
IMDb member since May 2015
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The Ice Road

glued to my chair
This undoubtedly is the nest movie i have seen in a while , at first i thought i was watching Cold Pursuit , which was a ripoff of Stellan Skarsgard movie .

But no this got better and better , awesome filming we get to meet Amber Midthunder , who went on to star in "Prey" awesome Predator movie , still waiting for the blu ray version. Disney get off your butts.

Anyway back to the movie, couldn't stop watching , those who critics , lets see them try to make a movie .

I will definitely re watch it 's so good. Real life situations dealing with the treacherous north , i couldn't ask for more , pure entertainment.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

what and why am i watching this
So i heard all the hype, and was curious . I started watching and waiting but nothing much happened , just some Chinese lady and her laundromat. So i gave up . Then weeks later i went back , because i read that it is wild and crazy, maybe i didn't give it enough time.

Now i rated it one star , i couldn't find anything lower, you of course be your own judge . So, true enough things begin to happen , weird effects, so ok , but nothing much seemed to change . Initially i was annoyed at all the Chinese talking , to be frank , it appears to be a poorly made foreign film with no plot, or story and while i can't give it lower than a one star , i would say that it is 100 % piece of crap. The scary thing is if people actually like this , well i guess that doesn't same much good about them. Mind you we all have different tastes , mine likes either action , a good story , at least some reason for existing.

The Menu

not what i was expecting
In all honest i had not checked out the story line, my assumption that with Ray Fiennes in the lead , it would have some substance. I actually thought due to the trailer i saw , that the characters were going to be the food.

I was of course completely wrong, and was presented with a very graphic , extremely uncomfortable viewing experience.

I can't recall the last time a movie offended me so much . This was and is one sicko of a movie , an experience i shall not forget and hopefully does not creep into my dreams.

So much was made of this and i patiently waited thinking it was going to be a real movie experience , but sadly it was not , only an exercise on how deprayed humans can be.

The Terminal List

if i coiuld see it it might be good
Yet another uhd entry, image so dark might as well give up.

On prime i can turn off uhd , but the quality of imaging is awfull. So bad i have to gues what is going on . Same thing happened with outer range also on prime they can take this streaming and chuck it.

I rated it 4 stars because i can't see it.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

whew , it's finally over
I watched this with my son, he' an adult , I was really really glad when it was over , it was complete madness previous ones were not to bad, maybe it's me , but it seemed like they were making stuff up as they went along.

Finally i'm getting really tired of all this Marvel , rehashed garbage ............focus on real stories from now on t.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

needs Geritol
It is amusing how they are going back in time , suddenly Obi Wan meets lei , according to the movies that was the first time , he was quite senior , now in a new revelation he meets leia as a younger man , if you were to add 20 years to lei Obi Wan would still not be old enough as per the movie.

Lea is extremely annoying , i for one would have let her be kidnapped.

Darth looks shorter , than i remember , hardly the commanding prescence . This seems kid related or aimed at a kid audience , which makes it lame

great work Disney , you have done a disservice.

Moon Knight

i'd rather have a root canal
I bought into this because of the 2 major stars.

Ok so at first it was followable , mild mannered gift shop employee, who becomes superhero at night.

However it was very hard to follow after that , i'm pretty easy going , but this turned out to be sheer nonsense.

Were they making it up as they went along , seems like .

I'm so glad it's over .

Welcome to the Punch

damn good entertainment
Those who would judge, as if they could do any better.

From beginning to end non stop entertainment , considering there is so much junk out there.

All roles well played, yes i would buy this , it's that good.

Outer Range

Just started , but i can't see anything
I expect this to be a good series , but the night scenes give me a break, it's suppose to be in 4k , you can't see anything it's too dark.

Yellowstone whilst not in 4k blows this away , it is bright clear ,, easily distinguishable . Even the so called day scenes are to dark , it;s getting really anoying.


Fantastic but !
I am still in process of watching , but i feel i need to say something.

It is severely annoy to have all this Italian jibber jabber and no subtitles , we don't know whats going on and the big question is why are the people searching for Paul and Angelo with guns etc .

We don't know what the hell is going on.


Not what i expected, in fact it was better. Having said that i had some much needed laughs, sure it got a little thin near the end , and i was hoping it would end soon. But all in all.

Better than a lot of movies i have seen.

Raise the Titanic

Loved it so much i bought it
Ys I have the Beta , dvd, blu ray.

The beginning is so inspiring.the theme the vintage photo's.

I don't care what any one says i would leap over the sofa to watch this again and again. To me in that time when it came out , so inspiring, too bad the ship was broken. Re floating it would have been so awesome. Iove anything Titanic , the exception being Titanic desire there.

