
IMDb member since April 2015
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The Shape of Water

Interesting plot. Fantastical beast romance, sprinkled with little action.
Everything was on point. I really loved how the story panned out. The creature was well designed, unlike most monster movies they actually hinted us answers about the creature. Except there were lame decision making cliché sprinkled all over. Other than that, i couldn't complain more. Story could've been much more vast. The 60s backdrop was amazing too. People shouldn't miss this movie. Beast and beauty movies always have a flamboyant effect on me.

Mom and Dad

It's an okay movie. The inexorable dumb decisions made me cringe though.
The movie starts out fairly well with your usual family drama. Each has their own set of problems they can't figure out how to cope with. The performances were good. Teen sister and her friends acting made me wanna punch through my screen at times. They go through major struggles throughout the movie and they seem to make only one good decision when they trapped in basement. So i guarantee there's a variety of cringe moments awaits you. The story had substance, violence were subtle, family drama here and there, cringe level is fairly moderate = you get this movie. I let you decide if you want to watch.

Escape Room

It's not a bad movie like most people claim!
If you like puzzle movies with gore and mystery blend together, this is for you. This is similar to the "Cube" and other isolated escape from a confined place movies. We never get to know why it's happening to them. If this the start of a franchise, I'll skip my remarks about the lack of story. Movie got potential, I'd suggest it.

The Neighbor

This movie is a tease, it just cokblocks you!
The tension building up to a certain point, but didn't pan out as expected. For the people who go into this movie expecting an erotic tale, nope, avoid it all cost! This movie is just a complete tease. The lead actress was beautiful, the intimacy was there, but you guys didn't finish the job. Instead you finished that other guy. Waste of time indeed. Cokblocking is a serious crime you guys.

Still i gave it a 6 rating(=good movie) because there weren't any visible flaws i found in the acting, story, cinematography. The ending was good too. But never let your audience down with just a tease!

Thor: Ragnarok

Just what you'd exist from the trailer, No more, No less!
It was a quality marvel movie with all its comedic elements in place. I felt the story lacked substance. Fell flat on its belly couple of times which i can't help but notice. The monster designs, fighting style, world design, actor performances were all good. But i personally craved and wished they went a bit deep into the storyline. Maybe i didn't wanted every marvel movie transform into a sequel for guardians of the galaxy. I enjoyed the humor, but i needed to learn more about their history. Well it's possible marvel prepped it all for the next thor movie in line, so we gonna have to wait i guess. Thus my 6/10 rating that connotes the movie was indeed a good watch but not perfect in some aspect.

The Snowman

Stunning cinematography, definitely a must watch for the thriller fans out there.
The camera guy just knew how to spot the perfect angle in every shot. The characters are very much believable and they performed well. I for one did predict who was the killer, maybe it's a trait I've acquired from years of watching thrillers and horrors. So they couldn't surprise me, but maybe they could get you. The reason why the killer was doing those murders didn't sit well with me. I kinda craved for something more since the beginning of the movie promised such notion. Doesn't mean it's a bad movie, If you like investigative-thriller, you'd love it. I recommend it.

Happy Death Day

It was pretty well done. It's been a long time since i seen something like this!
When i first read about this movie, i thought to myself, taking a concept where the main character relives the same day everyday and making it not boring is not easy. But, they made a perfect package of murder-mystery-thriller, romance and a sweet little college drama with some great acting performances.

It's intense throughout, not boring for a second. I admired the twist at the end which i could not predict at all. The main character endures a great deal of personality changes and see her for truly who she is. The only problem i had with it, at the beginning scene they tried to jumpscare the audience using SOUND, which is a bit cheesy for such a captivating movie. But it's only that one scene, so it's alright i guess.

The romance between the two main characters really worked.

I highly recommend this to every horror fans out there. It's not exactly gory. It's a murder mystery in which you can travel with the main character unraveling the riddles.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline

Terrible acting, Effects were great, If you got nothing else to watch, give it a try!
Where do i start? The terrible acting of everyone in this film gave me a migraine! But I'd like to start with the good things. The zombie makeup effects, blood and bite effects were top notch. It was really well done. The story had potential but miserably failed. Not a single person in this film can act and what the hell is that accent? Everyone speaks like a freakin pornstar!

Honestly, i don't know why i should recommend this movie to anyone! But if you have watched all the zombie movies in your watch list and can't find anything so far, go for it.


The main characters makes a whole lot of stupid decisions. How the hell did that place swarmed up with thousands of zombies in a single night? Earlier morning when they went out on a supply run, there were like 5 or 6 zombies by the gate and few more on the road which they killed half of by the end of that scene. Then the following night the place overflows with thousands and thousands of zombies and they keep shooting and shooting. They're on a freakin hill, how did all those zombies get there overnight?

Also i can't believe how the main subject zombie(max) able to hang down the humvee without anyone ever spot him! They made a perimeter check and placed soldiers in place before going into the hospital, but he was able to avoid contact with ALL of them and hop under the vehicle. That little girl(lily) was dumb as a brick, she went straight into a pool of zombies when she was scared away by said zombies. Just great. I'm not asking it to be completely realistic, I know some movies are made just for the mindless fun, but where's the fun in this?

Justifiable reasoning should be given for each events that are happening, which is what you're failed to do and gave me a severe migraine! I expected a lot seeing the movie name, disappointed nonetheless!


A disaster movie being true to what it is
I don't know what these guys are smoking, but it wasn't that bad. Ofcourse some of the acting was off and not scientifically accurate, but you guys should realise you're not watching a nolan film. I got what was promised in the trailer, plot was okay it's not the best, disaster sequences were amazing and i expected even more of those. People should learn to differentiate a fun to watch movie and a scientifically accurate one. Me, I enjoyed the fun space ride, if you're like me, you'd enjoy this one too.


If they're planning a franchise, they have done a good job.
I wish some of the sub-magical characters had a longer screen time. But if this going to be a franchise, i can bear with it. The storyline was enjoyable and intense. Except the main plot, we don't get to know a lot about the characters. Some twists were predictable as the movie goes on but it wasn't a bother. Netflix is doing a wonderful job doing all these movies and this one is going to be a gem in their collection of movies i believe IF they're planning to do a sequel and explore.


A one time watch. Known story, they tried their best.
It's extremely creepy I'll give you that. The music brings our worst nightmare come alive. It sets the tone and they used it well. The little kids performance were unexpectedly good than that of the lead girl. But i felt somewhat boring at times. Like they deliberately dragging the scene longer, an attempt at setting a creepy vibe which they've already-successfully established, but by doing this they made it a bit messier and boring. Well some parts were scary so you can go ahead and watch it once.


Not boring, Keeps you wondering, Not so good ending.
Spoilers Probably

A religious fck fest. Some of those ghost haunting shots were really amazing and the crying baby sound slowly fades out to be a growling noise was hella creepy. But. You guys flatlined where you turned this whole movie towards the direction of "your sins coming back to haunt you". Wished it was a complete scientific movie that explores horror elements. But it's straight up jesus and redeeming life from repelling sins. No thanks. Still, not gonna lie, it was entertaining for what it was.

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