
IMDb member since October 2015
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The Morning Show

A fantastic series 10/10
This was typically a series that I absolutely could not put down I watched all three seasons in one so then people can write how much s*** they want. I loved the characters and it was as messy as it gets and just absolutely fantastically crazy. I .can't help but wonder if this is how it goes on TV channels in the US, it wouldn't surprise me one bit actually. I can actually imagine that it's just this crazy considering that a country can vote for Trump as president Well then maybe the TV station was just as damn crazy. I also very well believe that it is exactly the case that it is those with money who control everything in the United States, from the White House to television channels and newspapers. And it's good that you address the enormous racism and injustice that still exists in America between the sexes. In fact, it seems that most of the people who write here seem to be too short-sighted to even understand the Agenda and the text, the meaning behind the whole series. That might explain why people were stupid enough to storm their own Capitol.

All the actors are good, but... Billy Crudup as Cory is absolutely BEST <3.

The Devil's Hour

Very very good
Sci-fi, drama and police series in one nerve-wracking vintage.

A woman wakes up every night at exactly 03:33, in the middle of the so-called devil's hour between 03:00 and 04:00...

If you are not paying attention from the very beginning, yes, you will find it difficult to neither understand nor keep up. Be aware that the first episodes will be a bit messy, the story moves between different time frames, some characters come and go, situations change drastically and so on. Be patient though. It is an interesting, smart, entertaining. Exciting, nerve-wracking, slightly scary story and everything ties together in the end (as much as fiction can).

Actor Benjamin Chivers, who plays son Issac, the young son, is nothing short of incredible. The acting is exceptional from Peter Capaldi.

I covered all the episodes in one go, I couldn't stop watching.

The Calling

Very very good
It is a refreshing, quirky, engaging, new kind of crimeshow.

A crime drama with a twist!

From the start I was captivated and charmed by Detective Avraham's character. Avraham's partner's quick wit and energy are great complements to his deep thinking and flashbacks. They are a great pair.

This show is differente in a very good and captivating way. The Calling's story is gripping, and the acting is phenomenal. I don't understand those who give this series a bad rating.

I really like this series a lot and you should know that I'm picky.

I'm desperately waiting for news on Season 2! They have to continue with a season 2 after the cliffhanger they ended the 1st season with.

Alaska Daily

I love this
It's about time there was a good series about a newspaper. And in a world of superheroes, young and unreal, super beautiful people, gooey cute comics and over the top crime shows this is a breath of fresh air.

Top Notch cast starring Hilary Swank. Great stories, great writing, timely topics and beautiful views, scenery.

I really like this series a lot and you should know that I'm picky. It reminds me a little of The Newsroom which I loved.

I hope for many seasons to come, that it will not be cancelled.

They just can't cancel it with such a cliff hanger in episode 6.

This series is definitely worth watching.

The Noel Diary

A really nice movie
A very entertaining and nice film. Those who here give it a bad rating and complain about the film I think can keep quiet.

Compared to Hallmark's ridiculous, unreal crap movies, it's fantastic.

This year I have vomited over many movies from the USA.

This was one of the few that was really good. Don't listen to the whiners here. If you don't like this movie, you can stick to Hallmark's unreal, superficial, bad movies where everyone is unreal rich and beautiful like models, most of the the actors are so bad you cry and so ridiculous you can't help but laugh.

I give the movie a 10 because so many give it so bad rating.


Not so bad as people write
It's not Independence Day, but the movie is clearly entertaining. The actors are completely okay. Do not believe all the nasty comments. Just because people write so whiny, mean and unfair, I give the film a 10. And you should give the film a chance.

Rescued by Ruby

Do not care about mean and stupid critic
This movie is heartwarming, feelgood and true.

A wonderful movie that is well needed in these awful times.

This mean person wrote this, so untrue and unfair written; C'mon Gustin yusufpiskin17 March 2022 Grant Gustin... When people first saw him on 'The Flash', they said 'Golden Boy'.

At the point we have reached today, even a 'Golden dog' acted better than him in this movie.

What was the need for this movie?

The King's Daughter

A very nice feel good movie <3
It does not deserve so bad reviews. It is a very nice Sunday movie.

The actors are good and I like the story very much.

So do not let the unfair low reviews scare you!

