Reviews (3)

  • I couldn't wait for this having played the games before but I couldn't fully enjoy it. I felt the overall game was rushed so things were missed such as unrendered backgrounds, clothing popping in and out, the dodgy way the characters look and talk to each other, nobody talks to others with their heads down but still eyeballing you or they'd look everywhere but at the other person. I couldn't enjoy the exploring as much as I wanted with all the jumpscares and interruptions so I missed out on a lot. I wanted so much more story but I felt it was missing. I will say I enjoyed it as much as I could and I loved being able to scene select before completing the game.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was so looking forward to this! It gave me The Thing and Alien vibes but it was a wannabe Dead Space. Not as much horror or variety of enemies as expected and what they did show was over too quickly. Gameplay even on normal seemed impossible at times and I wouldn't say it was worth the £50 price tag for 10 hours or less of gameplay. Plus give me NG+ on release if you're gonna do it, I'll have forgotten this by the time it comes out! Voice actors were great, story was a little weak but enjoyable although I hated not fully getting the backstory and leaving the ending wide open! Overall it was enjoyable but wouldn't rush to play again.
  • I grew up playing these games and this was absolute trash! Had nothing to do with Resi at all except throwing in the name Wesker, Umbrella and T-Virus now and again.