
IMDb member since July 2015
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


Black Beauty

Parents Glad to Get Rid of Pseudo-Teenage Girl by Having Her Live at Her Grandpa's Farm for the Summer
This movie is so awful it was actually funny. Not sure what was worse, the script or the acting. The only good part was playing "Where in Rhode Island Are We?" The woman who played Audrey stood out, and not in a good way. I'm not sure what was worse, her acting or her voice-over. Unbelievably wooden. Rest of the cast was no better. The filming was nonsensical. The was lots of unnecessary slow motion shots that added to the overall cheesiness. The plot is *very* loosely related to the original story. Take a Dramamine if you are motion sensitive. I wanted to make like the horse and run away! Worst movie ever. Do yourself a favor and skip this dog!

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