
IMDb member since March 2015
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    9 years


The Peripheral

Meh. I'm still watching though.
It's ok. It's captivating but some of the logic is missing or glossed over because they don't want to provide and explanation. Viewer is supposed to just go with it. If you try not to ask too many questions then it's pretty enjoyable. Better than a lot of other shows out there.

I'm curious why they went with 2032 and not further out. Even though I get some of the things came from the later time line the haptics make no sense for being so close in the future. Basically for the bother to out of the corps in 2032 all that stuff that he did would be going on right now. They tried to keep it realistic but stuff like that just makes no sense.

It's also weird that the they targeted someone that is good at video games but the whole premise is that she actually feels like she's in the body so you aren't pressing buttons. If she can do it in the "game" it's because she can do it in real life so I'd imagine there would be a lot better recruits but maybe that will be explained later.

The show plays with your intrigue and you can't help but guess what's going to happen next so I'm that way it's pretty good. Still trying to figure out what each character mystery is. Haven't seen to much of the guy in the wheelchair batmobile but I have a feeling he is going to play a larger roll later. At first I thought maybe he was in the game too but I'm not sure anymore.

Gabriel Iglesias: Stadium Fluffy Live from Los Angeles

Bro thinks he's funny because he's famous.
My wife liked it. She's Latina and I'm white so maybe I don't understand it. I just don't get all the cheers without making me laugh even though the headline was something like unity in laughter. He was trying to either be uncancelled or prevent from being cancelled most of the time. He mentioned kevin hart as not giving power to the cancel culture but most of what Gabriel talked about was giving power to cancel culture. If they didn't have power he wouldn't have mentioned it. Dude had the best night of his life and it was like watching someone in the witness stand. He is a great sound artist and a story teller, I just think for the venue it would be more attack and less defense.

Space Force

Not sure why all the hate
I'm usually critical about comedies but I thought this was funny. There were a few scenes that didn't work but 90% was funny. Also mixed with some serious notes. Definitely a good binge watch.

Raising Wild: Fire and Ice
Episode 7, Season 1

I was in it until this episode
I was all about this show until this episode. Seeing them go about their business was pretty cool and a learning experience. But then they get stuck in a little snow and they freak out like the world is ending. Are you telling me you all are so ingenious with everything else but when it comes to having your "life life on the line" you don't even ATTEMPT to put some hay or whatever under the tires to get unstuck. You have to borrow the production vehicles because you all sent them out with no back up plan. How do you not even have one atv? Come on man. Wtf is this. You're living up north.

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