
IMDb member since April 2015
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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Nostalgia bait done right. An amazing tribute to Harold Ramis
Nothing can match the original, but this is a great followup worthy of the first two movies (screw you guys I liked the second). It is well acted, moves at a nice pace, and of course has all the trademarks of the original. The script is a little off at times but certainly not bad. And it really had a great tribute finale to the original star Harold Ramis.

With Hollywood churning out so many soulless cash grabs these days it was refreshing to see a movie that comes from the heart, with carefully crafted characters that have personalities.

Just a great movie for all ages. Highly recommend!

Jackass Forever

Enough with the dick and ass crap
Been watching since CKY2K. First movie was great. Love when they mess with ppl. Now it;s all Stev-o and Pontias just doing dick tricks. This one sucked with a few good gags.

Bill Maher: #Adulting

Just not funny
I, unlike many of my friends, like Bill Maher. I like real time and respect his point of view. But this is not funny. Very few jokes landed. I'm surprised he released it.

Power Book IV: Force

Take the unrealistic original Power and dial it up to 10
Just straight fun. For those that liked the slower original, this might be too bombastic for you.

But let's be real; Power was far from realistic, unlike The Wire or other crime related dramas.

This is a more fast paced, exciting adrenaline rush.

And I really enjoyed it the most due to Joseph Sikoras Tommy Egan. Just a balls to the wall dude.

It is cartoonish but in the right way. Far better than mumble mouth Tariq series.

Leslie Jones: Time Machine

Wait Dan and Dave gave us this gem too?
Shouting and repetitive. Seriously an hour of shouting, awkward, talking about dancing, talking about her vagina, and more shouting. Repeating the punch line like 5 times. Dan and Dave were probably writing the abhorrent last GOT season while directing this trainwreck.

The Tinder Swindler

Are you kidding me???
The fact that these girls played themselves is pretty telling. I'd feel a little bad but they set up a Gofundme campaign because they were too dumb to see the ruse. And they will likely recoup all costs they lost for your entertainment. And more So they got conned then elevated into conning donors? Imagine if a man got scammed? I doubt anyone would care.



If you're a fan of James Gunns work, you'll love it. If hit or miss jokes and bonkers storylines ain't your thing, avoid.
It's a fun ride, with very little drama and serious plot lines.

It's as humorous as it is gloriously gory.

John Cena nails it as the musclebound dumb dumb Peacemaker, and the rest of the cast are a good foil for his ridiculousness. Also the sociopatic best friend Vigilante is funny as well due to his complete lack of empathy or aversion to violence.

Kinda reminds me of an R rated cartoon, in a good way.

If you liked Gunn's The Suicide Squad, my bet is you'll have fun with this!


Fantastic animation and terrific voice acting unite in a bloody good video game adaptation
Season 1- Short, sweet and gory. The key players are introduced flawlessly.

A perfect start. 10/10

Season 2- The direct storyline is well written and fleshed out, although many of the interesting looking generals are given little to no dialog and minimal screen time. It sort of felt like the original game (CV3) squished into one level, Could have been stretched out further. Nevertheless still a solid season with a great conclusion. 9/10

Season 3- When the action hits its still well done, but the main plot strays in several different paths. We go from an epic conclusion to our main protagonists investigating a strange cult in a small village. Alucard's storyline is worse and culminates in something that just seems out of character for him. And the villains scheme and ploy but don't do much, with the exception of Issac. 7/10

Season 4- The action picks up again, and so does the story. A fun season though less impactful than the first two. 8.5/10

Overall a fantastic series, with a solid cast, good writing for the most part, and terrific art and animation. Much better than similar video game inspired series and miles beyond the live action movies.

I'd love to see the show runners make another Castlevania series, based on one of Koji Igarashis games.


Simple fun action flick, nothing more. A great 1.5 hour romp with an awesome cast including the ever great Bob Odenkirk, Christopher Lloyd and RZA.

Just straight up fun!

Power Book III: Raising Kanan

So far, much better than Power Book 2
The only star I know in this is the great Omar Epps. But unlike book 2 it doesn't matter. It is a more serious, realistic story, and the depiction of the 90's NYC(which I would spend weekends in in me early teens) was on point.

Better yet the actors seem to be less caricatures and more grounded. They are quite good for a Power show.

Unlike Tariq who magically always knew what to do despite never really living the life, and talked like a monotone mumble rapper, the actor playing Kanan is much more believable. He's young, impressionable and actually has the acting chops to show a full range of emotions.

The plot hasn't picked up yet, but so far most of it is good. Minus some of the dialog being crappy, and the plot moving away from reality at times (lesbians anyone?).

Overall 3 episodes in it is a more mature, better written show than Book 2.

