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The Hornet's Nest

I am not sure why all the ratings are so low as I found this to be a perfectly charming film. It's very well cast with 2 lovely young ladies who portray models very convincingly and a charming do-good guy who gets enmeshed in their lives and their problems. The criminals aren't too rotten and the supporting cast all do their jobs with a smile. Of particular note are the 50's era fashions worn by the young women - very eye-catching. The plot isn't too far-fetched and it's got a nice twist at the end. I will definitely be re-watching soon to catch more details.

Law & Order: The Right Thing
Episode 1, Season 21

They got the band back together!
I have been so excited for this show! Seeing Jack McCoy again is like a long lost friend. I definitely would have liked to see Benjamin Bratt and it would have been cool if they were in the "Leonard Briscoe Memorial Police Station"... just saying. Anyway ii's well done with a storyline for modern times. I hope it sticks around.


I paid $20 fo THIS?
Couldn't wait to see more Princess Diana after the end of CNN's recent series. When it popped up on my "On Demand" I didn't hesitate to commit the $20 rental fee. Bad idea. Perhaps it is too close to the CNN bio in time to switch gears to a wacky, surreal version of what Diana endured? Let's just say that's the issue. It is very well acted and filmed. The supporting cast is strong. Yes, Stewart will win awards for her portrayal of Diana. The costuming is especially noteworthy as every outfit evokes a memory of having seen it before on the real Diana - although each is not a perfect replica. I'd like to watch "Spencer" again in a year and in 5 years to see if I like it better. I think I will as the memory of the real Diana fades.

The Walking Dead

BORING! Ugh Season 11
I had written another terrible review of TWD a few years ago (3 stars) but then the season that introduced Negan came along and brought some decent story telling with charismatic characters back to the show. So they got me hooked again. Recently, however, I made the mistake of recording four episodes to marathon. S11 Ep 2, 3, 4, 5. I can't even tell them apart except one features Daryl more than the others, one features Carol and one seems to be focused on Maggie. When I'm not fast forwarding I'm yelling "BORING!" at my tv. OMG this is terrible! Nothing ever changes. You'd think that after 10 years the characters would start to figure things out but they repeatedly establish successful little villages that they lose every time. I honestly can't care any more. I mean, my God, give the fans something positive to root for. I think the writers have been phoning it in for the past 2 seasons. To take an actor like Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan and turn him into a B or C level bench warmer while you focus on whether Daryl or Carol have some kinda deep emotional experience... ugh. This series can't end soon enough.

Wagon Train: The Will Santee Story
Episode 31, Season 4

Another Excellent Story!
Watching Wagon Train will ruin you for modern tv. Almost every 1 hour episode is like a movie. The effort they put into plot and character development and just telling an interesting and unpredictable story far surpasses most of what we get nowadays. "The Will Santee Story" is a fine example of Wagon Train's excellence. Take a talented actor with an outstanding future career ahead of him in Dean Stockwell and combine him with the seasoned, more experienced cast around him and you get lightening in a bottle. (which Wagon Train seems to strike repeatedly.) Watch at your own risk. Too many episodes of Wagon Train and you too will be yelling "BORING!" at most of the modern fare on your TV as well.

Pretty Hard Cases

Finally a Female Buddy Cop Show That Works
I'm really liking this show. It's pretty smart. Well cast. Entertaining and different. Comparing it to Law & Order SVU the 2 main characters remind me of Iced Tea and Munch - arguably, 2 of the most interesting characters on SVU. The women talk to each other like real people and both define and defend their quirkiness without coming across as fake. I'll be marathoning it.

Wagon Train: The Sam Elder Story
Episode 17, Season 4

A Stand Out Episode
Wagon Train has very few poorly done episodes and in a crowded field of excellent storytelling this episode stands out. My favorite Wagon Trains are the ones who pack a full movie's worth of stpry into a 1 hour episode and The Sam Elder story does that very well.

Only Murders in the Building

There's A Reason This Show Has a Near Perfect Rating
Fantastic! Rarely does such a smart show last long but here's hoping it will. This show is very well written with just the right amount of comedy and a perfect fit for the current True Crime Podcast trend. The two Martins work well together and Ms Gomez is perfect in her role. Can't wait to see more!

