
IMDb member since June 2005
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    18 years


Inherent Vice

The name of the movie tells it all
Maybe it is the too many movies I have watched, but this was such a deja vu and cliché that was nerve breaking watching it till the end only to be sure my opinion after the first 10 minutes was not mistaken. If it was not for the great cast this would have been a total wast of time. It is hard to believe that the Academy has nominated it for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay! With such an "inherent vice" scenario there is no acting that can have saved this from being boring from the start to the happy end!

Night Train to Lisbon

Night Train to... Life
A good story with a good cast, told in a nice way for everyone to feel, experience and ask himself questions about life. Life as encounters, as crashes and as sharing - sharing moments, sharing places, sharing memories.

A friend says: "Only the people that are alive and have the memory of you can be the true witnesses of your existence on Earth, otherwise - have we been really alive?!...".

You meet people every day in your life, but it is just when you collide with them - voluntarily or not, when they share their life with you and you share yours with them.

I encourage you to take this train. Its worth it! :)

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