
IMDb member since September 2015
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


Sasquatch Sunset

What an Amazing & Powerful movie. I couldn't tell you exactly why ,but when it was over I just sat there stunned & disoriented ,I had been so under it's spell for the entire length of the movie.

For me it was a wonderful movie. For you ? I don't know - you'll just have to watch & see if it takes under it's spell.

For the 1st half or so - it seems like it takes place in Ancient timeless times. But then ... of course ,they discover the road & you start to see it is our time. SO Sad.

Good or bad - these film makers have created something quite original & very powerful. For me it was a magical & mesmerizing experience. Can't believe it sucked me in, but it surely did !


I don't care what you "critics" say
I don't care WHAT you "critics" say ... It was quite enjoyable. Does it ALWAYS have to be ART ??????

This was just enjoyable Garbage , & who cares ? Get off yer High Horse once in a while

I don't care WHAT you "critics" say ... It was quite enjoyable. Does it ALWAYS have to be ART ??????

This was just enjoyable Garbage , & who cares ? Get off yer High Horse once in a while

I don't care WHAT you "critics" say ... It was quite enjoyable. Does it ALWAYS have to be ART ??????

This was just enjoyable Garbage , & who cares ? Get off yer High Horse once in a while

I don't care WHAT you "critics" say ... It was quite enjoyable. Does it ALWAYS have to be ART ??????

This was just enjoyable Garbage , & who cares ? Get off yer High Horse once in a while.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Who the Hell are you people ?
What is with the universal scorn - suddenly everyone hates this stuff ? Finally watched this one. It was no better, or worse that any of the others. In fact it was much better than a couple of them.

How about that ridiculous one with the 1st Mutant ? The Egyptian guy from the later Star Wars movies. He basically scowled his way through the whole movie - & it was BAD.

None of these movies are really that great (except for the Japanese Wolverine & Logan). They are all remarkably average -with a few good characters.

Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters Not enough characters /Required characters.

John Wick: Chapter 4

This is gonna be unpopular
Entertaining ? Yes, very much. Massively stupid ? Definitely.

Sorry - can't keep from saying it. These movies are SO Dumb. And very well done. But ...

Entertaining ? Yes, very much. Massively stupid ? Definitely.

Sorry - can't keep from saying it. These movies are SO Dumb. And very well done. But ...

Entertaining ? Yes, very much. Massively stupid ? Definitely.

Sorry - can't keep from saying it. These movies are SO Dumb. And very well done. But ...

Entertaining ? Yes, very much. Massively stupid ? Definitely.

Sorry - can't keep from saying it. These movies are SO Dumb. And very well done. But ...

Alaska Daily

Good show
A good show. A very good show. I really hope it will get enough interest to continue for several years. It is well worth your time invested viewing it.

I just watched Episode 9 - Still a very good show. I hope it continues.

And Ya - get rid of your 500 or more words Req BS. Some folks can say what they want to with very little word Count !

Morons Morons Morons. Can you PLEASE fix your software ? WHY on earth should I have to write 500 or more words anytime I want to recommend a show ? STUPID Morons Morons Morons. Can you PLEASE fix your software ? WHY on earth should I have to write 500 or more words anytime I want to recommend a show ? STUPID Morons Morons Morons. Can you PLEASE fix your software ? WHY on earth should I have to write 500 or more words anytime I want to recommend a show ? STUPID Morons Morons Morons. Can you PLEASE fix your software ? WHY on earth should I have to write 500 or more words anytime I want to recommend a show ? STUPID.


VERY good
You can laugh all you want ... it was good, very good. You can make fun of Gerard Butler all you want, but he just keeps getting better. You wanna talk about committed ? Where would you find a more committed guy for a so- called Low Budget flic. He is great. As was the movie. WELL done !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

Not enough text - what BS ! Not enough text - what BS !

The Old Way

Where in Hell ...
Where in Hell do all these people get off, putting down this movie like they could do something better ? Sure, it's cliched & derivative, but it was absolutely fine. It was quite a decent western. Thousands of Westerns were made back in the day. Most of them were fine entertainment & suddenly now - we aren't supposed to enjoy them. Oh, were better than that now ! Ha. Cage did some decent acting & the daughter was quite good.

People are awfully Snotty these days for having no talent. And no originality. And nothing much to speak of when it comes to anything creative. But they SURE as hell act like they do !

