
IMDb member since October 2015
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Wrong Place

I really tried to like it.
.... but there is just so much wrong. Both Bruce and Ashley are capable of far better performances, but I feel their talents went to waste. The pacing was severely off. The girlfriend had 20 minutes to live, but she's I the woods dialoguing with the son, wasting time. Later her girlfriend is practically dead in the back of the truck, and she's supposed to be rushing for help, but she's wasting time talking to her father. The injuries were inconsistent and moved around. In some cases they disappeared and reappeared. One scene the daughter is driving a Chevy Silverado (you can see the bowtie on the steering wheel) but then it cut outside the truck and it's clearly a Toyota. The daughter talks about all the traps in the woods, but they are running around rather freely. Then there's the cane in prison... a dangerous prisoner in SHU is allowed to have a cane? Don't even get me started on the Police Captain who seemed to die twice and managed to hike for miles to wind up at the exact spot at the exact time and seemed know everything that was going on. So many more plot holes too.

Would I watch it again? Absolutely! It's a great movie to fall asleep to.

Rogue Warfare: The Hunt

It's no worse than the first.... no better either.
I only watched the second because the OCD in me wanted answers. Unfortunately I don't know what the questions were.

I figured watching a movie might stave boredom, how wrong I was. I found reading the reviews more entertaining than the film. Honestly though, I blame the editor. He should have burned the building to the ground and destroyed all the footage when he had the chance.

Seriously though, the extras give better performances than the leading actors and actresses. They struggle to maintain their accents with the French guy sounding British, Australian, and American... occasionally a couple syllables with a french accent. The sniper girl does much better with her role, probably the best out of all of them.

The dialogue is painfully slow and.... painful.

All in all this movie is great... at killing braincells without a drop of alcohol.

Rogue Warfare

There has to be something worse out there... Right?
I gave this movie two stars because I'm hoping beyond hope that there's something worse out there. I mean there has to be, right? Seriously though... I've seen pornos with better acting and more depth. I could literally feel my brain cells getting up and walking out of the room while I was watching this movie.

It has a thin predictable plot, flat acting, countless inaccuracies, and barely qualifies as an action movie. It has brief periods of actions sprinkled among long periods of philosophical gibberish nobody cares about. The overly long dialogue makes you interest quickly I'm actually amazed, not so much that this movie was ever made, but that there are two more sequels!

It's absolutely painful to,w atch yet you can't look away. I've enjoyed my share of bad movies in the past, but the only thing that keeps me watching this one is the OCD to know how It ends.

Tulip Fever

Apparently you either love it or you hate it. I loved it.
Countless reviewers will address this movie saying it was dismal and thin. They say the plots and subplots were disconnected and on loosely held together by a weak premise.

I thought the opposite. I chose to watch it anyway because of the cast. I'll admit none of them had a remarkable performance, award winning or otherwise. I think they were all fairly balanced without overselling any particular role. While the story centered around Sophia primarily, you could sense the desire, intrigue and frustration of the other characters. I went into it with no knowledge of the plot, tulipmania, or even the actual setting. About halfway through I began to get the feeling, "I see what going on here. This plots been done and redone." I thought I knew what to expect. At times I was right, but at others, grossly wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would enjoy watching it again. The plot moves so quick at times I know I'll see more next time.

I've told you what I thought. Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Watch it and make up your own mind. I've seen far worse movies get higher praise.

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