The Matrix Resurrections

Just more of the same, but lacking the mystery and urgency of the first 3
I really felt just kinda bored, like I knew what was going to happen at every beat. This is likely because it really did feel like a retread of plot points of these films. As much flack as the second and third films got, they still had moments of intrigue, paradoxes, and a running plot.

Even the action scenes failed to be any better than the original. That choreography looks dated, because its been done to death and we've seen Reeves do far better in the John Wick franchise.

Lastly recasting Morpheus and Mr Smith was just terrible. Morpheus is now younger, hipper and has a wacky fashion sense(orange suit, really?) He lacks the charisma of Fishburne. Mr Smith just looks generic, rather than Hugo Weaving with his sinister look ad frightening scowl. Didn't really care for NPH either. Jada's makeup sucked.

Ultimately an effort was made to reboot the movies by taking a incredibly simple, similar, predictable path. While the first was a groundbreaker, the second kept me guessing, and the third had just enough to not spoil the trilogy, this is the nail in the coffin.

Santa Inc.

3rd times a charm
This is not comedy. This is rich people trying to vilify an important religious celebration. It is lazy and completely unfunny. Two drowning stars go after Christmas in the worst way. And I'm atheist.

The show is terribly written and interjects unfunny garbage to try and sell it. Shameful

Just stop, cut the identity politics.

Lets see if this gets removed.

Black Ink Crew

Complete hot garbage
Ink Master is the only reality show I watch. It's because it's basically about the artistry with just enough reality TV crap thrown in to entertain the soft brains too. Tried watching this and it was the polar opposite. It's basically The Real World tattoo shop Harlem. No tattoo discussion, talk, even artwork. Just a bunch of unproffesional Harlem cats bickering over small potatoes. Even worse you can tell they script scenarios because these cats cannot act.

Total trash. Anyone that gives this a 10 gotta be boys with this lackluster troop of fail.

Big Mouth

Just not really funny, nor edgy, just immature
I'm gonna chalk this up to differing tastes. Love edgy, raw, un-PC humor. This was just not funny to me. I found the puberty beasts cringe at best, and the writing struggling to find its footing at best. Maybe if I started smoking weed again I'd change my mind. At least it's better than Scrubs.

Game of Thrones: Beyond the Wall
Episode 6, Season 7

Were I finally admitted to myself the show had lost its way.
Like so many previous episodes that show a more and more apparent change in GoT this one was on the nose nonsensical. The whole episode this time rather than just parts.

You can praise the actors, cinematography, score and just about everything except the writing.

Why if Tyrion knew his sister would he suggest she would be an ally to them in fighting the night king? Like seeing a wight would change her mind? Stupid.

Why would you then send your main leaders and warriors to go fetch said wight if you have the Dothraki and Unsullied at your disposal in great numbers. Jon had seen them annihilate HardHome. They don't just wander around by themselves. It is a suicide mission. Dumb dumb dumb

Why would Dany know to fly in to save everyone at that exact moment. Oh right Gendry is faster than the flash. He manages to run all the way back to Eastwatch, alert Dany and her and her dragons show up in what seems like an hour. Wasn't she in Dragonstone?

Plot Armor/ bad witing Bonus: Not one character is even wounded except Thoros, and that took a flaming polar bear.

How does the Night King hit a dragon with a frigging javelin from 500 meters away. Why did he coose the one no one was on.

Why did Jon lag behind when people were getting rescued by Drogon. He had ample time to get on.

Jon is dragged into the icy' water by undead wights, but surprise he's ok, despight wearing heavy clothjs and leather.

Facing a hoard of wights Benjen swoops in at the last minute to give Jon his horse. Then peaces out to die. Guess he's telepathic.

The beginning of the train wreck that lead to the season 8 travesty.

The Many Saints of Newark

Why? What? How?
Why was half the film about racial tensions and a black gangster? What was this huge inspiration Dickie gave to Tony? How is this co written by the creator of the Sopranos?

If this movie had nothing to do with the Sopranos it would be mediocre with an overly abrupt ending. Compared to a similar movie like A Bronx tale it has no soul.

But as a prequel to the Sopranos it is badly written, paced, and at times boring.

Some of the performances were good, and you can tell the actors really tried their best to portray their older counterpart. But ultimately most come off as caricatures (especially Silvio). Michael Gandolfini is just too young an actor to pull off Tony, but he does try.

The black characters subplot was completely unnecessary, only really planting a seed where someone does something unbelievably stupid at a beach (you'll see what I mean). Where does he fit in the Sopranos tale? What the hell is Frank Lucas doing here? Did I just watch beat poetry in a Sopranos movie?

I admit I haven't seen the show in a few years, but have watched it several times start to finish. This is beyond subpar by comparison.

What happened David Chase? Did you lose a bet with the HBO execs?

Ojing-eo geim

Another gem from South Korea
I agree with others about the VIPs acting and line being awful. I watched it dubbed in English, so it could be translation, or voice acting that went awry. Otherwise the dub was quite good(well for dub standards). I think I'll be watching it a second time with just subtitles.

