Reviews (11)

  • ...but when you came after years from the original Tom Cruise success, the bollywood result is almost a parody; especially considering that indian cinema is the front-end of the governament, filled with patriotic BS and so on.

    Filling the movie with the usual gang of actors (parked for more than two panemic years) is not a warranty of quality.

    Acting has not made any improvement for this guys, and they are looking like an old stamp reprint.

    If you add, the annoying dance sequences, the result is As Is. No chances, sorry, but people are grown, even in that market, this kind of product is ridicously obsolete.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Words are not enough to describe this worst SCI-FI "epic" -failure-.

    Scraping from the previous cinematography (7 Samurai, Magnificent 7, Battle Beyond The Stars... to tell only few), Snyder has lost his marbles and inspiration.

    Despite the attempt to create new image visual style, I found very unsettling when I saw arriving on the screen Captain Harlock's Battleship Yamato; I imediately realized tha everything was getting worse and worse.

    Actor roles are not catchy (maybe mecause the actors themselves?), and getting Djimon Hounsou into the role of the "space gladiator".. seriously?

    Not only, the voice of Sir Anthony Hopkins in the majordome robot that was already shown on Transformers The Last Knight.

    We can go on and on over the dozens of "mentions" or references Snyder made, but all this make not a good movie to remember; de facto, not waiting for a Part 2.

  • 11 August 2023
    They did it, again!

    A good start, some mistery to solve, intriguing scenarios; but eventually, after the second episode, everything falls apart.

    Incongruent plots, with non-empathic charachters, filled with unimportant lags, etc.

    Seems that other viewers agreed too that this is the trend of latest TV shows: godd materials for a movie, stretched for 6/8 episodes that become unwatchables.

    A pity, because this attitude is damaging audience.

    People have nowdays already seen all, and repetitive patterns are an alarming bell that is ringing.

    Neither the use of AI will help to un-saturate the list of shows that are worth viewing on TV.

    Hopefully, something will change soon...
  • With a cast that was promising, the opportunity is missed; at the very begin of season 3, it become boring and unwatchable.

    Especially for the lack of empathy of main charachters (sorry, but not sorry Dafne Keen).

    Despite the wonderful scenarios, the costumes, and the great special effects, the transposition on screen of this book saga did not catch.

    The lenght was enought to let me skip even the end.

    At least the Golden Compass movie was a newelty and I really would have loved to see a final chapter 2.

    But this is TV, and it is imperfect from issues.

    Hopefully not a 4 season.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Unsensible.

    The film, one of the last trashy bollywood reels, trivialises the suffering and systematic murder of millions. And, as the Jewish community as righteously stated, "is an insensitive portrayal of the Holocaust!." The use of the Holocaust imagery and dialogue was in bad taste.

    The actors are playing so bad that, after first minutes of watching, it became unbearable.

    I am surprised that also that the indian spectators, that usually enjoy this kind of trash, have criticized the title as well.

    Auschwitz should not be used as a metaphor as it's a quintessential example of man's capacity for evil.
  • Seriously, I have no words, nor in english nor in italian, to describe this embarassing movie.

    Any of the chapter I forced myself to watch, make me feel bad.

    Robert Zemeckis lost his magic touch.

    Not even technology, has not a important impact to the narration.

    It's worse than the Disney cartoon, that was already too much far from the original tale, but at least with more poetry.

    The may inconsistence, misrapresentations/misinterpretations of the italian book, are so forcefully embedded that you can ask yourself if this was intentional.

    I cannot disrespect any of the talent wasted for this project.

    Sorry, but Del Toro won the race this time.
  • The "politically correct" director's miserable choice does not pay homage to Charles Dickens but prey on easy jokes. The film is admirable for its historical reconstruction except for the "color" forcing. It is humiliating that BLM so capriciously influences every area of culture, and historical revisionism is not for me. Said so, Peter Capaldi's Mad Hatter look is wonderful, but Patel was overacting and he is an overrated artist.
  • ...because the embarassing main role acting is very disappointing; the premises is average, but the cast was not at the level of keeping the enterteinment high. I loved Daniel Stern, since the beginning, and I watched this B movie only for that reason. Already forgotten title.
  • Despite the unconventional special effects, I was bored after 15 minutes for this totally z-movie. Sorry to tell, but main character unappealing fit to the role, was a reason to leave this flick at once.
  • I felt asleep 3 times! Pathetic special effects for a 2018 standard low budget movie. Almost a theatrical piece. Nothing else, sorry.
  • Beautiful special effects and original alien design; It's a shame, because the idiocy of the plot (young Russians acting as dumb) makes it a wasteful opportunity to develop a good sci-fi movie. Lately, Russia has given sample on how to compete with Hollywood (see Guardians), but the difference between making a good movie and a bad one are always the same: a strong story with new ideas.