Reviews (4)

  • I had high hopes for this film based on the reviews. I was disappointed by the constant barrage of vulgarity, sex-related jokes, and overall trashiness.

    There are no role models. There are no values upheld. It is like Lord of the Flies in the sense that the kids run amok doing whatever they please. No one stops to demand respect or teach civility.

    Ultimately, myself and my 12 guests were too offended to finish the movie after fifteen minutes. Not at all appropriate for families.

    It won an award for best ensemble at Sundance. I did think the grandmother and the mother were great characters. The main character was mediocre. The sister was vulgar.

    The friends are worse in their vulgarity and immaturity. They call this a coming of age film. But where I live, this is not what it is like for youth. It wasn't this way for me and it is not for my children. Everything is much more exaggerated, dramatic, vicious, vulgar and inappropriate than I or my family can relate to.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this with a large family including a child that was 9 years old--in hindsight, I'd stick with 18 or older.

    The first 45 minutes were delightful and entertaining, but as the show continued, there was some vulgarity, some alcohol, some. The show felt like a PG-13 movie.

    I found the drama in the climax of the movie to be boring and cliche. Some characters had charm, but not enough to make me want to watch it again.

    Nevertheless, I found the last 15 minutes quite entertaining, satisfying, and funny. So I was happy I saw it. We had some good laughs. Some characters and some parts were memorable.
  • Audience: Family

    Rating (in my opinion): PG

    This film delighted my family and I. The story and performances are adorable. Justin (Calvin) and Emma (Itsy) drew me in and gave solid performances. Well done you two. I found the main family to be endearing.

    It made me laugh, cry a bit, and laugh some more. Funny, cute, and touching. My family was very entertained and kept guessing as to how it would end.

    A lower budget film, but I didn't mind because I enjoyed the story and characters enough not to care.

    Also, we recognized some areas in our home state of Utah. And recognized some familiar faces as well. Loved that.

    Overall, I loved finding a wholesome family show we could all enjoy together. (Online viewing during Sundance Film Festival 2023). It's full of charm, innocent fun, and a bit of heart. I'm a fan. Watching it together with my family created a good memory for us.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ephraim's Rescue is a sweet story about a God-fearing man who learns to overcome himself and serve the Lord through his service to others. The cinematography is compelling and beautiful yet graphic at times when showing the snow-ridden pioneers crossing the plains. The story is intriguing and even though I knew that he would reach the pioneers in need, I remained eager to see how he did it and what occurred when he did.

    The reason I gave it a 7 and not higher is because of a few things: there were a few points (the snake scene and how it ties in as well as the character Ester--whether she dies or not? I wasn't sure) in the story that left me a little confused and didn't seem cohesive; the comic relief was lacking--what little they did have brought a few chuckles, but could have used a little more variety and sophistication in that regard because the movie is so fraught with emotion and intensity of circumstances; the ending took me by surprise--it came sooner than I expected. I would have liked to see more of the resolution with the pioneers making it to the Utah valley.

    Despite those few setbacks, the movie left me inspired and uplifted. I kept thinking about the characters of Ephraim Hanks, Thomas Dobson, Alice Dobson, and Elizabeth Bradshaw with their strong character arch and the intensity of their enduring faith. I thoroughly enjoyed these actor's performances and would give them each a 9 out of 10.

    I highly recommend seeing this movie. I feel the setbacks were possibly due to a limited budget, time, and/or perhaps resources. It is worth looking past those things to experience the history of such an inspiring man as well as the Mormon community that he serves.