
IMDb member since September 2015
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The Thing About Pam

The real story is even stranger.
I've been reading about the actual case, and this movie isn't overexaggerating a thing. The authorities really were that arrogant, Pam really is that psychotic, and the people around her were really that manipulated.

Watching shows like this taught me more about the human psyche than any college psychology course. Another crazy movie was " The Good Father: The Martin MacNeill Story."

Drowning in Secrets

I'll wait for the spoilers to come out for this one.
I was thirty minutes in and still nothing really interesting happening. Guess that happens when you just come off of watching those three Lifetime "Predator Obsession" Lifetime movies with the psycho stalker and his pet sharks, then everything else is going to seem pretty boring for a while.

Still, most of the other Lifetime movies made this year have been pretty good.


Double whammy reason to say no to this movie.
Rough rule of thumb: If a movie has Ben Kingsley in it and it's not "Gandhi," or if it has Anthony Hopkins in it and it's not "Silence of the Lambs" or "The Edge," then that movie is going to be awful. And when you've got both actors in the same movie, then that's proof Hollywood is just messing with us.

Deadly Garage Sale

Downshift your brain to enjoy this.
Watching any Lifetime movie requires a little downshifting in belief suspension, but this one you had to stay in first gear. If you do that, then it becomes simple gratuitous entertainment.


Excellent fun!
Best comedy in a long time.

That's it in a nutshell.

Okay, that's too short according to the rules here.

Someone's finally writing comedy that I can understand. I thought it was a generational thing, where everybody raved about 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, The Office, and I was just like, I don't get it, must be me.

But now Ghosts and Resident Alien came out, and I feel redeemed.

The Good Father: The Martin MacNeill Story

Strange things going on in Utah and Idaho.
First, we watched the bizarre Lori Vallow Lifetime movie, then we caught the bizarre Martin MacNeil Lifetime movie. What's going on with Mormons?

The Martin MacNeill story is so strange that you'd think it was a work of fiction. Watch some of the actual court video on Youtube and read some of the news articles. Michele's daughter and sister really did have to solve and pursue the case on their own. They were also consultants for the movie.


Artsy Fartsy
Ten years ago we got through 30 minutes and killed it.

Five years ago we got through 45 minutes and killed it.

In 2022, we got through one hour of it and killed it.

At least this time we had Gunsmoke and Cheyenne re-runs to fall back on.

Resident Alien: Radio Harry
Episode 4, Season 2

Keep climbing out of last week's hole you dug.
Anything looks better than last week's Girls' Night episode. At least they put the alien back into half the scenes. There are still too many characters in this show with little or no contribution to the story.

Don't you just wish there were ways to get to the show's stakeholders and show them the error of their ways before their creation gets cancelled by higher powers?

Resident Alien: Girls' Night
Episode 3, Season 2

At least we had Season One.
It's all about the alien, people! Everyone else is just filler to support the alien.

Tudyk showed up for, what, five or ten minutes, and the rest of the episode was about drunk women dancing poorly. Don't care about the mayor and his wife; don't care about the sheriff (funny in small spurts) and his deputy; the two kids are funny, but only when they're with the alien. Asta, don't care; Alice is funny only when she's lusting after the alien.

The producers and writers should figure out how Gunsmoke went for twenty years and Supernatural went for fifteen, because Alien's only going to go for three years without a shakeup.

Edit: Don't let Jenna Lamia write any more episodes.

The Last Duel

Dark, Darker, Darkest.
Let's see, trailers that show dark and dismal snowy scenes set in a period called the Dark Ages where women are considered property and crimes are left to be solved by superstitious beliefs. Very uplifting for an audience who is in their third year of the Covid Plague. A movie directed by someone older than Biden who should have started enjoying retirement, and fishing, about twenty years ago. And I can't believe that producers still think Matt Damon or Ben Affleck can pull audiences in.

Angry Angel

We watch it every year at Christmas time.
This is a funny movie. It's sort of like "Bad Santa" meets "My Best Friend's Wedding," with a little bit of Dwayne Johnson's "Tooth Fairy" and Kirstie Alley's "Toothless."

