Reviews (6)

  • Nice to see Tak with another one of his action flicks, this time about an Action star actor that struggles with working alongside the film industry's crew on an action scene, fed up of all the exaggerated fantasy fights that's in trend, he took it upon himself to pitch his semi-realistic action flick to many of the top directors (ironically called One-percenter), his character also practices the art of Zero-range combat along with his past film, Re: Born. His character negotiated with the director to film at the abandoned warehouse as the film's location for his next flick, coincidently his former film crew turned rivals were using the same location along with the militarised Yakuza chasing down a mob leader's daughter in the same location, this is where thing's kick off and Tak takes advantage of the situation to turn this action flick into a reality and asked his trusty side-kick to film the whole thing.

    At first the film could've worked, but unfortunately the plot was pretty simple, although the action sequence was cool, at least more unarmed fights in this film compared to Re: Born, but I feel like Re: Born was better in plot. I also notice you won't be seeing Tak using a knife in this film, but he utilises other objects as weapons.

    Overall: This film isn't spectacular, but it does have it's moments in the action sequences and funny support characters.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I remember this show being apart of the Jetix UK run and I did't realise it was apart of the Action Man toy line until I saw a toy advert on it.

    My initial reaction seeing this show was very amazed of it's story and action at the time, even now despite it's flaws like repeating the same animations in some of the scenes definitely has it's charm and despite being slightly aged, it still has it's beauty in the art department.

    The story definitely was very engaging going from Axel's revenge arc, to fighting Lee's mutants and fighting Kwan of Serphant's Tale towards the end.

    For the characters, for some odd reason I like Hawk when I was young (because of the colour blue) but now having watched the show, Axel was the most badass character at the time for obvious reason because he was based on Action Man, plus James Arnold Tyler does a phenomenal job at voicing the character. Other characters in the team had cool and funny moments too especially Shark and were very well remembered as well as the villains.

    Overall, this show deserves to be right up there with Teen Titans, Xiaolin Showdown, TMNT and Jackie Chan Adventures. Compared to other Action Man shows in the past, this one definitely took a step further and had a lot going on and I can tell season 3 was going to be planned before cancellation. You can't get shows like these nowadays, 'sigh'.
  • For sometime after watching numerous Arabic shows on Netflix, specifically from Egypt. I ever so wonder if a show would centre around a Pakistani crossing paths with an Arab? We've seen plenty of stories of them with white or Indian, so maybe this would be a nice change and my wish came true finally.

    This show never disappoints me, it has comedy, good story progression and moral values like accepting one who is off a different race, culture, country and marriage status. Definitely my new fave Arabic show as a Pakistani myself 😂

    8.5/10 - sweet and short, wish there was a second season for it.
  • So I stumbled across this anime many years ago, but only having the time now to see due to how cool the animation is for it's time and that's the charm of 90s anime.

    Aside from the animation and action which were redeemable, the story was OK along with the voice acting, I've seen worse than this. Overall it's a nice anime flick, just don't expect something grand as it's your typical grim dark 90s anime.

    This could've kick started its own anime series with it's own arc and may outbeat Astro boy but alas the lack of interest shelved it for decades, without this, there wouldn't be 6 million dollar man or Robocop for that matter.

    7/10, just because I'm generous

    P.s. Let's hope Hollywood could pick this up and maybe, just maybe they could pull it off or be another RoboCop rip-off to casuals 🙈
  • How I can describe the show's plot is like what the name of the show suggest, once the character gains good luck the other falls in hard luck and vice versa, this is something Hazem and Mones was fighting over each other as well as dealing with their personal life, along with Hanna who's like the ball caught between two forces.

    I have to say Mones is my favourite even though he is by no means perfect but made the plot more interesting, though the ending is satisfying yet makes me want more from this character. This drama is something to remember as this is my first Egyptian drama I ever watched.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Really enjoyable MK film to watch, been a fan of Kenshi for a long time that's why I bought this on Blu-ray. The pros that I like are the relation between Kenshi and Sub-Zero, Kenshi as a character, the post-apocolyptic setting and Kenshi's radar view, the cons is that it felt rushed in plot & character dev, the art style, and the final act was given to the mentor rather than Kenshi.

    Overall a fun but not so perfect film, definitely good enough although I consider this non-canon, they manage to bring Kenshi to film first time in the most cool way (though he seems to similar to his son, Takeda).