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X-Men: The Last Stand

Not Really a "Last Stand", But More of a "To Be Continued..."
For a movie that's called, "X-Men: The Last Stand"...it really doesn't feel like there was much or a "last stand". Just more like a "to be continued", in my opinion. And honestly, it's not the worst X-Men movie, but it really isn't among the best of all the X-Men movies. That honor belongs to Days of Future Past, X2: X-Men United, X-Men: First Class, Deadpool and Logan. Seriously, nobody should say that this movie is better than Deadpool or Logan, if they did, then they have a really poor taste in movies, or a problem.

But anyways, so far the only good things about this movie are Kelsey Grammar as Hank McCoy/The Beast, Magneto lifting the Golden Gate Bridge, the music score (especially the Dark Phoenix's theme music), and I guess the debate for the cure plot was okay.

Now for the bad, the Juggernaut. Dear God.....what were they thinking?! No Nightcrawler in this movie, Prof. X's demise and rebirth, Mystique losing her powers, and of course the elephants in the room....the death of cyclops and the dark phoenix subplot. Seriously, they really should've made that into a movie on its' own instead of trying to tie that together with the "battle for the cure" main story plot of this movie. But, this is what happens when the studios just don't stick with only one story-arc to adapt into an X-Men movie all because they had to rush the productions to get that summer blockbuster release in 2007.

Overall, X-Men: The Last Stand isn't the worst X-Men movie. It's just not really that great, but "meh!" Like I said, I've seen Wolverine Origins and yeah, that is the worst X-Men movie that no one should ever see again.


This was really not a good spin-off movie!
Yeah, I don't think that "Elektra (2005)" was a very good spin-off movie to begin with. I mean, not once did I actually believe that Jennifer Garner was in fact Elektra Natchios in this movie or in the 2003 Daredevil movie at all. She's just some airhead in a skimpy corset to me. And honestly, her outfit in this movie is ridiculous. Like, this is what they considered to be a cool outfit for a female ninja assassin?! Lame!!!! Never really liked the character of Abby because she was a pain in the neck and I really don't buy Tarrace Stamp's performance as "Stick" in this movie. Lastly, the villains are boring. At least with the 2003 Daredevil movie, it had the Kingpin and Bull's-Eye. But this?! We got the actor who played Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat as the leader of "The Hand" and some other generic mystical henchmen led by his son, played by Will Yun-Lee and that's it. That's what we got for villains in this movie.

So, if you're like expecting to see some cool action scenes featuring the character of Elektra Natchios, you're not gonna get with this movie. I would strongly recommend watching the Netflix Daredevil series, instead.

Overall, don't even bother with this movie. It's boring, tedious and well, kind of pointless. It's no wonder why Fox gave the rights to Daredevil back to Marvel. Now if only they would do the same thing to the Fantastic Four, but that's gonna take even longer.


Not Really a Masterpiece, But I Actually Did Enjoyed the Director's Cut!
Well, after watching the director's cut of the 2003 Daredevil movie, I would have to say that it's not really a masterpiece, but I will say that it's better than the theatrical cut. But, it's not the worst superhero movie that I've ever seen. That honor belongs to Catwoman (2004), X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Superman III & IV and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Now with that being said, as far as movie casting goes in a superhero film such as Daredevil, I have to say that Jennifer Garner is a terrible choice for the role of Elektra Natchios. Not once did I actually believe that she was the famous ninja assassin from the Daredevil comics that single-handed took out the Hand. All I saw was Jennifer Garner in a black leather corset playing with ninja weapons and I actually laughed at her death scene at the hands of Colin Farrell's Bull's-Eye. The rest of the cast is alright. The late Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin was amazing, Colin Farrell was a hoot as Bull's-Eye. But, I think Ben Affleck should've just stuck with playing Batman, instead of Daredevil. This was not an easy role for him at all.

Overall, I'd highly recommend the Director's Cut of the 2003 Daredevil movie over the Theatrical Cut. It's definitely worth the watch. Oh, and I forgot! The director's cut features a subplot with Coolio's character being framed by the Kingpin and it is hilarious.

