
IMDb member since April 2015
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Unknown: Cave of Bones

One Major Flaw Stood Out and Ruined It!
I found it a very entertaining, although overly-dramatized documentary. I'm a layman, although well read and understand a bit about archeology and paleontology.

So I'm watching them excavate this burial site, and coming to all these conclusions about "dozens and dozens of bodies" found there (which was not what they showed us)...and I'm waiting...and waiting...was there any evidence of cave paintings, carvings, or any symbolic artifacts left behind in what was apparently a burial chamber? And nobody researching down there even mentions it. Here is a team of supposedly highly experienced and qualified scientists and researchers, and nobody mentions or asks about that obvious aspect. And it was bothering me. First thing I'd look for!

Then Berger finally goes down there after eight years in the upstairs "command center" (which he reminded us about maybe a half-dozen times), and lo and behold...HE DISCOVERS CARVINGS! Wow! All those other paleontologists totally missed those very large, visible and obvious carvings on the wall leading into the chamber for the past EIGHT YEARS-walking right past them-and Mr. Berger "discovers" them like it's the Rosetta Stone! Amazing!

That was such poor writing and an obviously orchestrated cinematic device that I then began to doubt much of the rest. What a shame.

That said, I'm happy this documentary was made, as it will introduce many laymen to the science and study of ancient man and mankind, and most will not be as critical as many of us who reviewed the (poorly titled) "Unknown: Cave of Bones."

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