
IMDb member since September 2015
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Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology

More function than form
This game lacks in the technical department: no variety in environments, music and especially enemies. Which is forgivable because this is a DS game remade for the 3DS.

It highly compensate for those faults in 2 major fronts.

The story is masterfully crafted in a way that makes you care about the characters with voice acting to add to it. It plays well balanced between politics, war, espionage, magic and sometimes comedy.

The gameplay is the main attraction, it works in a way you have to control turns, position and timing. Grinding for level is not even tedious because it has an auto attack function.

This game is recommended for 3DS owners, but it's completely a must for those who enjoy RPGs in it's purest form.

Try the demo ASAP and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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