
IMDb member since October 2015
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Snow Valley

One of the Best Random Characters ever
I didn't expect much from this movie going in and walked away with something that is for sure going in my Comedy Horror keepers.

It's short little haunted house jaunt that is less about the mystery of the house and more about discovering what the lead male protagonist is really up to.

The camera work and direction are really nice and kept the movie light and breezy. Tight shots kept everything in focus. The director prioritized characters over plot and it does pay off. Everyone played traditional stereotype horror characters and leaned into the cheesiness of the archetypes without going too ham. However, one character takes the cake.

One of those characters really hams it up so professionally I am going to need to see that character in more movies. Not sure who that actor is but he's definately on my radar. When he shows up you'll thank this review for giving you exposure to them.

The setup puts a lot of questions in the air and does a decent job of answering them by the end. Nice entertainment if you're looking for something in the background. The plot isn't tight, but it still comes together.


Great Little Indy Sci-Fi Movie with a Fantastic Theme
I feel bad for some of the folk on here who "missed" the movie, which is a great little indy scifi movie starring just 3 people in a variety of roles.

Our protaganist finds a portal in the woods near her family estate that leads to various multiverses and a struggle to get back home to her own.

The acting of each of these three as they portray their dopplegangers is very well done, as you can physically tell the difference between certain ones by demeanor and conversation.

The theme of this movie is grief. Our protaganist and her husband are sufferring a horrible loss, and this movie does a great job not just displaying dopplegangers as various stages of grief, but also landing its ending which, is so subtle, i felt was lost on many.

This movie does not have a happy ending. As the divorced husband says, every reality the son dies. Not dealing with trauma and grief properly could very well force you to relive it all over again, which she is going to do as her son has just not yet died.

I first thought the movie copped out by reviving the son. As the credits rolled I realized what the true ending was as the excellent writing of this movie layed so many clues for what this ending is. The son dies in every reality. Sometimes time is off in realities.


A better movie than bigots want it to be
I hope when viewing this movie, you can get past the negative bigotted comments that don't do the movie much justice.

I gave a 10 to hopefully balance it out and i hope u do too.

This is about a 7 honestly and a good solid slasher movie that presents LGBT in a positive nonsexual light.

Whereas most movies either want to push up the idea that LGBT is some kind of sex fest, this movie does a great job of establishing that people are people.

Ther'es an absolute mystery and question about the camp from day 1 and they do a great job of pushing it throughout hte movie. The kills are good and suspense is great.

The lead actress owns it and pulls you into her side from the beginning, allowing u to understand her hardships from a very vunerable shot shower scene.

The movie keeps going from there. Worth the watch if youre not a bigot and u like horror.

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