In the Dark of the Valley

Total surprise.
This should have been shown on one of the major channels, not MSNBC. This is a big story. Never heard anything about the nuclear reactor leaks there, and of all the contamination problems with the Rocketdyne facility near Simi Valley. I knew a couple of people who worked there, and they had cancer. In fact, I wouldn't even have heard of this documentary if it weren't for me looking for a picture of Otto's Santa Susanna bar because I thought I saw it in a Wagon Train episode.

Her Husband's Secret Life

Better than most LMN movies.
I'll give any Lifetime movie 7 stars that doesn't start with a bunch of young blondes drinking wine and small-talking about absolutely nothing for fifteen minutes.

It also had the cleanest, clearest sound and dialogue I've heard in a show in a long time.

Of course it's still about people making unbelievably bad life or death decisions.


I should have realized that it's on CW.
Even aliens (maybe aliens) are racists, abducting mostly black people. What's up with that? Then the aliens drop the people back on earth and the first thing the people wanna do is to sue somebody for the abduction.

La Brea

Just another day in LA.
An epic event of huge historic proportions is occurring and nobody's heart rate is beating faster than 80 beats per minute.

Revision 10/27/2021: Okay, it got a little bit better, but no one's talking about the show around the office water cooler.

Ordinary Joe

I'm lost in the first fifteen minutes.
Yes, it does feel like it's going down that "This is Us" road, and maybe a "Kevin can go F... Himself." So it's a No. It's too namby pamby, Caspar Milquetoasty.

The Bad Seed

Perfect girl for the part.
It's a "TV" 10-star, not a "Ben-Hur 1959" movie 10-star.

The girl plays the perfect psycho narcissist maybe too well; she's probably going to get stuck doing a lot of horror stories from now on. Of course it's unbelievable that everybody is so calm or naive as the accidents keep occurring, but, hey, it's a Lifetime movie.

Killer Joe

Ugly movie.
This movie has reared its ugly head again, on a demand channel.

How did actors read this script and then say, "Count me in!"?

It's true what they say about Hollywood.


If you can get through the first half...
CGI characters should join the Screen Actors Guild to get acting credit because they're doing most of the work in this movie.

I thought I'd never say this, because I'm so burned out on Tom Hanks, but he would have been the better choice to play Tom Hardy's character because Hanks makes for a more believable wimpy loser guy.

Michelle Williams, well, she must have felt like a school dance wallflower in this role.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

It was cute. I wouldn't want others to know I watched it.
In this order, I watched it to see Wilma, Princess Ardala, Dr. Huer, and Twiki.

Gil Girard was a man without a pulse, like he went to the Kevin Costner School of Monotone script presentation.

The Twilight Zone

I told you it was going to suck! Now it's canceled.
Jordan Peele was just a flash in the pan after Get Out.

Wonder Woman 1984

How about Zero!
Covid did us a favor by keeping us away from the theater for this bomb.

I can speculate that the director got overconfident with the success of the first Wonder Woman and decided that she could take over the responsibilities of writing the screenplay in addition to directing.

One advantage of watching at home is that you can fast forward through the long boring scenes. So we got it down to a one hour movie.

Too much young Diana, too much Diana working in the office, too much Kristen Wiig, not enough Wonder Woman trying to save the world.

Don't do a third Wonder Woman. Only Spielberg can be forgiven for making occasional flops.


Satisfying Gross Anatomy movie.
Great longitudinal dissection of the brain with a lawnmower.

But why kill off "You know Who"? And of course what's with the key?


Wished I had used IMDB and Rotten Tomato to warn me first.
Well, it's sleazy, there are no likeable characters (yes I know likeable isn't a word) and it sounds similar to the sleazier dud "Other Side of Midnight" movie. Who would enjoy watching this stuff if you knew sorta ahead of time what you were in for? The names of famous directors and actors suckered me in, plus it was free. The following question should be on a psych eval, "Did you enjoy watching Revenge?" to determine an abnormal personality trait.

Rebel Without a Cause

AKA "Whiner without a Reason"
What a silly movie. It was silly in the 60's and was still silly into the 21st century. White kids, with parents who suffered through the Depression and World War II, are whining about having nothing to do in Los Angeles as they sit in their upper middle class homes where everyone has a maid to make them dinner. So let's have knife fights and steal cars for fun.

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