South Korean cinema has become so popular in the West because it carries a certain gravitas and detail many western movies lack these days. I'm far from a film buff who looks forward to Tribeca or Sundance, but I can confidently say there is a distinct discipline displayed in South Korean films and shows. From the emotions on display by talented actors, to scripts that rely more on showing over telling, to the amazing seeds sown early that lead to payoffs later. And it's all wrapped up in great cinematography.

Squid Game is no different. It might not reach the heights of OldBoy or Parasite or even I saw the Devil, and is a little more predictable. But it is a must watch for fans of South Korean films.


I usually dig foreign thrillers. This had no thrills
Unrealistic, no real plot other than shooter with an inane motivation hunts a group of shallow guys.

It had one unexpected moment, but it wasn't anything a movie hasn't done before, and better. The shooter seems to have a limitless mag, aim better than American Sniper, and fighting skills?

It just ends up pretty boring, with a predictable ending. No redeeming qualities. I've seen worse, but at least those are laughable.


Completely insane, combines too many genres, but thoroughly entertaining
Starts off ghostly premonition movie, jumps to thriller, then goes completely matrix - grindhouse - body horror comedy.

My main issue is that these elements are shot and acted with a straight face, like it cannot decide if its supposed to be serious or tongue in cheek. It's likely the latter, but the first two acts feel like the former. It simply doesn't click.

Nevertheless this is a bonkers film, highly entertaining, with throwbacks to some classics. If you go in expecting The Conjuring you're going to be disappointed. If you enjoy bonkers horror/gore/dark comedy action, you'll have a good time! I know I did!


You will likely be entertained, but this is lacking quality
Feels like a retread of far better shows. The acting is passable- bad as is the script. If you can get past that, and a bad first episode, you'll likely make it to the end. The plot is just entertaining enough. The miniseries is content to throw you red herrings that go nowhere, until the 8th episode that is completely out of left field.

Ultimately it is interesting enough, but very contrived and feels like a series of gotcha moments.

If you want a much better murder mystery, check out The Sinner (also on Netflix I think) or True detective (season 1 & 3)

The Machinist

A fascinating descent into madness, and an Oscar worthy performance from Bale
I just rewatched this movie on Netflix, and wow, it really is incredible. On my first watch I was likely working or distracted, and didn't think too much about it, but it really gets under your skin if you pay attention.

Definitely a nod to Hitchcock.

If you like dark movies about reality blurring psychosis, this is for you!

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot

Starts off strong, then devolves into self admiration/parody
I wanted to like this, as a long time fan of Smiths work. As a kid I was the skinny loudmouth with a 6 ft+ best friend that kept me from getting my ass beat for the crap i said. We'd get high and hang out at gas stations, malls and skate parks. Always loved these characters.

That being said this movie is unnecessary. Very odd use of Smiths daughter, and she ruins the movie. It starts off promising then goes full teenage girl power.

Really expected more akin to Clerks 2. This was dismal.

Watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Dumb fun movie.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

Worst animation WB has ever created!
Ok we can agree this movie is an abomination. Bad acting, dumb story, no space etc. Etc.

But my god the animations are WORSE than its predecessor in like 1996(?).

150M budget and you mess that up????

Alien: Covenant

While Prometheus had some interesting concepts, it was a very flawed movie. This was a disaster
Remember Aliens? Remember when you had a cast of characters each unique and interesting? Remember how you were kept at the edge of your seat the whole time?

Well throw that out the window. Here we have a completely inept and forgettable characters. Seriously they were all forgettable especially the lead.

Why do they divert their mission of carrying 2000 human embryos (or were they colonists?) to an unknown planet because of a radio trasmission of John Denver? You had a proven objective, and proven habitable planet! Why do you not wear spacesuits on unknown planet? How does some random dust go into your ear and create an alien? I thought you had to be impregnated somehow. How can you lose a fight to a squirrel on steroids size creature? How do you manage to get your foot stuck in the door? How do you not realize you're aiming at fuel cells?

I could keep going but it would be pointless. The crew make the dumbest decisions ever. The pace is never exciting. And the twist was so obvious they should have had a laugh track at reveal.

The Suicide Squad

A total blast from start to finish! Best DC movie I've seen
I'm not familiar with the source material, but this movie was surprisingly funny, gory, wacky as hell, and even had heart to it. Loved it!!!

Idris Elba was great as the reluctant hero. Harleys jokes were actually funny most of the time. John Cena was funny too. All the performances hit home without competing with each other. Sylvester Stallone even killed it as a mono-syllabic shark. A well written DC script for once.

Really goes to show that when you let a writer/director do their thing without execs breathing down their necks or the pc censor board forcing edits and reshoots you get a truly awesome movie.

Just pure FUN!!!

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