
IMDb member since May 2015
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Hardcastle and McCormick

Classic '80's Saturday Night TV
What can I say that nobody doesn't know already. This was another weekly crime serial/drama from the 1980's but stood head and shoulders above a lot of it's competitors as it was different. A race driver who was also a con and a retired Judge, seeking justice. Not your usual concept but given the calibre and quality and the lead two actors, this definately stood out from the usual crop at the time. Stunts, action, comedy, drama and even at times genuine pathos, this truly was a show ahead of its time. It got a decent run of 67 episodes to tell the story on full and tie up all loose ends when required. A solid 10/10.

Desperate Measures

Entertaining TV Drama
Forget all the claptrap of the low rated reviews who seem to have mistaken this TELEVISION entertainment drama for a documentary.

Don't overthink things, just watch it and enjoy it for what it is...entertainment.

For a TV show the production values were pretty good to be honest, none of the old Crossroads wobbly sets and the likes. Amanda Abingdon is very well cast and perfectly cast in the lead role and is totally believable. Warren Brown as the x-boyfriend is better than you'd expect and the rest of the ensemble cast do a fine job of filling the gaps in what is actually a really good gripping TV drama.

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