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

It's good, but I feel like Deathstroke needs a better motivation for revenge.
Well, I've never actually read the Teen Titans story arc, "Judas Contract". But, as some one who was familiar with Terra's betrayal from watching the Teen Titans animated series back in 2003, I have to say that this actually the closest that we've gotten to a PG-13 film adaptation of "Judas Contract". I mean, it's pretty much spot on how Terra was acting as an accomplice for Deathstroke, but it's just that Deathstroke had a better motivation in the comics for his revenge on the titans than in the movie. Still, I was actually amazed to hear the original voice actors of Bumblebee, Wally West (Kid Flash) and Roy Harper (Speedy) from Young Justice reprising their roles in the prologue portion of the movie and yes, I actually did cried when Beast Boy made that speech about a new member "replacing" Terra. But what really caught my attention was that Christina Ricci (Wednesday Addams from the Addams Family movies) was amazing as Terra and Nightwing's relationship with Starfire. I mean, that was more believable than Superman and Wonder Woman's relationship in JL: Throne of Atlantis and JL v Teen Titans and I hope that we do get to see more of their relationship reaching the next level in the future.

Still, this is not a bad movie adaptation of an iconic Teen Titans story arc. But, just needs to improve more on Deathstroke's motivation for revenge. I'd say give this movie a watch if you're like really into the Teen Titans and if you're a fan of their TV show. And this was actually a pretty good performance for the late Miguel Ferrer. May he rest in peace.

Justice League: Throne of Atlantis

I Actually Like Aquaman In This Movie!
I still don't get why people actually think that Arthur Curry (Aquaman) is such a joke, these days. I mean, I just finished watching this movie and I thought he was awesome. Not to mention that his backstory is a lot more interesting to watch than seeing Batman or Spider-Man's origin stories, for the like the billionth time nowadays. We get it! It sucks that you lost your parents when you were 8 years old, Wayne and yeah we get it..."With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility!" We've seen this like a billion times now. We already know your origin stories, now move on. But anyways, back to this movie, I do admit that this actually a nice set-up and introduction to Aquaman's character being part of the Justice League as a part-time member. But, my only issue is the forced pairing between Superman and Wonder Woman in this movie. I mean, I get that they're power-houses and all, but seriously, DC and Warner Bros.?! You're trying to make Superman and Wonder Woman's pairing feel even more out of left field than Black Widow and the Incredible Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron?! I don't get it. And it doesn't seem to even work a lot more in Justice League vs. Teen Titans, in my opinion.

But, aside from that, I actually enjoyed this movie. Even better than Justice League War. I highly recommend it for new-comers and Aquaman fans in general.

Justice League vs. Teen Titans

Just-"Meh!" League vs. Teen Titans!
Well, it's actually an okay movie. But, I don't think I hardly see any real "Justice League vs. Teen Titans" action in this movie. I can get why Batman isn't happy with Damien Wayne's performance while he's working with the Justice League, but I think they should've done better with how he's going to work alongside with the newest roster of the Teen Titans; Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, and Blue Beetle. But, in my opinion....they should've brought in Roy Harper (Speedy), Wally West (Kid Flash), Donna Troy (Wonder Girl), Aqualad and Cyborg to go along with Starfire. That should've emulated the glory-days of the original teen titans and New Teen Titans roster a lot more. But, I'll say this. This team of Titans under Starfire's leadership is actually pretty good overall. And I sure hope that we do get to see more of these guys in action, and hopefully, Connor Kent (Superboy), Artemis, Miss Martian, Static, and Bart Allen (Impulse). Since I'm like a huge fan of Young Justice.

Still, I guess it's an okay introduction to the Teen Titans, but I'm not sure about them introducing the new member so early later on at the end of the movie. But, it's still better than Justice League War, is all I can say.

Justice League: War

Worst Justice League Movie I've ever seen!
I'm sorry, but I just don't know what to say about this movie anymore. I mean, I'm not even sure why DC and Warner Bros. would even bother to adapt the first issues of the New 52's Justice League comics into this. The only complaints that I have is that Hal Jordan is an idiot and I mean, really. How is it that he doesn't know who Bruce Wayne is, yet, the Flash does?! That makes no sense. That and Billy Batson is an ungrateful little creep in both his normal form and as Shazaam.

Overall, I'm just gonna say, don't even bother watching this movie, if you're like a new-comer to DC animated properties. Just watch the regular Justice League TV series, instead. That should give you a nice introduction to the characters and how they became a team.

