
IMDb member since April 2015
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Star Trek: Discovery: Labyrinths
Episode 8, Season 5

There are many things that I have enjoyed about Star Trek Discovery. Chief among them is the wonderful group of characters. Each individual is a totally drawn being. We discover who they are, sometimes quickly, sometimes over many episodes. By this point in the series--approaching its grand finale--we have the pleasure of seeing them interact when they are challenged with a new adventure--and we "get" what they do and why they do it. This episode shows the main cast interacting with one of Star Trek's favorite tropes: The wise person in charge of an all-important archive. It's so much fun to see the Captain and her crew interact with the Librarian. And it's even more fun and engaging to see how the crew unravels a major plot point. I love these characters and will miss them.

My Christmas Family Tree

Good Film, One MAJOR Problem
So, we watched this film and found ourselves really drawn in. Nicely fleshed out characters. Believable dialogue. Solid acting. But then the HUGE mistake that remains unexplained at the end. The whole premise of the film centers around a DNA test. Halfway through the movie we're told there's been an error. Then we discover (through a photograph) that the news about the DNA test was wrong. There's no attempt to explain a DOUBLE error by a supposedly reputable testing company. We were so enjoying this film until the end when we realized there was going to be no attempt to explain this giant plot gap that we ended up feeling very let down. What a shame. It was enjoyable. Until...

Ahsoka: Part One: Master and Apprentice
Episode 1, Season 1

I have no idea what show the writers of the negative reviews were watching, but I found the first episode totally engaging. Solid script, solid acting, and--as always--super art direction. The first episode whets my appetite for more (and I have continued on with the series and am not disappointed). So far this is another fine entry in the Disney canon. It's true to the spirit of the Star Wars universe and yet retains its own unique feel (which is what I also liked about Andor and Kenobi). As a side note (no pun intended), the music is also very fitting. Stick with this one; it's definitely worth it.

Carrot Cake Murder: A Hannah Swensen Mystery

An unrealistic murderer...
Everything was going along nicely. My family and I had narrowed down the suspects to a logical two or three people based on their motives, opportunities, and means. And their ages. The crime occurred 25 years ago. Then out of the blue, the character we never even considered because he looked in his 20s (30 tops) turns out to be the culprit. In unison we said, "What!? Was he 12?" There was no attempt to make the character appear age appropriate. (He would have to be somewhere around 45 if he were the perpetrator.) It was frustrating for us, because it was an intriguing mystery. And even the perpetrator made sense--but none of us even considered him because of the glaring age discrepancy. Very disappointing.

Wolf Pack

Engaging Drama
Well cast. Lots of thrills and chills. Excellently paced. Good photography and sound design. It's quite addicting. I also enjoy the psychological layers; each character is multifaceted. The viewer is never quite sure who can be trusted--or what point of view is the truth. I also appreciate that the story has diverse--and therefore true to life--characters. Straight, gay, Black, white, brown, Asian. It's real life. Finally, I enjoy the twists and turns that the writers have taken with the "traditional" werewolf saga. Yes, we have silver bullets, but we also have intriguing variations regarding the origins and capabilities. Hope the show gets renewed.

Rip in Time

Hallmark movies are reliable--and very predictable--comfort food. However, this one--RIP IN TIME--proved to be a cut above. Yes, all the typical formulas are there, but what makes it work are the fine cast, the lovely chemistry among the actors, and a few fun plot twists. I was pleasantly surprised and look forward to seeing it again.

Tom Swift

Just WOW (in a bad way)
I tried to get through the first two episodes. It was mental root canal. One of the main reasons is this Tom Swift's total departure from both the 1930 and 1960 book series. And, no, I don't mean that in this version he's Black or gay. What I mean is that he's mean-spirited, vindictive, and just plain unlikeable. He's full of himself and revels in his narcissism. The Tom Swift of the book series was altruistic and a humanitarian--concepts this Tom Swift wouldn't begin to understand. I was so looking forward to this series, but this is one is just plain painful.

Midsomer Murders: Scarecrow Murders
Episode 4, Season 22

Lots of fun
I've been a fan of this show for years. This episode as well as others in this series are really enjoyable. Intriguing stories, solid acting, and engaging atmosphere.


A wonderful drama set within the framework of the first mission to Mars. Excellent acting. Engaging story.


All those haters giving the show 1s and 2s. Why? I can't figure that out. The production is top notch, it's well-cast and acted, and the story is engaging. I'm enjoying the show immensely.

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