
IMDb member since July 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    18 years


Blossoms in the Dust

Wonderful heart warming move, must see!
This is a wonderful, heart warming, fantastic movie to see. Greer Garson is splendid in this movie, and it will really touch your heart. This movie has a special meaning for me, as I was adopted from the famous Edna Gladney Home in Ft. Worth, Texas. Edna Gladney personally handed me to my new adoptive parents. She called them that morning and told them she had the most beautiful baby girl ready for them to bring home. I have watched this movie so many times, and wow, what a movie! Just love Greer Garson, she is a splendid and talented actress. One more note, if it hadn't been for Edna Gladney and her crusade, I most likely would have been an orphan. She did a lot for unwanted babies.

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