
IMDb member since June 2015
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    9 years


Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed

Pegged my bs-o-meter
I've seen a lot of garbage over the years, but this by far tops pretty much all the piles of caca on my list. The cast of characters reads like the cast of a Ringling Brothers cleaning crew, the script appears to have been written by a drunk 12-year- old, and the level of intelligence required to view this is just below that of a Walmart baby rattle. The horrid cast of so-called "experts" in this film reads like the patient list at Nurse Ratchett's daily medication rounds. In one scene, they bring up an expert on photography analysis that is billed as a... get this... paranormal expert. Poor Roger Leopardi must have been broke, hungry and way behind on his rent to agree to narrate this spectacularly prepubescent film. Don't waste your time. You'll get more out of watching the grass grow.

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