4: Rise of the Silver Surfer

More like the "Fall of the Silver Surfer"
I'm just really disappointed in this movie. This movie just goes to show you that 20th Century Fox just does not even care about the Fantastic Four franchise at all. I mean, the first film was kind of mediocre in my opinion, but the 2015 remake was just crap from the beginning. However, Rise of the Silver Surfer was a huge letdown from Dr. Doom getting his face back, to the final showdown and with the big reveal of "G.I.N.O" (Galactus In Name Only). Seriously, Tim Story, Fox....you have failed this franchise with this installment. And I really wish that Marvel should just buy the rights back so that they can actually make the characters more interesting to watch when they are interacting with the Avengers and other superheros and vigilantes like Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Cloak and Dagger.

Overall, I seriously do not recommend this movie to anyone at all. If you want a real "Fantastic Four" movie, go watch the Incredibles, instead. Or check out the 1994 version of the Fantastic Four movie. But, stay away from this movie. It's a waste of your time.

Fantastic Four

I'd call the "Mediocre Four"
Well, after watching the "crap-tastic" 2015 remake, I've decided to give the 2005 version a shot and well, it's not really that good. But, if anything, it's better than its' sequel, yet not as good as "The Incredibles" or the 1994 F4 movie or the 1990's animated series for that matter. Still, the final showdown with Dr. Doom was actually enjoyable to watch than the 2015 remake's "final showdown" since that one sucked so much, I was left very bitter at the end.

So, I suppose, if you're like really to see a perfect representation of a big-budget Fantastic Four movie, you're not gonna get it with this movie, but...I would suggest that you skip to the final showdown with Dr. Doom since that actually felt like a real Fantastic Four fight scene, and like I said before, you're better off with the Incredibles, instead. Or just go pick up an issue of the Fantastic Four comic books, or go watch the 1990's animated series for that matter.

Final score...."6 out of 10"

"Flame off!"

Jem and the Holograms

This Movie is "Outrageously" Bad!!
I don't even know why Universal or Hashbro Studios would even bother green-lighting this movie if it wasn't going to stay true to the original source material at all. I mean, it has absolutely nothing to do with the cartoons or the IDW comic books and it has no idea on what it was supposed to be about. Like is supposed to be like this social satire of the music industry and social media and you-tube stars?! Or is it supposed to be like the "Earth-to-Echo" rip-off about a scavenger hunt leading to missing pieces of a robot?! But, what's really sad about this movie is that there are some very talented actors that really should've been in better movies than this one. And I mean, some actual young talented actors that were supposed to start off their careers by doing some good roles in movies and TV shows. But, this is supposed to be their big break?!

If you're like a huge fan of Jem and the Holograms, whether it's the TV show or the IDW comic books, I'd probably stick with either of those two options. But, don't bother with this movie. You'll just be straight-up insulted by it. But, if you're like someone who has literally no knowledge about Jem and the Holograms at all....I'd still say pick up an issue of the IDW comic books or go watch the TV show, instead.

Bottom-line, this movie was "truly, truly, truly outrageously" bad.

Demolition Man

Demolition Man: Satirical Action Movie or a Prediction of the Future?!
After watching this movie, I feel like this is precisely what the future of the internet and the year 2017 is like. People that are obsessed with the past, can't take a joke and are being sheltered their who lives. And yet, we have two figures from the past, one who feels like he doesn't belong in the new world because of so many restrictions that will rob people of their free-will and individuality for safety and security and with no way of defending themselves. The other, who was being given newer abilities to preserve the past filled with violence and anarchy, but is out-of- control that the handler, himself can not handle the situation anymore and easily became the victim of his own foul play. While I did enjoy watching Wesley Snipes' performance, I feel as though he's been taking notes from Caesar Romero's performance as the Joker from the 1960's Adam West Batman TV series. But yeah, the acting is alright, but there was actually a lot of charm coming from Denis Leary as Edgar Friendly and Sandra Bullock as Lt. Huxley.

Overall, I'd say this movie is worth a shot watching on TV or online.

