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The Twilight Zone: Replay
Episode 3, Season 1

Some lack of imagination this episode
I like the theme of racial profiling mixed in with the magic camcorder a lot! The fear of feeling hunted from the get go. The ability to rewind the whole situation. I kept thinking there was something we don't know about as the viewer. Maybe the cop knew some detail about the car they were driving. However, this was not the case. Even after the nice conversation with the mother, and getting treated pie.. this cop still insists on shooting a black person like a terminator robot on a set mission. Once the characters get this personal with each other, the story does not work anymore. This is not racial profiling anymore to me, but pure 100 percent racism. And not just him but all the other cops showing up in the end backing him up. The writing got lazy, and one dimensional here. Plus with the magic camcorder you could let your imagination run wild! Very flawed episode in my opinion. The story could be more subtle to be believable. It also did not feel so Twilight Zoney to me compared to the first 2 episodes. The acting was really good though. The mother stands out! The whole episode is shot well, so I am giving it a 5 out of 10.

Soaked in Bleach

Well made in any case. Contains spoilers.
A difficult subject to review for sure.

This centers around a real event concerning real people we don't know and have never met. It also makes big allegations. I almost wish this was a piece of fiction so I would feel less awkward.

However, this documentary looks, and is presented well. "Evidence" gets presented well. Some interesting people with official titles speak their minds. However I think we should question everything that gets presented to us here as we would anything else. It's easy to let your emotions decide for you.

This documentary will most likely divide people. It's a search for truth after all. What is fact/fiction? Objective/subjective?

The documentary made me think and it raised questions, and I formed somewhat of an opinion as a result. I was entertained, but felt a little uneasy because of the real life events. It was well worth the watch.

Ghosts of Mars

A bad bottle of wine
My title may seem harsh. I love wine. John Carpenter to me is wine. Some people here say this film is like a fine bottle of wine. It gets better with age. Others say J.C. films have always been badly received at first and they turn out to be classics 10 years later. Well it has been almost 15 years.

I love John Carpenter films. I have seen most of them (1 or 2 I haven't). Out of all the films I have ever watched there are 2 J.C. creations in my top 10:

-Escape From New York -The Thing

These films gave us the following:

-Great cast -Great performances -Amazing practical effects -A believable world you get sucked into -An interesting premise and story -Memorable soundtrack

If all you care about is a silly science fiction B-movie action film you might enjoy this one for sure. But please people. Stop comparing this to one of his classic films. This isn't of the same caliber and you must know it right?

At the start of the film I was instantly distracted by the obvious miniatures and fake paintings. The odd choice of fade outs didn't add anything to the film and took me out of an already uninteresting and predictable story. (I guessed how it would end 20 minutes into this film.)Also many times during my viewing shots looked blurry. All of these things have been done so much better in other J.C. films. Maybe it was a different team working with him or something.

The cast isn't amazing. The performances are not memorable. Ice Cube seems to be presented to us as the star of the film. However, the man seems to have only 1 facial expression. His character is supposed to be a feared killer though we never see any evidence of that. His fighting style isn't anything special plus he's kind of dumb. His crew is either. Jason Statham can fight in real life for sure. But why don't we get to see his cool moves here? There is so much action to be seen in this film. Sadly all very mediocre and boring.

The world (set design) looks uninspired. The villains are quite generic. The music just does the job. And though you get a hint of some J.C. writing, we never get that catchy theme song which gets stuck in our heads forever.

This man has created unbelievable and lasting experiences. That doesn't mean THIS movie is great. It's OK. If you want to see an amazing John Carpenter film. Look to the future or check out one of his older films. Check out Ghosts of Mars for some dumb loud action. Age however will not cure this bottle of wine. I adore the man, but it's not John Carpenter in his true form. Maybe it's selfish of me to demand that high standard. But when you give an experience like Escape From New York, I thirst for more of that brilliance.

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