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Total Recall

MGM would've remade it, not Kurt Wimmer and Sony Pictures
When I went to see Amazing Spider-Man, I saw this trailer and it was very cool and since I liked the original 1990 film, and then years later, I never saw it until in I saw it in the summer (2015) and seeing the reviews from Ocpcommunications, I liked his review of it and I saw this movie and I complained the collection of lens flares used in the film and I hated the story and it was a complete bastardized version and the cast was bad, it was already enough bad, and I called it trash, and complete bad remakes of Paul Verhoeven films, even I hated Robocop for being stupid and heavily annoying for Michael Keaton's assistant in the film. So I rate this film a 0/100 because the story, Kate Beckinstale, was terrible and the only thing I liked was the Zoom out whole view shots of the city are very cool and impressing. Even though for a film being written by a complete fool's stupid brain would have a PG-13 rating, and if I hear coming from Sony Pictures announcing a PG-13 Basic Instinct remake, I'm going to scream very brutal and file a lawsuit against them.

Action Jackson

Dry as a Saharan Desert, it was awful.
I'm sorry but this is a complete disaster from cool to laughable and made me quit watching the film because of Reanu's crappy writing of killing Sharon off of the film, what a dick. I first thought that Sharon would be the main villain but no it was The Incredible's Craig T. Nelson as the main villain, in which he frames Jackson (Carl Weathers) by Nelson killing his wife (played by Sharon Stone. This was something that got me interested when I was 7 or 8, until now, it was just so horrible, I'm taking this quote from Frank Yablans on the Electric Boogaloo: The Wild untold story of Cannon Films documentary how to describe "Action Jackson". "It was dry as a Saharan desert, it was awful". I liked Lorimar for Full House TV series, but this is just awful for giving us nothing but junk. What a piece of crap that it should've been owned by Sony not WB, and really, why did the DVD and Blu-ray covers of this film has Sharon stone in the background, she is killed early in the film, you dicks at Warner Brothers, you should've put Craig T Nelson in it. What such a dumb f**k

Enter the Ninja

A Copy to Way of the Dragon (1972), but still good.
When I have heard of this film on the Electric Boogaloo, I saw Franco Nero as the Main Ninja, I was like, wait, The guy from Companeros and Die Hard 2 is in this, and got me very excited. And finally watching this movie, and for some reason, It started to come the similar story from Bruce Lee's Way of the Dragon where Tang Lung (Bruce Lee) comes to Rome to help a woman (Nora Miao) to keep her restaurant going around from the mafia offering her to sell it, while this is about where a Oil company's businessman tries to buy a large property where Cole's friend owns. I assume Menahem Golan must've have seen Way of the Dragon and copy the same story onto Enter The Ninja. Although this is a great film directed by Golan, with a campy, laughable music where it's audio music quality is in the styles of a James Bond film.

Cold Steel

What the heck was I watching!
From getting to watch the Sharon stone film library and being a fan after watching basic instinct and total recall, this was just more embarrassingly horrible in a way where you about to see if Arnold was Captain America (it's true). the main character hero, his acting was so bad that's the reason there was 4 writers on this, can't you get James R. Silke to do it, he did it really good with the ninja movies, anyway I'm getting off topic on this film. Sharon was okay, but only one flaws bothers me when her accent gets off when she says "You're a liar". No offense. I can say this, this is rather a cold flop when your husband is about to get insane, trying to get a idea after he's watching this film, trying to shove a lot of DVDs of Godzilla (1998) up your "C**t. Rating: 1/10 (Godawful film). Jeez. Note: Columbia Pictures associated with RCA Video had the rights to release it home video on VHS and then Sony Pictures released it on DVD and then as of today, it would never seemed to have the guts of towards getting a blu ray release made, Why the hell would Sony still own it as of today. It should been in public domain territory.

Ju-on: Owari no hajimari

Horrible movie
When I heard that there was a new ju on movie since white ghost and black ghost, I was so excited but when I got a call from my friend when he watched the movie after the film's release, that Takeo Saeki kills the cat by mircowaving it and kills his son with a knife instead of killing both in the bathtub. When I saw this, it was so laughable and so god awful, and badly made from the director himself also co writing the script with the producer who also produced Ju-On The Grudge (2002/2003), although I remember having the decision to download the film and edit the film from 90 mins down to 64 minutes so that it could be a better movie, that I wanted to focus it on the teacher not the student girls, my god, they were so annoying except the one who ends up getting pulled by either Toshio or Kayako. And how kayako is portrayed is so horrible, it doesn't take the integrity of the original movies including the American films itselves. And also the ending, I am not going to explain it, see it for yourselves, public, movie buffs or snobs, and the fans of the film series too, the final ending shots are really depressingly strange and more like a creepypasta of squidward's suicide where a long shot of squidward stares at you for long before he kills himself with a shotgun. So I don't recommend this movie to the fans but I can say it, give it a shot for the public and movie buffs and snobs. So final rating it's either a 0/10 or a 0 out of a freaking 1,000. God awful. Since Ju-On The Final is coming up soon, I saw the trailer and liked it but the final which made me said "that's going to far of a kuchisake onna curse inside on Kayako's body, weird. But I think I'm looking forward to the film soon.

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