I kept finding myself wondering why some of them pronounce dialogues on the level of reading text. It's even awkward in some places, it's a bit of a stretch. When Eva was standing on the windowsill preaparing to jump that was a terrible acting. The whole dialogue there actually. The first part of the story has moments that have the capacity to intrigue you.

But the second one is weak and just a display of not very good acting: the characters chew snot, the finger reaches to rewind an inarticulate speech of teenagers, all so-so and no longer holds.

Deep Water

Gosh, who casted these dumbs!
Who casted this hopeless garbage? There are so many talented people. Look at these "lovers"... Their faces...Gosh...Cringe! The legendary director and such a waste of everything.

The Power of the Dog

The music is the problem in this movie
The music is the big problem of this film. It is chaotic, unfit and drowns out popping emotions from scenes and dialogues.

For example, "Paper Flowers" theme is just an idiotic mix of sounds. It's so stupid and irritating that makes you angry. The great film, the director associated with the legendary Piano soundtrack and now this...Jonny Greenwood. You have ruined it.

In some places this music is so annoyingly unfit that I got the distinct impression that the composer and the director did not understand each other.

The Tragedy of Macbeth

Knocking from Twin Peaks
It is a well-known fact that Cohen brothers and David Lynch are not indifferent to each other. This knocking throughout the movie reminded me the scary banging from Twin Peaks episode with Naido who was an eyeless woman resided in a tower on the purple sea.

The Guilty

This woman's cry and moaning is so annoying and seems like never stops during the film.

Nine Perfect Strangers

Increadibly boring
That's even strange why they decided to make this movie so predictable, empty and sllllooow.

Till Death

Makeup thriller
This movie is just a hidden ad of a lipctick and glitter.

Serebryanye konki

Disappointing lead actors performance.
The lead actors are terrible. The music is bad as well except final credits. The supporting cast is much better. I'd give 5 to the film production team who created its atmosphere. Their work is way better than the lead actors performance which is awful.

Malcolm & Marie

People, stop saying that this film is not for everyone and not everyone will enjoy it. Life and Art are not Mcdonald's. Who cares nowadays if everyone likes it or not. That's a good movie of its genre. Enjoy.

The Dig

That was supposed to be about Ralph and Carey but....
I didn't expect to see Lily James with her story in the second part to attract a younger audience. I am a young audience and that ruined the second half of the film. Anyway Ralph and Carey performance is brilliant.

The Romanoffs

Awful & stupid title sequence ruins impression.
The title sequence is sooo stupid and terrible. Speculating on Romanovs for these tv series is beyond any idiotism. But some of them are quite good though.


Surprisingly good.
Ok, people know that something has been going on with Hillary Swonk career for the last decade and we got used to see her in cheaply made movies. But she is very good in this one. This thriller is simple but not stupid and nicely made. A very predictable ending though in this black-white game nowadays.

Locked Down

Just a 2 hour zoom chat
Looking in your screen you'll just see the other screens in the screens on the desks from one more couple of the screens. That's it.

The Nest

Amazing deep scenario, mesmerizing picture, great actors.

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