Wagon Train: The Colter Craven Story
Episode 9, Season 4

Like A Movie
Until our cable service offered one of the channels that shows mid-century Westerns regularly, I couldn't tell the difference between "Rawhide" and "Wagon Train". I thought they both shared the same catchy theme song. Several months in and I have become a total fan of the genre. "Wagon Train" stands out as one of the best story telling, most talent packed shows of the bunch. "The Colter Craven Story" is among the best of the best. Directed by John Ford, this episode is as multi faceted and complicated as any 2 hour movie. Play "spot the guest stars" and "Festus" Ken Curtis appears in the first 10 minutes. The episode's title character is played by Carleton Young, a John Carradine-esque actor until the real Carradine shows up later. John Wayne appears in the last 10. A brilliant episode from start to finish. I can see why it's a fan favorite and it will always be one of mine. Edit: I am honestly shocked that this episode's writer Tony Paulson doesn't have more credits to his name. Such a talented story teller must have done more.

Brand New Cherry Flavor

What AHS Should Have Been
This show is fantastic! Riveting from the first moment. Quirky. Twists and turns that are unimaginable. Thinking. Intelligent. Dark AF. Women taking back their power all over it. I hope they do more.


Better Than Most
Mid August and I'm looking forward to the Halloween season so I started my usual annual viewing of horror films last night. Looking for free films, I scanned my cable network and found this gem on ScreenPix. Many of the reviews compare it to NOES - not true. If it wasn't for the fact that it was made first I'd compare it in production and style to "Happy Death Day". Story-wise and character-wise I'd also compare it to the earlier "Urban Legend" - which I actually saw a lot of parallels to in the cast of characters and locations that populate the campus setting.

"Asylum" may have had a predictable end-point but I was kept on the edge of my seat by the way it got there. I have been a horror fan since I was a small child and this film kept my heart pounding. I felt that the weaknesses of the victims as they were exploited by the killer were pretty heavy topics and way more thought out than other reviewers are willing to give credit for. Also, "predictable deaths"? Not for my money. A character whose weakness is that he used to be obese is not dispatched like a scene from "Who's Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?". So, no, the writer didn't take the easy way out.

I initially mistook the film's star Sarah Roemer for a young Blake Lively and her acting was pretty much on par with Ms. Lively's so I don't think there was any huge lack of talent in this film, either. Speaking of talent, catch the appearance of "Scream Queen" Lin Shaye ("Sinister").

Bottom line, this film is fine for the genre and does what's expected of it so make a big bowl of popcorn and snuggle up to be scared.


Great Replacement for Supernatural
This show is excellent! I've been looking for a replacement for Supernatural and this seems to be it! As a lifelong horror fan it has been a long time since a tv show or movie actually creeped me out and Evil has done that at least once in every episode. So far, there seem to be rational explanations for the events the team investigates but all-knowing bad guys and a ride-or-die attitude from the good guys makes this a pretty emotionally involving show for viewers. Can't wait to see where it's going and hoping it gets a few seasons.

Tell Me Your Secrets

Finally a Crime Show that Dares to Walk it's Own Path!
I have given bad reviews to too many crime shows of recent days but I am genuinely pleased that this isn't one of them. TMYS doesn't borrow from any one! It's a rivitiing examination of human good and evil and leaves plenty of gray areas. I highly recommend it!


One of the Greatest Shows in The History of Television
Supernatural was the product of a talented cast and production staff that all REALLY loved what they did. The relationships off-screen were authentic and they created and served a devoted fan base. I never attended a Supernatural Con but the videos look like they are a blast! Unlike some of the other reviewers, I fell in love with the series AFTER Season 4. Once the Castiel angel character was added the show developed a whole new level. It became tied to universal religious beliefs in ways that I never anticipated and, honestly, it totally sucked me in. I started telling people that I viewed it as a philosophy not just a tv series. This show may have started out being about urban legends but it became an epic saga about family, fate, right and wrong, and religious myth. I would love to see another one like it but have my doubts that it ever could come together in the same way. That said, the series finale was abysmmal and it should have ended with the previous episode. I did not need to see my heroes turned into plain old humans. We have lost so much this past year I really wish Supernatural was not one of them.

Big Sky

I had such high hopes for this show
I had such high hopes for this show and now I just feel manipulated. Like other reviewers I thought it was about serial killers. I anticipated a 4 episode European style crime story that got to the point quickly. Obviously it's NOT about serial killers it's about sex trafficing (with the anti-trafficing blurbs and what not) which is FINE but the previews and in every show they play this game of "Are the bad guys REALLY serial killers?" Because the psychology of this type of criminal is so much more interesting. These aren't just bad guys they have a whole basket of psychological issues. One of the bad guys has no issue shooting a main character to death at the end of the first episode but he spends the remaining episodes being tormented by the girls he's taken to traffic and he doesn't kill them? He obviously has issues with women but he scolds and snaps at the kidnapped girls like a grumpy grandfather. It's hard to explain but I feel like it's very poorly thought out.

