
IMDb member since August 2015
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    8 years



Terrible movie
The nonexistent plot is made even worse by the ridiculous dialog and acting. The other reviews must be for a different movie. The cast seems to have never performed in any other movies, plays, commercials, or barn dances. The conversations between the psychotherapists, doctors, nurses are cringe worthy. The doctor with a polish accent (Dr. Harper) can't act for beans. The Judge in the court room drags the movie down is even further.

The psychotherapists ask Carl the Orderly for advise on Bess, the patient. Carl believes Bess isn't crazy but was actually drugged, raped, and someone else killed her husband. This movie a very amateurish attempt at movie making.

Dead for a Dollar

Very Low Budget
Filmed primarily in the open New Mexico desert, with no plot, and terrible acting. Unrealistic storyline about Austrian German (Max Borland) bounty hunter, British card shark (English Bill), rotten soundtrack, and a black deserter speaking jive. The female lead acts like typical hard-core twenty-first century feminist. A really bad fit for an 1860's Western. Totally serious and poorly written Blazing Saddles want to be without the campfire farting sequence. The Mexican accents are so bad it is laughable. Spaghetti Westerns are Academy Awards material compared to this waste of film and time. I truly feel people should be warned before watching this total wreck. The flick is just plain terrible, and boring.

2000 Mules

Why is it wrong to investigate fraud?
The Liberals are so quick to say it can't happen. 2000 Mules documentary pointed out that Conservatives have pulled swananigans too. What's OK about cheating during an election? It's how Despots and Tyrants take over a Nation. Is that what you want for your Grandchildren?

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