8 out of 10

Power Rangers

Finally got a chance to watch this movie and I have to say, I'm actually impressed with this new revised beginning for the Power Rangers cinematic universe, hopefully. I don't see why anyone else can't actually enjoy this movie and have fun. Now, if I were to gripe on some things about the movie that I didn't like, besides the aesthetics of the ranger suits' designs, is the fight scene before the final showdown with Goldar, I feel like the moment was kind of ruined once the suits were reveal and when they played the Kanye West song during the fight scenes. Should've done better than that, Lionsgate and Saban. That and Kimberly's backstory in the movie. But yeah, acting-wise....this definitely a far better improvement over the acting from the TV show, especially with Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa and the five main actors that were selected to play the iconic roles of Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini and Kimberly. These guys were literally nothing like the TV show counterparts at all, so there's absolutely no reason to comparing both version or the original 1995 movie to this movie at all. And I do mean that there are literally no comparisons at all. Bill Hader's Alpha 5 is actually warming up to me, but no one can top that of Richard Horvitz's Alpha 5, in my opinion. Same with Bryan Cranston's Zordon. He's okay, but honestly, Zordon's character in the show is much better.

Overall, I actually had fun watching this movie and I believe that it's definitely worth a watch if you're a fan of Power Rangers or if you would like to see a newly revitalized version of the classical Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers TV show, but with a new twist. And it's definitely worth the watch.

Thank you, Power Rangers and may the power protect you!!

Into the Woods

The Soundtrack To The Movie Is Better!!!
I just don't know what to say about this movie, but...."WHAT THE F@$%?!" I mean, I can't believe that I'm saying this. But, I think this movie is by far one of the most unbearable live-action Disney movies to watch since "Blank Check" and that movie was even worst. Production- wise.....yeah, it's really not that good. But, story-wise...God, so much F@#$%'n SINGING!!!!! And I actually think that the soundtrack did this play more justice than this god-awful movie did. I mean, two hours of absolute nothingness, but our two main leads acting like idiots and and second act that went absolutely nowhere, but just wasted my time. Overall, I'd say stick with the Broadway play version or just buy the soundtrack, instead. But stay away from this god-awful movie!!!

Beauty and the Beast

I Actually Thought This Was A Pretty Good Movie Remake.
Honestly, there isn't much to compare the live-action 2017 Disney remake to the 1991 animated version at all. But, I will say this, it actually does feel more like a live-action Broadway Musical, than it does as a "shot-for-shot/note-for-note translation of the original" unlike Batman: The Killing Joke (2016), Psycho (1999), and the 2014 remake of RoboCop. Now, with the characters, well..not much has changed. I mean, it's exactly as it was in the 1991 version, but we're basically given more backstories on Belle and the Beast's parents, and their pasts, respectively. As well as some more interactions between the servants, Gaston and LeFou. Story-wise, pretty much the same. But, the musical score and the songs are amazing. My only gripes are, yes, the Beast's design shouldn't have been all CGI, but rather, just practical effects, puppetry and make- up. And Belle's iconic princess dress in the movie...still needs more volume and honestly, they should've included the glove. And lastly, I don't get what was the big deal about announcing that LeFou was gay in the movie. Who cares?! I still thought he was funny and the actor did a good job portraying the character.

Overall, I'm not saying that the 2017 remake is "better" than the original, not because of nostalgia, but because it actually does feel more another remake to a totally incarnation of the original 1991 version aka..the Broadway musical adaptation. But, if you're looking for something to appeal to your 1990's nostalgia, then go watch the original 1991 version. You're not really missing out on much and it's still a timeless classic. the 2017 remake is just another version that will have it's own growing fan-base, for the time being.

But, through it all...I actually had fun watching this movie.

8 out of 10.

Kamen Raidâ × Supâ Sentai: Supâ Hîrô Taisen

What A ***-ing Train-Wreck of a Movie!
I don't think that Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen was a very good movie to begin with at all. Absolutely nothing about this movie made any sense, since there wasn't really much of a plot to begin with. It's just fight after fight after fight after fight after fight after fight after fight after fight. And much like Power Rangers Super Megaforce, I just can't take the fight scenes seriously, if there is no actual story behind these fight scenes to follow. All it cared about was the conflicts between the riders and sentai in the movie, for no reason at all.

Overall, I would never recommend Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen to anyone at all. It's not worth it.

