
IMDb member since September 2015
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Hunter Killer

I've always loved submarine movies, especially those of World War II genre. Although this is not of World War II genre, it is an excellent representation of an unlikely scenario, or so we hope. I like Gerard Butler and Toby Stephens both of whom do a fine job in this film. Rapper Common makes an appearance in this movie and heretofore have never seen him in one. He does a really good job. Admittedly I have a little bit of trouble in the beginning keeping up with all the submarines and whose was whose but finally caught on.

Hopefully there are no little demigods who are likely to want to start World War III. A pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.


Good way to pass the time
Oh come on, it's just a bit of fun. And also some pretty scenery. It may not win Best Picture, but it was fun to watch. I like just about anything that Mark Walberg is in anyway.

Packed to the Rafters

Such a great show
I love Australian TV even though I'm in America. I've gotten involved with the Rafter family. It's so nice to watch something wholesome on TV for a change. I love all the characters and I think that's what makes this show such a success. I do wonder, however, as another reviewer mentioned, why nobody ever knocks on the doors in these houses.

Paper Girls

Geez, save your time.
Producers, directors, writers, all have run out of ideas. Convoluted story, cheesy, about four teenage girls experiencing some time warp thing, all running around spewing foul language, and you never what's going on. Yeah, we need to sit all our teenage girls in front of this. Everything coming out a Hollywood is such crap.


I take it that this was merely an exercise to give practice to new actors, new directors, cinematographers, CGI, et cetera. That's the only explanation I can give.

Being the Ricardos

Time wasted
I sincerely, I mean sincerely, do not understand how anyone could give this show more than 2 or 3 stars. I thought the casting missed, and the constant harping, shouting, and bickering throughout the movie were irritating. I spent 1-1/2 hours watching the movie and kept saying, "My God, when is this thing going to be over?" Finally I just stopped watching. I couldn't believe it had almost 45 more minutes to run. Although I think Mr. Bardam is a fine actor, I did not buy him as Desi. I think Nicole Kidman overacted in many of the scenes and annoyed me. And don't get me started on Ethel and Fred. Quite frankly, the whole thing just annoyed me.

The Suspicions of Mr Whicher: Beyond the Pale
Episode 3, Season 1

What's the point
Poor lighting is one thing, the absence of it is quite another. It was an effort to watch this show. There were scenes in this episode which I could not see at all. I had watched a previous episode which was not nearly this dark. I watched till the end because I do like the series.

The Christmas Ring

Lovely Story
When a young woman buys a ring in an antique store, she wants to find the story behind the inscription inside it. So she travels to this quaint little town and there she unravels the mystery of how the ring went missing. It's a charming little story perfect for Christmas. Full of warmth, love, and nostalgia.

Le Bazar de la Charité

Intense and provocative
Looking for something different I found this French film on Netflix. It is well-written, with a provocative and suspenseful storyline. English dubbing made it easy to follow. I really enjoyed it.

The Crown: Dangling Man
Episode 8, Season 3

Just wrong
Very displeased with this episode as mentioned by another reviewer. It makes one wonder who would have written the Duke of Windsor as a sympathetic character.

Arrow: Fallout
Episode 1, Season 6

I can't seem to get enough of the show and have been binge-watching it since I've discovered it on Netflix. I did like the earlier team than I do the latest (I'm up to Season 5) team, but I thought that the replacement for Laurel is working out just fine. They always keep their plots new and exciting. And that Stephen Amell is not hard to look at I can tell you.

Hart of Dixie

Delightful and Charming
I have recently discovered Hart of Dixie. What a charming, delightful, entertaining cozy show. As a southerner, born-and-bred, I delight in seeing the South represented so well, even though sometimes the corn pone element is overdone. But I am immersed in the all the characters, and the acting is very good. Jaime King exemplifies the true Southern Belle. The only character that sometimes irritates me is that of Annabeth. I have never known Southern woman act like that. Always going 'yay' and throwing her hands in the air. Representative of all the very small southern towns, where almost everyone knows everyone else. I'm sorry there were only four seasons. Such a refreshing change from all the crap that perneates the boob tube nowadays.

Kurt Seyit ve Sura

Best thing out there
I ran across this on Netflix. I thought I would just see what it was about. Now I am totally hooked and I'm been binge watching it. Love story between Seyit and Sura has left me breathless and thrilled. I could watch it forever. I'm up to episode 23, and I just wanted to go on and on. Such marvelous locations and sets and the actors are wonderful. The subtitles don't bother me very much, although sometimes it's too quick for me to read. But I just rewind to catch it. And I agree, the lead playing Seyit is a real hunk. They don't make movies like that this in the United States anymore. All violence and sensationalism..

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