
IMDb member since August 2015
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The Pogmentary

Forrest Gump with less talent and less running
If you've seen Forrest Gump, don't bother with this. Similar story but with less skill, less running, less talent and less brain cells. More hair cuts though and less of a rags to riches story as Paul Pogba has been rinsing money off his employers his whole career. Pogba's career is like a box of chocolates, but usually the crap ones that nobody wants to eat. At least Forrest could run and multi task.

RoboCop 2

Dreadful sequel
From bad acting to the needless decision to have a child villain, Robocop is simply awful. Too polished in comparison to the original. Just really bad.

Choose or Die

Location issues
Why are they trying to make the UK look like The US?! It simply doesn't work. Just have it set in the UK.

I cringe at bad American accents from British actors too. Baffling.

Saw 3D

Apart from the fake pink blood...
A really good chapter of the franchise. But what was with the pink blood? Have we reverted back to the old slashers from the 70s and 80s? Apart from that.... The best twist at the end of the series.

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

How has Sean S Cunningham allowed the franchise to go from such a classic as the original to this shambles is beyond me. Dreadful plot, awful acting. Painful to watch.


Unfair Criticism
Let's get one thing straight. The original was a classic. That doesn't mean this remake is bad. Some of the reviews are really unfair and personally I think it's been well done. A bit like Halloween III being hated for not including Michael Myers, if Psycho '98 was a brand new movie then the reviews wouldn't be so harsh. Found the masturbation/peeping scene unnecessary and feel they should have just left him peeping. But other than that, I quite like this film and think it will persuade newbies to visit the original. Hitchcocks was great. This was good.

Child's Play

Not even Skywalker can save this mess
No wonder Mancini, Vincent and Co stayed well away from this reboot. It's a mess. Not even Luke Skywalker could save it (Hammill being the voice of Chucky) Should have been left well alone.

For anyone who's not seen the original, watch that and you'll understand why so many people are loyal to the 1988 original.

Halloween: Resurrection

Yeah right...
After 20+ years of killing everything in sight are we supposed to applaud Busta Rhymes performing Kung Fu on Myers? Please. A really bad film that should never have been made. I used to shudder at the original Halloween film, I cringed watching this twaddle.

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Worst of the franchise
Dreadful, awful, if Jason was dead he would've done backflips in his grave. Thank god the rest of the franchise is still excellent, this is simply poor. Comes across as though it was rushed. Bad acting, bad storyline, even the kills are well.... Meh.


Funny? No Scary? No Entertaining? No Big let down? YES

Was expecting some big explosive shocking ending, only to be met with the disappointment that it's two of the general cast who I never had any love towards.

Whenever a character was killed off I was like.. so? Who cares. How it's got 7.2 on IMDB is baffling.

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