The Little Things

Holy Crap!
This film is contrived but it does what it is supposed to do. Had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Malek still looks like Freddy Mercury to me but he puts in a good performance as a gullible police detective.

Big Sky

I had such high hopes for this show
I had such high hopes for this show and now I just feel manipulated. Like other reviewers I thought it was about serial killers. I anticipated a 4 episode European style crime story that got to the point quickly. Obviously it's NOT about serial killers it's about sex trafficing (with the anti-trafficing blurbs and what not) which is FINE but the previews and in every show they play this game of "Are the bad guys REALLY serial killers?" Because the psychology of this type of criminal is so much more interesting. These aren't just bad guys they have a whole basket of psychological issues. One of the bad guys has no issue shooting a main character to death at the end of the first episode but he spends the remaining episodes being tormented by the girls he's taken to traffic and he doesn't kill them? He obviously has issues with women but he scolds and snaps at the kidnapped girls like a grumpy grandfather. It's hard to explain but I feel like it's very poorly thought out.


I Freaking Love This Show
There aren't many shows with the storytelling ability of High Town. Very gritty and authentic. As a New Englander I can attest to it's "wicked" spot-on depiction of The Cape.Great characters. Diverse and smart. It reminds me of Law & Order SVU but it takes over where the Law & Order franchise has become stale. Leads Jacqui and Ray could easily be the new Elliot and Olivia. The plot twists are awesome. Just when I thought I had all of the characters figured out based on some usual tropes they threw me more than a few curve balls. I can say I'd pay to watch this show and I am - I purchased a Starz subscription just for High Town! Can't wait for Season 2.

Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector

Just stop! Over-wrought and predictable.
I watch a lot of the European crime mini series genre and I think it's ruining me for American tv. Much like last season's "Prodigal Son" I was eager to watch the premier of this new serial killer hunt show and, just like "Prodigal Son" I was very disappointed. So many of these shows attempt to be all things to all people and take their design from 10 other shows all combined and repackaged as a "new" show. I'm not going to go into a plot synopsis as I think it's been covered here and in the book and film, so I will get straight to my impressions of the show. First of all - too much cast. It's hard work keeping track of all of them. Way too many background players, "team" members in various roles assisting the bed-bound Lincoln Rhyme. Other shows do these various roles with one person per job - this has at least 2 per. The exception being Rhyme's hovering nurse who spends her time pursing her lips and shaking her head while she takes Rhyme's vital signs. (Prediction, she will either end up needing to be being rescued or will surprise us all with her previously unforeseen toughness.) Next, the show foreshadows way too heavily and loudly. If you are introduced to a new character who is emotionally connected to main cast, odds are really good that they will need to be saved within the next 15 minutes. The use of "emotional flaws" to humanize main characters is also telegraphed loudly and comes into use as a plot device within the next 15 minutes also. Lastly, and I have seen this mentioned in other online reviews, this show is crazily unbelievable. There is no reality to their portrayal of the NYC police and it seems to exist in some alternative dimension. It actually has the feel of a super hero/comic book movie with the rapid fire clue, chase, find, repeat activity that occurs. I'd also like to mention that the over-use of CGI to illustrate Lincoln Rhyme's thought processes is boring and uninteresting. Taking a page from "The Alienist" Rhyme has pre-1900's New York City maps, geology and history in a giant library inside his head so every clue must be sketched out to demonstrate it's source. If there was any explanation as to why the main protagonist The Bone Collector uses these points of reference and is thus so clearly matched with nemesis Rhyme I missed it. I know I will watch a few more episodes to see if it improves and I hope it does. If it does I will edit this, but like "Prodigal Son" I do not hold out great hope.

Mad Dog Time

It's 2019 and I just found this film ...
I'm not sure that I can add much to the other reviews here but the good ones are all brilliant. This is a film for grown ups with a pretty complex story line and I believe it holds up well. There's a Coen Bros vibe that I really savor. It's got a great ensemble cast of actors at the top of their profession. I adore Jeff Goldblum and have never seen him as edgy and sexy as he was in this film (in his prime?) His scenes with Barkin are incredibly hot. Dreyfus is not one of my usual faves but I respect his talent and appreciate the way he handles his role in this film. Lane, Byrne and Maclachlan were all great casting choices, as well. Great to see Henry Silva, Billy Idol, Burt Reynolds and Rob Reiner in cameos. This film just might be due for a remake.

