Reviews (5)

  • I remember back in 2013, when I was still in school, my sub teacher would play "Mind Your Language" for us to watch. It was so hilarious, every moment we burst out laughing. We were kids of different backgrounds; Indians, filipinos, Chinese, Bangladeshis who were sat together during the break hours. We connected so much with the characters of the show, we saw ourselves in it. Every single character of this show is amazing and hilarious. Nothing could replicate its uniqueness. This show is truly a gem, I can't imagine one like this ever happening again in the modern world without political correctness. I recommend everyone to watch it.👍
  • The conclusion does not sit well with me. We have no idea what happened to the other villains or what will happen to them. I assumed that since this was Tommy's final act, everything would be resolved and he would have a proper finale and closure. I'm not sure how I feel about this because there is no new season. I only wish there was another season to wrap everything up and give it a good ending. There is gonna be a spin-off movie but it might not have Tommy in it! So I am not expecting anything. Overall, just a bit disappointed but the show is a solid 9/10 if not for the ending. 😕😞
  • It's quite enjoyable since it's short. The ending leaves you wanting for more and that's the best part. Afran Nisho's acting is as good as always. It's a good drama overall!
  • Just watch won't regret. The twist towards the end is the icing on the cake. The whole film will keep you guessing on who's the murderer and that's the best part!!
  • Honestly, it was so exciting and fun in the beginning....the writing went downhill from the second half onwards when they went on to extend the series because of its popularity whereas if they kept it short and crisp it would have been much more loved and appreciated!! I loved the chemistry between the leads and other characters were fun to watch... just wished there were more moments of PoyHaz than the problems and obstacles always being in their way just to extend the series!! Could have been a 10/10 series if the second half of the series maintained its quality and writing!! But I still love the show though! 👍