Violent Night

Talk about Violent !
Talk about Violent - Oh My God !

SO many great ideas, they didn't have time to pursue them all. But when it is firing right, it's on all cylinders. I was completely surprised by this one !

Required characters: / Sorry, your review is too short / How ridiculous - get rid of this requirement Required characters: / Sorry, your review is too short / How ridiculous - get rid of this requirement Required characters: / Sorry, your review is too short / How ridiculous - get rid of this requirement Required characters: / Sorry, your review is too short / How ridiculous - get rid of this requirement !!!!

The Rookie

For real ? Season 5
Episode 19, season 4. You are throwing The Rookie out the window so you can highlight "The Rookie - FbI' - a thoroughly Disgusting, ROTTEN series. The network obviously is not reading the public's' opinions of this new offshoot.

You have TOTALLY "jumped the Shark" in Epi 19. Season 4. Nolan's girlfriend leads the charge into the electrical Substation aiming an assault squad Machine gun - She is a FIREFIGHTER for God's sake. What in hell is WRONG with you people ?????????? ...

It absolutely Stinks ! I watched (tried that is) watching the new FBI Rookie. It was totally abysmally bad, as was the rotten "actress" that supposedly leads the offshoot.

And I see it was picked up for a 2cnd season. Who, exactly is this ugly, no talent person sleeping with ? I would like to be a bit more unpleasant in my language but I am short it won't be allowed. She is absolutely Terrible.

SEASON 5- EPI 4. - Are you kidding me ? You have TOTALLY Jumped the shark - sometimes I really enjoy watching this show ,but - get Rid of the SERIAL Kealler redhead !!!!!!!!!

You have completely jumped the shark with this .... You have RUINED it for everyone.

The Munsters

WHy ?
Just Why ? There was no point to this at all. Nothing Production design was good however.

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short.

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short.

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short.

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short.

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short

Too Short Too short Too Short Too Short Too short Too Short.


Well Done
Amber was quite good in this. Quite well done.

" The fact that the villains were French instead of American seemed like a huge cop-out to me" Exactly Why is that ? Do you know anything about history ? These were French Fur Traders slaughtering Buffalo. As they actually did. I guess if it isn't a Modern White man to take ALL of the blame on any given subject - it just ain't no good.

The scene where she finds a field full of skinned animals, thrown away but for their fur - these things happened.

And yes, native Americans crapped in the woods too & left garbage in their wake. Oh my, not the Ancient ones ????

The X Files

If you can believe it
Way back in the day - I had NO interest in this show. But here it is -2022 & out of desperation to find something I haven't seen - here we go X-Files.

It is okay, not too bad. A distraction. But here I am - Episode 6. It already feels like a tour through ALL the Urban Legends. Really ? You people got NOTHING better of your own ?

Light & Magic

I never rate anything at a 10, but this ? Zowee So much fun to watch & there was much new info -even for Lovers of this stuff. I was blown away to learn just who had created the Pignose amp. I had one a few decades back.

I ended binging that out in ONE day.

Man that was good !

High Ice

Was just up there
Was just up there & remembered seeing this movie. Trying to find it again to watch.

How ridiculous to make people add MORE text than is needed !

Review too short Review too short Review too short Review too short.

The Boys

So Depressing
Such a SAD & depressing end (for now). So hopeless & what a commentary on the present state of Ah-Mare-Ka..............................................................................................................................

The Last Movie Stars

Politics ?
I didn't hear anyone pushing their beliefs or politics. They may have been quoting someone, & more than likely those beliefs were not someone like you - the hordes now who hear someone say their opinion & if it is not YOURS - you say they are pushing beliefs / politics.

Does everything have to match YOUR beliefs. My God. Listen to someone besides Fox News for a change.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Didn't know there were SO many ex writers/producers & directors out there who had worked on Previous S-Wars projects. You all know SO much ! And know what Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda been done had YOU, the genius been in charge of this project. Granted, it could have been better had they not centered the show around the Kid & the PC choice "actress".

But really - you are all SO arrogant, that you could have done better ... NOT !!!

If you are gonna do a review - do a review ,instead of an amateur Hate comment.

Dark Winds

So far, so good
Can't wait for the next episode. This brings back So much, as I lived on the Navajo Reservation (near Shiprock) in a log cabin during the same time frame. I turned 21 there, & it was another world entirely. This show is really bring int all back. And McClarnon - so good It better be continuing on into another _. LONGER-season !