1 out of 10


I am gonna say it....I am not a fan of this movie at all!!!
I'm sorry if this is disappointing to those who are fans of this movie, and who have been defending it from the bottom of their hearts. But I did not like this movie at all. I don't even think that this movie was all that great from the beginning. Aside from Angelina Jolie's performance is the "Mistress of all Evil", this really wasn't a good movie at all. If you liked this movie, more credit to you. But me?! I don't ever want to think about or revisit this movie ever again. But what was really disappointing about this movie was the fact that Maleficent didn't turn into a dragon in this movie. The one element that made her character more interesting to watch in the original, they took it away from her in this movie.

Yeah, I think Wicked was far better than this movie. Oh well, here's to you, "Maleficent 2".

5 out of 10.

Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3

Well, I guess this was an "okay" movie about Time-Manipulation!
I've already seen the movie, "Let's Go Kamen Riders!" so I'm familiar with the actual "plot" of this movie since they're literally the same thing. But, compared to "Let's Go Kamen Riders!", it's basically enjoyable to watch, if you like the idea of "wacky races" in the final act of a movie. But, I'm not gonna say that it's among the "Best" or "Worst" Tokusatsu cinematic crossovers. It's more like on the "Meh!" side for me.

Other than that, I actually liked the net-movies, "Kamen Rider #4" a lot more though, since they've established that these Super Hero Taisen movies are non-cannon.

The only gripe I've had is the final battle between the Great Leader of Shocker in his final form and the Ninningers and Drive piloting the Shurikenjin.

Overall, I thought Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider #3 was pretty good, but not all that great.

7 out of 10.

Tokusou sentai Dekarenjâ

Not exactly my favorite sentai series, but I can see why people like it!
I'm not much of a fan of Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, although, I can see why other people would feel more invested in watching this show.

But, I will say this. At least the ranger suits and the SPD uniforms look nice. The music is actually pretty good, loved the movies, "Full-Blast Action" and "Dekaranger: 10 Years After!" and I'm hoping to see what the team-up movie, "Space Sheriff Gavan vs. Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger" has in store for us.

Now for the characters.... The only characters that I do like the most are Senichi "Sen-chan" Enari, Tekkan "Tetsu" Aira and Doggie Kruger. But, unfortunately, I can't really say any nice things to say about the character of Swan Shiratori (Deka Swan) and here's why....she's a freakin' stereotypical damsel-in-distress. Aka, the "Nell Fenwick from Dudley Do-Right" of this show, and I honestly do not give a damn about this character at all. Everyone else....they're okay. Just not that spectacular, in my opinion.

Favorite episodes: -Episode 31: Princess Training -Episode 32: Discipline March -Episode 33: SWAT Mode On -Episode 37: Hard Boiled License -Episode 38: Cycling Bomb -Episode 40: Gold Badge Education -Episode 41: Trick Room

Overall, I thought was an enjoyable show, but not something that I would want to add to my personal collection of sentai shows. But, the movie, "Full-Blast Action" and "Dekaranger: 10 Years After!" are the best ones.

8 out of 10.

Power Rangers Mystic Force

I've Tried, But I'm Still Not A Fan of this Season!
Not really a huge fan of Power Rangers Mystic Force, honestly. I mean, yeah, there are some good things to like about this season such as the characters of Xander, Vida, Madison, Chip and Claire and there are actually some good episodes like "Strangers Within", "The Gatekeeper" and most notably, the "Dark Wish" trilogy. But, I'm sorry. I just don't like what kind of a direction this season was going for back then. I can't take Mystic Force as a season seriously, if it cares so very little about focusing on its' main characters that are ironically, the most interesting parts of the season, in favor of the least interesting characters such as Leelee Pimvare and Jenji. And the whole "red ranger" centric arc thing was far too predictable, in my opinion. But, I digress. If you liked this season, more credit to you. Me?! I'll probably stick with Magiranger or Kamen Rider Wizard, instead.

Final analysis..."6 out of 10".

Blank Check

Do Not Watch This Movie!
I'm sorry, but this is by far, one of the worst live-action Disney movies that I've ever seen. The jokes are not funny, the main "protagonist", Preston is a little brat that has no idea on how economics really work and who's idea was it to have a romantic subplot with a 12-year-old little boy and a 20-something year-old FBI agent?! That was just stupid. The only thing that's good about this movie is Tone Loc's performance, but other than that....all of the character are freaking' idiots and the father is complete douche-bag.