The Man in the High Castle: Hexagram 64
Episode 1, Season 4

Confusion reigns
Perhaps it's been too long since the last season but I feel a bit lost. Beloved old characters are killed off pretty randomly and too many new ones have been added. It really reminds me of one of the recent "Star Wars" films. The new characters include members of a black resistance movement that we have never heard of previously and seem to have been added mainly for the Japanese occupiers to demonstrate their extreme racism towards. They seem to have taken the place of Juliana's original triad of friends who were all subjected to Japanese incarceration and torture. There are more than a few scenes of brutality directed at the new characters and, while it does get the point across about the Japanese oppression, it happens very suddenly in the episode, before we really know who the characters are yet. I'd say the plot line is still basically the same, with all of the same parties in conflict, but it just feels out of sync. Juliana has popped up in new universe and appears to have gained immediate new friends and employment. No pause to examine what must have followed after she appeared in the road injured in this new dimension. Her new story seems to be a happy one, finally, and I have to wonder if she's taking a "vacation". Will she go back? I was hoping for a redemption arc for John Smith but it remains to be seen. It's good to see MItHC again, like an old friend, but I am hoping it didn't run out of steam.


I Love this Film!
Stumbled upon "Legend" by accident and was immediately captivated by the opening scene. As a period piece the look and feel of post-war London is done perfectly. Tom Hardy as both twin brothers does a fantastic job and it is hard to decide which performance is more compelling but, I have to admit, Reg is the more fascinating brother, with his darkness and quirks.As a fan of the American films "Goodfellas" and "The Departed" I have to sat this film completes my "must see" triad of gangster films.

Prodigal Son

Wanted to love it
I was very excited for the premier of "Prodigal Son" and ended up disappointed. Not only is it a ripoff of "Hannibal"/"Silence of the Lambs" it also has a black muscle car a la "Supernatural", a quirky ME like "CSI", rich family angst "Sherlock", I could go on and on. It seems to have taken one element from a variety of successful shows, thrown them into a hat and then drawn and copied them. Lead Tom Payne is very good looking but SO reminiscent of Spencer from "Criminal Minds". It felt like they should have just given Spencer a spin-off. Also Payne's acting is over the top and uneven swinging wildly from detachment to screaming and crying emotion and back again. I feel like on the pilot he should have underplayed it to make me more interested in figuring him out. As for other cast I did not love Lou Diamond Philips or the father, played by Michael Sheen, unlike other reviews, and the main character's mother and sister are just misplaced soap opera characters-almost like they are secretly performing in a different show. The editing is strange, too, and I found it confusing. They seemed to be trying for a "CSI Miami" vibe with their scene edits but I was left feeling like every return from commercial had cut off about a minute of the show and I had missed something key to the plot. Might try a rewatch to see if it improves. Will watch ep 2 also but can't promise more if it doesn't improve.

Room 104: Voyeurs
Episode 6, Season 1

I started watching Room 104 by accident and decided to try marathoning it as I have always enjoyed Twilight Zone type series. Episodes 1-5 were all intriguing, vaguely scary...then i got to Ep 6 of Season 1... Mind Blown! You can say it's not scary but then you might not be an aging female person. As one, I found this episode very moving and emotional. Such loss and pain... regret. It was performance art and the interpretive dance sequence was beautifully done. Kudos to the Producers!

Knock Knock

Do Like I Did and Turn this film off after 20 minutes
Having recently seen both John Wick films I was in a Keanu Reeves fan mood when I came across this movie on HBO. The premise sounded interesting. OK. So Keanu's character is supposed to be a young father with an adoring wife and kids and a great career. The film starts with an awkward seduction attempt by his wife that is interrupted by the overly-zealous kids showing up at the bedroom door. Keanu wants to continue later but is shot down even though "it's been threeee weeks!" Uh, oh. I hope no willing women show up at his door. Conveniently. the wife and kids are leaving town for the weekend and Keanu is left home alone. (It's ok to picture him with his hands on his cheeks here because it's kinda like that) This is when 2 young women show up at his door during a storm, wet and giggling. "oh, no one else is around." "oh, they don't know their own telephone numbers." OOPSIE! I can see where this is going. This film has more 1-star reviews then any I've ever looked up.Between that and the terrible, horrible, no-good acting from Mr Reeves I decide it's best to just turn this thing off and end it now. I know the ending from the other reviews and also know that MANY people share my disappointment with Keanu's acting as well as the abysmal Direction by Eli Roth. I always felt his "Hostel" films were way too sick for me and even though this movie has little of the gore it has the same psycho-sexual sickness and I'm just better off without it. I hope you are too. Avoid this movie.

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