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Looks good, didn't feel good
Adapting a video game is always tough, but this series does it very well. Every scene looks amazing and seemingly stays true to the spirit of the game.

The first episode had me hooked. Lucy and Ghoul introduced (both great characters) and the action after the wedding was awesome. And then....

Every scene in the vault was absolutely dreadful to get through once Lucy leaves it. Watching freakin Rico from Hannah Montana suspiciously and somberly walk around for 7 episodes was ridiculous. The humor from Lucy's cousin & other leaders of the vault was awful.

Finn, I mean Maximus, was unbearably boring of a character. They really forced a love connection between him and Lucy and really just copied Finn's story from Star Wars.

Scenes just went on way too long. Every flashback with Walton Coggins and his wife was just too long and rather boring. The reveal that Lucy's dad was actually bad was very bad. The acting from Lucy was great, but I really don't need 2 full mins of her sad face reacting to the news and her dad pleading in the cage that it wasn't true.

The cameos just seemed mid as well. Why have Fred Armisen and not do anything funny in his scene. Matt Berry could have been utilized better too.

Idk it just really annoyed me more than I enjoyed it. Giving it props for looking so good though and really enjoyed Lucy as a character & the actress. Walton Coggins of course always killing it.

If this tells me one thing, BIOSHOCK SERIES NEEDS TO HAPPEN.


It tried, but wasn't anything special
If Rosemary's Baby, The Nun and Get Out had a baby, it would be this. The first two mentioned, are obvious. But this reminded me of Get Out in several other ways. Them luring the main character to their house, using them for secret motive, and how she started killing them off one by one in the end felt very 3rd act of Get Out.

I enjoyed the gore and shocking moments visually. They definitely tried to do something there. It was well shot & surprisingly none of the acting made me cringe or want to KMS like horror movies are bound to have.

Not sure why they wasted the beautiful Simona though. Like why cast her in a role that small.

Role Play

Role Playing as an awful movie
What was this movie anyways? If it's a comedy, it's one of the worst. If it's an action movie, it's one of the worst. If it's a drama, it's one of the worst.

It took me 4 days to finish this movie. Day 1: watched half and had to take a nap because it was dreadful. Day 2-3: thought about finishing it and got the ick. Day 4: finally finished it on my bus back from work. Ending is as bad as I expected!

Kayley Cuoco as an action star could have been plausible with better writing & action scenes, but both of those things were absolutely brutal to watch and listen through.

There's really no comedy at all. Dave provides glimpses as a clueless husband, but nothing made me even chuckle. The kids? If being incredibly annoying is comedy, then this movie has the funniest child actors out there.

It's painfully slow, boring and just dumb. I only gave it 2 stars because some of the shots were half-way decent for a streaming movie lol.

Man I don't even write reviews often, but this is probably going to make my Top 3 worst films of 2024.

Last Night in Soho

A neon lit nightmare (this is a compliment)
Edgar Wright truly knows how to tell a story. Seeing him take on a mind-bending horror/thriller taking place in both 60's/modern day Soho is truly awesome.

The music (Wright's genius trademark) leads the film and really encapsulates the mood and eerie vibe of the story (House of Balloons at the Halloween party was great). The editing is remarkable (that dance scene with Jack and the girls was unreal), the acting is phenomenal, and the visuals of neon and darkness truly capture the sinister underbelly of London for Eloise and women in general.

I can honestly say this film gave me more chills than any other in recent memory. It definitely keeps you guessing, on the edge of your seat, and you truly feel the horror Eloise feels when she's living out this nightmare of Sandy's.

One of my favorite scenes was Sandy going through each night dancing, telling a new guy a new name, and then so on. Leading to Eloise fleeing the club in a truly nightmarish panic as the men chase her.

The twist at the end was actually unforeseen by me most of the film until we realized the old man really wasn't Jack. I liked how Sandy was a survivor and Eloise understood why she did what she did.

Honestly, I love Edgar Wright, Anya Taylor Joy, and Thomasin McKenzie. The story, music, editing, and brilliant acting just had me enjoying every second and I can't wait to watch it in IMAX next time!!!

Ps. I loved John and hope that I see that actor in many more projects!

Normal People

For what this show is and what it's about, it's amazing. The acting, cinematography, music, dialogue, writing, etc all mix to create a very real and natural world of characters (NORMAL PEOPLE). Dealing with being an outcast, social anxiety, depression, love, fights, family issues and more...this show gives a very close look at two characters' growing lives. Reminiscent of La La Land without the theatrics, you'll face heartbreaking moments of grief and regret as two people learn and develop themselves all the while trying to stay connected to someone else. I loved it, and wish there was more.

Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn > Birds Of Prey
They were smart to add "Harley Quinn" to the beginning of the title after box office numbers didn't open well.

Margot Robbie is great in it and has a lot of fun actio sequences. Everyone else however is over the top and has some cringe-worthy acting/lines.

I'm glad the "Birds of Prey" didn't even get together until last 20 minutes because their dialogue with eachother was awful. The kid was annoying, the cop was useless, Canary's whole personality changed the second Huntress showed up????

Ehhhhhh, not much to enjoy

Ozark: One Way Out
Episode 7, Season 2

Sin or Redemption
Obviously the people who gave this episode low grades are just straight haters. They either pinpoint one specific thing they think is dumb or just hated it because they talk about a topic they don't like (religion).

The tension, grief, acting, cinematography, and character development that happens in this episode is awesome. I mean Wendy is kidnapped, Marty murders, and Ruth is a wreck & being manipulated by her own father all in one episode.

This is easily an episode that shifts these characters and will further more create future issues.

Sorry if you don't like hearing about God and religion lol go watch a comedy or something that doesn't deal with griping real issues.

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