
IMDb member since July 2005
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    18 years


30 prípadu majora Zemana

Masterpiece when you write thesis on Czech socialist movies
Otherwise not worth seeing.

This is a 1975 serial celebrating 30 years of Czech Police (1945-75). It tells a story of one man returning from concentration camp in 1945 - a true communist - who joins the newly created communist led police forces and spent his live at the service. In each episode he solves a case. He begins with post-war Nazis hiding in the Czechoslovakia, "agents from the West", continues with couple of murders, as well as some usual crimes. It ends with stories aimed to criticize independent musicians and artists and showing them all as drug addicts.

As for its size, the production costs etc. it is definitely one of the most expensive serials made during the communist era. Many locations were used. Each part is over 80minutes of footage.

The characters are black and white. No mistake ever admitted. It is a serial full of lies, which should not be taken seriously in any way except that this is the truth the communist believed. No joke ever.

It is sometimes aired on TV. I do not think it was ever published on VHS or DVD and never any translation will be made. If you are a scholar seriously studying Czech propaganda film production it is a must to see, but otherwise... not worth wasting your time.

Jak vytrhnout velrybe stolicku

Family movie for rainy Sunday afternoons
She is a ballet dancer living with her 8 years old son with no husband. Hardly to catch up with the speed of life and care of her son. He is mountain rescue leader. They meet on so much desired vacation in the mountains while she is the only one to know that he is the father of the boy. She has to leave the boy with man for two days and ...

well, this sound pretty much like a drama, but it is not. It is more of a family comedy for rainy afternoons. This movie stands on a talent of the small boy, played by Tomas Holy, who accompanied by the verbal humour, is unbeatable. I am not sure if this was ever translated, but if you find a copy in your language, do not hesitate.

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