
IMDb member since September 2015
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Suspend all logic before watching.
A reasonable film, but not full of action, and you have to suspend belief that Kate (Milla) could overpower a fit attacker that surprises her from behind, never mind an aged looking Pierce Brosnan who plays the most incompetent assassin ever seen on the screen, missing killing his target on a number of occasions. The nice point of the film is that it isn't one of these Earth destroying everyone at risk film, just the killing of people at the New York New Year celebrations. Maybe a lot of people, but at least not an over the top, unbelievable scenario. Good for a wet Sunday (unfortunately I watched it on a hot Sunday, but you cannot plan these things).

*** Spoilers ***

Now for the Spoilers

Now I'll mention the Spoilers bit which ruined the film for me because the writers did not truly understand security protocol. When Bill deletes the 5 people that are suspicious, he is supposed to use Kate's details. However any worthwhile secure system will record not just the operator but the time, date and user terminal. As Kate had left the building this would also have been recorded and so she would not be under any suspicion. When Kate accidentally shoots a man in a struggle, she is blamed for the death, but GSR (Gun Shoot Residue) would have been on the assailants hands and again she would not be under suspicion, in fact the Police are more likely want to put her in protective custody. Finally you have an assassin who gets a bomb into a restaurant (and it looks like it is with help of the staff), then detonates it without checking the intended target is even in the building. Seriously?

The State

Excellent portrayal of how people can be "sucked in" to terror
Story of 4 Brits going out to Syria to support IS state in the overthrow of the Syrian regime. As the majority of British Moslems are Sunni and IS state supports the Sunni Muslims against the Shia followers, it doesn't take much effort for Sunni Muslims in Britain to go and support their fellow believers in Syria. The series pulls no punches of the brutality of the IS State and shows where it ignores the teachings of Mohammed "for their own ends" thereby corrupting the teachings of Islam. You can see how the four Brits start to slowly realize that the teachings of Islam is not really the main force of the IS leadership, they are looking for power and control and are just using the teachings of Mohammed, to lure the stupid and vulnerable, for their own ends. It shows how decent people are used, against their wishes to be humane, because of a corrupt ideology.

Blood Drive

Promotion Good - Actual programme Crap
They pushed the boat out for the promotion, and I was expecting a lot more than reality. Yes there is blood, but midday US TV sex scenes that my maiden aunt could have watched without blushing. Promised much - gave nothing. Supposed to be a comedy but nothing you could laugh out at. Possibly the Americans think ironic is hilarious, however the rest of the world doesn't. If I could have given a negative rating I would, as the promotion promised a lot more than the programme gave, far too over the top. If they wanted over the top violence and sex they aught to watch "A Clockwork Orange" to see how its done.

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