
IMDb member since October 2015
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Impacted me like nothing else on TV
I don't think I've watched any other TV show or movie that has impacted me or left me with as many thoughts as Departures, and I think that's testament to the brilliance of this show.

Across 40+ episodes and three seasons, you are taken on a journey of 3 men who love travelling and are living their dream. The way the show is shot and the exposure to their up close and tight experiences in different countries makes you feel as if you're on their journey too, and with them.

The chemistry between Justin and Scott is to be admired and both add so much to the show I feel, contrary to other reviews. Scott provides more of a sophisticated lens, providing context and history to places whereas Justin's true personality comes across to add humour and laughs to each episode.

Having just finished watching Departures, it has left me with an urge and desire to take a year to go travel the world. I can see myself looking back in the future as this being a show that changed my life.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Didn't grip me
My biggest problem with this game was its inconsistency. It had a few chapters and sequences which were brilliant, including the start of the game in Mexico which set the scene well and shaped things up nicely.

After that however, the game failed to grip me to its story like I thought it would, and unfortunately the gameplay/combat either (barring a few chapters as I said). There was too much time spent scaling walls and doing other cool but eventually repetitive things which became boring after a while.

Overall a solid game but would've been a higher score had more chapters been of the same standard as the opening and some other fantastic ones.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Uncharted, Drakes Fortune was the first game I played on PS3 and I have been a massive fan of Uncharted since. So, when Uncharted 4 was announced, I couldn't wait and Naughty Dog have not disappointed.

The game starts in an uncharted 2 fashion where you play in an environment which you do not know how you got there. Soon later in the game, you realise how you ended up there but this is a very clever start to the game as it gets you engaged immediately and leaves you with suspense. The opening boat chapter sets the tone for the rest of the game as the player is treated to incredible action scenes which we have become used to in uncharted. New features such as the rope and stealth improvements add to improving the game play even more. The story line is good and is ultimately based upon Nate and Sam's childhood as we learn in 2 chapters which we play as a young Nathan Drake. The pursuit of Avery's treasure is perhaps not my favorite story line but it certainly is more mature than other Uncharted games. Then cinematography is arguably the most impressive aspect of Uncharted 4. As a player, you sometimes just have to stop and admire the amazing attention to detail and immense views whilst playing the game, particularly in Madagascar. Naughty Dog manage to achieve with Uncharted 4 what they did with The Last of Us which is that the player experiences the characters emotions. We see a more mature Nate as he is now married to Elena but there are always glimpses to suggest that deep down, he does not want to settle down and change his life for good. Perhaps the only weakness with the game then is a lack of imagination which pains me to say it. The puzzles are bland, with no creativity and even though there are some stand out chapters such as Madagascar city and the Auction House, there are some equally poor chapters such as Scotland which are repetitive and slightly dull. However, just as when I began to lose interest in the game, a twist was provided which got be engaged back into the game. What I love maybe most about the game is the epilogue. The camera shows you a girl sat with her dog on her bed playing a video game and I realised immediately, this was the daughter of Nathan and Elena. You control Kassie and look for your parents and stumble upon collections which as a player you know the history behind but the character does not. Nate and Elena begin to explain their former lives and it is then when it hits you that the journey really is over. The ending is perfect as it makes you reminisce of the adventure and by Nate and Elena's expressions, you can tell they are going to miss it just as much as you, the player are. For me, Uncharted 2 remains the best of the 4 but a thief's end really is a great way to finish off the series.

Futurama: The Luck of the Fryrish
Episode 10, Season 3

Best Futurama episode of all time
If someone was to ask you to describe Futurama in one word, you'd most likely say 'amusing' or 'hilarious' but not 'sad'. The true reality is that due to Fry's life and the circumstances he ended up in future, he left behind his family which inevitably leads to times where he cannot forget about his past hence causes emotional scenes. This episode is one of them. As we look back at Fry's childhood and his relationship with his brother, we realize how upsetting it must have been for Fry. The way this episode was produced was fantastic and I never thought it would but Futurama nearly brought a tear to my eye. The best Futurama episode for me, definitely worth a watch along with some tissues

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad is a perfect example that there is no need for special effects, zombies or blowing up buildings in order for a TV series to be excellent. The storyline and the combination of a variety of characters gives the series such balance and flow. The show gets better by season and eventually you are onto season 5 which is one of the most brilliant productions of all time.

The ending scene is sensational as we see how drug production really did destroy Walter White and create a new man in Heisenberg. Breaking bad truly does capture you emotionally which is something which keeps giving you the desire to watch the next episode. Overall, an incredible series.

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