Bottom line, do not bother showing your kids this movie. It will send them the wrong message!

Heisei Raidâ tai Shôwa Raidâ: Kamen Raidâ Taisen feat. Sûpâ Sentai

Don't Even Bother Watching This Movie!!
This movie is without a doubt, one of the worst, and I mean, the worst Kamen Rider movie that I've ever seen in my entire life. Not just as a fan of Tokusatsu, but a member of the human race. All these actors that were brought back together to reprise their roles, shouldn't have taken this offer or paychecks to even be in this movie. All the pacing was wrong, the fight choreography and stunt work was bad, the writing and directing was just terrible.

I did not want to think of Hiroshi Fujioka's Takeshi Hongo/Kamen Rider #1 as a villain from this movie, I wanted to remember him as a hero. Like in the movie, "Kamen Rider #1 (2016)". That was good movie, despite it flaws. But this?! this is just an embarrassment. Not only that....they immediately altered the events of Kamen Rider 555/Faiz in this movie to make me feel sorry for the absolute most hated character in the show?! *pfft!* Get the Hell out of here with that excuse of bad writing.

Overall, I did not like Kamen Rider Taisen, it was too painful for me to watch and I'd highly recommend watching better Kamen Rider movies like "Paradise Lost", "The Missing Ace" or even "Movie Taisen Megamax". I don't ever want to think about or revisit this movie ever again.

1 out of 10

Go to Hell, Shoji Younemura!!

The Room

This Is Actually A Pretty Good Underrated Movie.
I never understood why this movie got so much hatred from the general audience. I personally thought it was a good movie and I mean, a really good movie. If anything, this was probably a fun romance flick to watch, when its' not Valentine's Day. But, I will say this...I hated the character of Lisa. She doesn't deserve to have either Mark or Johnny or anyone else. She's gonna get what's coming to her, someday.

But, aside from a few questionable scenes that were going nowhere. I actually thought "The Room" is very underrated and it deserves a lot more attention than it did back in 2003.

I'd give it an 8/10.

Friday the 13th

I Honestly Thought This Was A Very Underrated Movie Remake.
I just finished watching all four of the original Friday the 13th movies (Part I-IV), but I didn't bothered watching the later movies. Now, I actually did managed to watch the 2009 remake of "Friday the 13th" and I honestly didn't think it was that bad, because it actually was true to the original material, but in its' own twist and fashion. I mean, yeah, sure! This movie will never top the original because we all know that the original versions are always the best, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!! But, come on. Can't we at least enjoy certain movie remakes for what they are without having too much lingering attachments to the original versions?! Because I know I did.

Overall, this is a very underrated movie remake and it truly does feel like it understood the original "Friday the 13th" formula.

Final score....8 out of 10.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

"Meh!!!" I thought the original version was better.
Visually, it's faithful to the original "A Nightmare on Elm Street" movie. But, it's just that there isn't enough of the campy charm that made the original so great. No offense to Jackie Earl Haley. He's okay, but....I'd say Robert Englund is and will always be the true face of Freddy Kruger. Now Rooney Mara, I actually don't mind. But, Heather Langenkamp has always been the face of Nancy Thompson for over 30 years and she's still an iconic figure to this day. The effects of the movie are okay, but I don't think they were strong enough to save this movie remake from being so dull, story-wise.

Overall, I would say that you should just stick with the original version of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" because it's a lot more suspenseful than the remake.

6 out of 10.

Batman: Assault on Arkham

Better than the Live-Action Suicide Squad Movie!
It's really not that big of a surprise to find out that "Batman: Assault on Arkham" is a much better Suicide Squad movie than the one with Jai Courtney (Captain Boomerang), Jerod Leto ("The Joker), Margot Robbie (Harley Quinn) and Will Smith. I mean, duh?! We should've seen this coming, but I guess not.

But yeah, everything that was literally wrong with the live-action "Suicide Squad" movie, this movie actually made up for as DC and Warner Bros.' way of saying, "We're sorry" to the fans.

Bottom-line, if you want to see a really good Suicide Squad movie, don't watch the live-action version. Go watch this movie instead. It deserves a lot more attention.

10 out of 10 stars.

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