
IMDb member since October 2015
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    Poll Taker
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    8 years


The Best of Me

Ending ruined the whole movie
This is actually a sweet and romantic movie, better than I expected, and then it had the absolute stupidest ending I've ever seen. Literally an actual meme it was so bad. I don't care if it's a happy or sad ending, that was just a stupid and pointless ending. It made me so angry it spoiled the whole movie for me.

Xiao men shen

Watch the chinese version
I started watching this movie on Netflix, but the music and the voice acting was just so extremely bad that out of curiosity I decided to see how the original was in comparison. Man, it was so much better. The english version is not just bad voice acting, they completely changed the dialogue and inserted a lot of out-of-date pop references (to star wars and ubers for example) and horrible pop songs and cringe. The original version had none of these references, and nice and calm melodic music instead of the pop songs, so the literal mood of the movie was lost in translation. The Netflix version also literally cut out some parts of the movie. I'd give the american version a 1, but the chinese version gets 5 stars (that's quite high for me).

The Visit

Genuinely terrifying
I like this movie a lot. It's just genuinely scary and it doesn't have to surprise you or startle you (even tho it does), the concept gets you. The grandparents are also incredible actors, I've worked with a lot of elderly patients and it really got me how realistic they were acting (apart from the real horror parts ofc). The ending is a little weak, the scariest parts aren't in what is supposed to be the "peak" but it still doesn't take away much from the movie, the rest is just so good.

Enter the Void

Takes too long to say too little
I think the art is beautiful, I really enjoyed the beginning and had high hopes. It laid out the potential of the plot, and the meaning behind it. And then it just didn't follow through with it. I felt a bit cheated watching a 3 hour long movie and being left with so little.

Earthquake Bird

Interesting but cold
It's an interesting movie, it's authentic and I didn't mind the slow phase. However it was very cold, their relationship had no apparent positivity or warmth and it was all a little uncomfortable and creepy, and even absurd at times. I really liked the sentiment in the end and what I felt was the meaning, but I just can't give it better than 4 stars when I didn't particularly enjoy watching it.

Sidney Hall

Bad portrayal of important issues
I was excited for this movie, and I'm disappointed when I say the critics were right. To me, this movie really tried to bite over more heavy topics than it could chew. As a result of cramming it all in there it didn't give any of them the portrayal they deserve. It felt try-hard, patronizing and fake. Sadly I didn't enjoy any part of this.

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