The cast is awesome, perfect afternoon movie of pure escapism. Long live the past.


Picture Perfect
Only Robin Williams could have done this and made it believable . The set decorations . The wardrobe is all fantastic. Did i mention the image is unbelievably clear sure a little faster pace could have allowed it to move better. This is a classic , from the pages of the cartoon to real life.

Need i mention Shelley was awesome.

Only Murders in the Building

Tries to hard
Selena can't act, the real Selena Gomez who incidentaly was killed by one of her fans was a class act.

This show , of which i had great expectations, is slow , dull , not so much a waste of time , but rather a waste of money , likely all did if for the pay cheque.

Steve Martin who i love , this should have been better Also there is too much minority placement.


too much hype
I was curious , so i watched , i dunno maybe it's aimed for teens. It seemed pretty annoying. This would be a case of extremely low talent and setting the bar really really low .

Good luck , it it were to compare with the newest Suicide Squad , which is awesome by the way , i'd give it a zero.

The Suicide Squad

Now , this is a movie
Having fell asleep in the first one 2016 , in spite of it being noisy, just wanted it to end so i could leave.

I don't believe i can put this into any genre , this new Suicide Squad was awesome , i was kept awake, entertained and wanted more. It was like when you first saw Guardians , that kind of feeling it is a keeper and i will buy the film bluray/ 4k combo.

The Mandalorian

absolutely no emotion
I didn't know what to expect , but i expected more. It appears the cast is reading from script, no emotion, no feeling. Extremely dull. One problem is the so called background music does not match the program, music can drive a show or movie. Also this character never takes off his helmet. So it could be anybody in this outfit. This could be ten times better, if the cast would get emotionally involved. Show some emotion. Never mind about your pay cheque , earn it

Jungle Cruise

Been there , done that
As in Black Widow the first 1/4 was fast so much happening. A cross from Indiana Jones, The Mummy,and Pirates. Safe for kids.

Oddly what i enjoyed most was the corny "jokes"

Black Summer

fast, and terrifying
One season two , now , it's clear the humans are more to be feared than the zombies. Pathetic how man has become.

Endangered Species

could have ben awesome
Think about it , the cat , leopard drags the one fellow up into a tree, that means the leopard has to have a good grip on the victim which also means the victim would be ripped apart , and not walking around like it was no biggie.

Army of the Dead

six movies in a blender
Unaware of this particular movie. Expected more. A) it is not suspenseful b) it is not scary c) to much singing in background d) cast for the most part random misfits e) in comparison to "Black Summer" which is a low budget edge of your seat nail biter , there is no comparison.

Lets discuss logic, a heist to get 200 million dollars , a old "huey" in sad shape.

In no way would this helicopter if it decides to fly be able to hold 200 million dollars along with some 20 cast members , simply impossible , having realized that early on, it shall we say took away any credibility from this production. Lets also talk about the chap left in the vault, he survives the blast A bomb by some miracle he gets out from a locked safe, walks through the fallout , everything is hunky dory.


Good Beginning
Well, it starts out good, waiting to see what kind of ship etc. Never really get to see that. It has to make sense right?

Seems a rather huge ship inside for only 3 count em three people ok so they find a stowaway, but not really , he was appears to be placed up there behind a panel, and then panel somehow attached.doesn't make sense should be more of a crime investigation than anything else.

Then there's the ship , don'r explain what the long seemingly hard poles are doing and why is there oxygen at the end of info.does not make sense are we to assume there is a colony on Mars already ???

We don't know never any dialog from Earth uneven movie feel gyped.

The Mandalorian

absolutely no emotion
I didn't know what to expect , but i expected more. It appears the cast is reading from script, no emotion, no feeling. Extremely dull. One problem is the so called background music does not match the program, music can drive a show or movie. Also this character never takes off his helmet. So it could be anybody in this outfit. This could be ten times better, if the cast would get emotionally involved. Show some emotion. Never mind about your pay cheque , earn it

Wonder Woman 1984

missed opportunities
1984 would have been magic for the character Steve , the culture , music . technology.etc.........sadly that was missed. Opening / flashback Diana's youth , not needed , we have been there. Movie too long , not paced or music driven Plot or story either missing , and or made up as they went. Villains, weak , insignificant , low importance actors. Quality control , very poor picture quality , scenes washed out . Much ado about nothing. Do not fault Gal or Chris...........director either not focused or caught up in her self awareness. With this director , NEVER AGAIN

The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two

don't waste your time
If you liked the first one, do yourself a favour and watch it again; this new on is strictly for kids, and a pc correct audience. I love Kurt and Goldie , but for me , this was embarrassing , just 5 minutes of the first one beats 2 hours of this

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