Enjoy <3.


Fantastiskt, spännande och biter sig fast!
Jag har sett så mycket film och TV-serier så det är inte mycket som jag roas av eller fastnar för nu för tiden. Game of Thrones, Foundation och The Witcher är några undantag. Dune är ytterligare ett till nu. Drygt 2 1/2 timmar kändes som knappt 1 timme. Jag vill se fortsättningen NU!

Zack Snyder's Justice League

Zack Snyder's Justice League 12.0
This is the version we deserved!

Thank you Zack Snyder for Justice League 12.0 and a version that made everything make sence.

Gosebumps, tears and it all!

The Equalizer

Do not care about the bad reviews! The show is great and entertaining. Watch it!

Murder on Middle Beach

An amazing documentary!
An amazing documentary! So good and so addicting! I can't not understand the bad reviews on this. I could not stop watching, I saw all episodes in a row. Don't read into the poor ratings that some other folks gave. Watch it!

Fate: The Winx Saga

It is not worth so bad reviews that some gives!
Loved it, give it a chance.

I really loved it and the season finale is killing me. I pray for a second season really soon!

Making the Witcher

Dont bother skagganauk *S*!!! Kretiner exists everywhere.

The Witcher season 2 cant come fast enough <3

Warrior Nun

Watch until the end within 2 days
Any show that I watch to the end within 1-2 days deserves a 10. Yes, there are things that could be better, but again...any show that.... I want a season 2, so come on Netflix! Ms, Alba is very charming and pulls off although cheesy dialoge ;)

Teen Wolf

It is the second time I watch this and it is still one of the best series <3
Do not care about the bad reviews, watch and decide for your self. Most people just love this serie and I am one of them, althougt I am half way to 100 like I was wearwolf ;) Watch and enjoy!

The Mandalorian

Star Wars feeling and I love it <3
This is great. I hope there will be many seasons. I really like the atmosphere, feeling and vibe. Keep more episodes comimg please.

The Witcher

The best in a long time
I have seen so many TV-series and I am easily bored. This was the best I have seen in a long time. I saw all 8 episodes in a row, I could not stop. I just hate the end and the fact that I have to wait 1 year before next season comes. I just love Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia and Chalotra as Yennefer.

What I do not like are the many stupid comments here. Some people just do not understand *s*...

Bluff City Law

A nice surprice!
I give 10 to even out for unfair bad grades. But why should I be surpriced that people that woted Trump for president give this series bad grades...

Looking forward a lot to next episode <3

The Rook

Amazing considering all sh-t that comes out on TV
"Rather a shame, but yet another good Sci Fi offering rated low by dullards. These sites really should have an IQ test that enables one to give a rating."

Could not agree more! These people must be fans of Hollywood wifes and all of tha sort of crapp!

It is a brilliant TV series! Waiting for season 2, want it NOW!


Miss a season 5
First, I love the show, it is entertaining, a little bite silly sometimes, but charming. I really like Carrie and Al. But I did not like the Cliff hanger at the end of season 4. I guess the show was cancelled and everything went up in the air. No season 5 means no resolution and I am very disapointed......I would have liked to see a season 5 with a proper ending to the serie, not "bang" ...X is ...or not, or maby... A horrible way to end the show!


The end was "sooo" disapointing
Wonderful talented actors, I really love the main actors, but still a flopp. The love story was too short to get the right soul, I started good, but ended to fast. The too separate stories were too long and boring, I just waited and waited for the ending and to get to know HOW it would end. The ending was a disaster, so bad and so disappointing! This film could have been good, but they ruined it!


Don't listen to all these negative reviews
It is good! But I guess people in USA rather look at sh-t like Hollywood wives ;)

It is really sad that they did not do a season 2 :(


Many people has probably read the mean reviews and did nor bother to give this show a chance. It just grows with you and I really hope there will be a season 2 despite all mean and unfair reviews. Finally a show that is normal, with normal people and great chemistry between the main actors. You who do not like this show, turn of the TV then, do not destroy for us others who really enjoy this show. To give this show a rating at 1 is so unfair and really bad. It is YOU who should be rated at 1 ;)


I loved it
I could not help my self, I watched all 8 episodes at once. I need a season 2 NOW!

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