Now that it is done - I restate, very emphatically - it had BETTER have a 2cnd, LONGER season.

For All Mankind

Very good
It is such absolute BS that here it is 2022 & we are stuck in a Cesspool of Hate & Bigotry, Total Political failure of Will & all the other CRAP ! When it should have been much closer to this - a Fantasy of what should have been !

As we destroy ourselves in Slo-Motion - believing all the tiny people and scumbags on so-called Network TV. All ll the Hate & Lies when we should be plowing forward into a Bright Future.

Season 3 ,Epi 7 - An entire episode WASTED on "Drama". They let an Obviously drug -addled Nut Case destroy their entire water project. Is anything going to happen on this series ever again, or is it going to be totally devoted to Stupid politics & "Drama" ?

The Orville

Season 3 -Still Good
It is still alive & Kickin'. I just hope the entire season is not devoted to hiding from the Kaylons.

Why on Earth will you not let someone be brief ? It is always "Too Short, Too SHort.

S3 EP10. - Damn, this is a good show. Please keep it going for several more years. Too good not to ...

Better Call Saul

When ?
Like I have asked since the 1st second they introduced Lalo - When ?

WHEN are they going to kill off this rotten S O B ? When ? One of the Rotten, evil MF's. His character really ruins the show. It just never ends & he goes on & on & on &..... SO - 1 more to go & it just ain't ending ending very well is it ? I just don't know what happened, but the whole show is jsut not good anymore. QUite dissapointed.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Finally - a decent Star Trek
Finally - a decent Star Trek. Except for the "Woke" Crap such as in episode 2.

For example - Pike calls up all the files of people he is supposed to save way down the road. How amazing that every ,everylast one of seems to be a Person of color or Sexual orientation out of the norm. The reason I point it out is because it is always so forced & unrealistic. Please stop it ! Or you are going to ruin a very promising new show ?

I am on Epi 8 & I do have to give them credit - several stories (including 8) start out in them most insipid, groaning way, & you just go oh....please. I am going to get sick. I'm nauseous. But stick with them. They have been pretty consistent -pulling them out of the hat with interesting & Novel conclusions.

But now -2 epis later ? That ain't Kirk ... NOT.

Bosch: Legacy

WHat in Hell ?
What in Hell is wrong with you people ? You take a Good, Popular show, bring it back. Are you really going broke ??? And what the hell do you do ? You but a Humongous LOGO on the frickin' screen - distracting from everything. A Logo that Does Not go away !

Have the thousands & thousands of Loyal viewers & Fans not Paid ENOUGH, already ? I get the Episodes are not here to be watched. They exist so you can SELL sell sell. But Stop with the bottomless Maw of Greed & take the Logo off the screen while the show is on ? Ya Dig ?


S 5/Epi 14 - What in HELL is wrong with you people ?
Season 5 ,Episode 14.

What in HELL is wrong with you people ? A lady falls off a high rise balcony & you show runners / so called "Producers" are playing ... "Hold On, I'm Coming" as the lady clings to a fragile sign 12 stories up.

What on Earth is WRONG with you people ? You think using that tune is Clever ? I'm standing here going Stop ....STOP ! This is talent ? Creative? You are SO LAME & tasteless / Talent less.

I have a message that says: Review too short. How about : You are MORONS MORONS MORONS ?

And THEN ... the clueless Young Firefighter serves his Handicapped Kid, a National brand of Cereal that has caused 3000 + cases of Food Poisoning as of this air date /Episode.

Please ... PLEASE PLEEEEZE - stop playing the Sappy music anytime there is a "Momentous Heartfelt, Earthshaking Sentimental Scene" Just Please. You are ruining an okay show with this crap.

Outer Range

Interesting ... Veddy Veddy Interesting. What more can one say at this point in time ?

Watch & see if it is one of these BS shows where nothing happens, nothing resolves, where it's all an empty mystery box with a few name actors to prop it up. We will see.

What if ? .... Well no, But ... wait, wait - don't tell me. Oh My , could it be ?????? Hmmmmmm ( scratches head) & WONDERS .....................

* Does this review contain spoilers ? What could possibly be spoiled ?

PS - Has absolutely NO resemblance to Yellowstone, even though it has mountains like it & takes place on a Ranch. Whoever keeps making the comparison is just trying to grab coat tails to glean some Free publicity. Give it a rest !

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