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Nothing out of the ordinary.
Generic sci-fi, apparently based on a game. Not very inspiring, special effects are ok, CGI as we all know fades over time so it will be a really poor quality in a few years so better watch it while it's young. Ok time filler, but, none of the characters resonate. The actors seem blocky and robotic. It is vaguely reminiscent of Babaloyn 5, but it tries to and fails to take itself too seriously. Bookeem Woodbine is one of the few actors who develops any passion of heart, the rest are just paper dolls placed in situations and making moves until the scene ends. Not implying the show needs actual star power, but a few actual known actors with credit would probably elevate the show to a sustainable level and it could get about 4-5 good seasons. It won't be a classic.


Horrifying! To think some financed it!
Or was it really financed. I have seen better acting in homemade amateur POV porn. This thing (movie, show, venue or even cutting floor clippings is to generous) was atrocious. Terrible sound, poor effects, bad lighting and the people trying to play the assigned parts are just bad, so bad. I could not finish it, and even of the half I refused to watch was deemed a Oscar performance, it would have even less redeeming value.

I get what the attempt was, but was very obviously a cover for " film makers to score some dates from some mediocre actresses. Just pass on to something else, you sanity may depend on it.

House of the Dragon

So, so
Had potential but after three episodes, no real connection with the characters, just a filler story for what was before GOT. Some stuff is woke so it seems forced to add people of color to balance it out. Other stuff is very predictable and contrived. Will try a few more episodes, reminds me of after MASH. Not stellar, just a time killer. I think the characters could be better developed but I like stories with depth. Magic and stuff is lazy writing and was unimpressed with what they did in GOT and seems to be an easy out, let's hope they do not rely on it as much in this. The dragons as it was said are the power, let's hope they use human elements as the bulk of the story instead, makes for better writing and more believable story line, but we shall see.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

It had potential.
Could have been better, seems it catered to the lowest denominator of viewers. There are bright spots but not many. Watched it on STARZs if that explain the potential. Fills the time and that is all.

Bad Medicine

One of the better and more tasteful mid80s comedy's
While cranking out repetitive police academy movies or ski movies or the worst of the worst, bicycle movies being pushed as comedy drama's. This one actually attempted passive compassion mixed wit young people sex drives and culturally intermixed scenarios take lightly. It has many funny bits but could have been more centric to the Alan Arkin character to give it more depth. It's a good time filler on a rainy day. And at least it did not have Tom Hanks in it!

Promising Young Woman

Missed promises of a middle aged woman!
Well if you are going to have a tittle as it does, at least have a actor who fits the description, not a women who appears to be in her late thirties. That being said, the movie is very predictable. Not really any shock value or edginess to it. Pretty much just what the trailers gives you, and that will save you time watching this snore fest. I do agree with the premise, there are a lot of males and females that will take advantage of a drunk woman. There is zero tolerance for that circumstance. The ones that do, are the worst of the human condition. That being said, it could have been done far better. If you are intrigued by a poor version of the the old school afternoon special. Go for it, but there is no surprises beyond the commercial trailers.

Tha God's Honest Truth with Charlamagne Tha God

Not relevant
As a black man, I find this show irrelevant and redundant. An unfunny black man using stereotypes and misinformed points of view in an attempt to be funny and shocking so as to make some phony point. Dave Shapel is far more entertaining and on point than this Charlemagne come lately, BTW, he needs to research the meaning of his own name. You know, European colonization and all. What an embarrassing representation of the black race, I am ashamed.

Day of the Dead

The zombies have better personality's than the living.
The key to success is likable people you can identify with and want to follow. It has a vague George Romero vibe and that is all. The acting is sub-par, script is written by a hack sitting in a coffee shop. At least the zombies are convincing. I will try the second episode but so far, none of the current characters have any appeal. I could care less if they survive and currently I am rooting for Zeds! Get your grub on you rotten flesh stiffs! Contrary to some reviews, and I suspect they could be crew members or paid supporters because it certainly is far from a 10.

Bingo Hell

Quirky and silly
Pretty quirky yet mildly entertaining as a time filler.

Joe Pera Talks with You

Unfunny, unimaginative
Very bland (I know he is supposed to be), no real effort, just quirky, which got old with Pee Wee Herman and started old with Joe Pera. I tried several times to watch it but it is a cross between bad SNL skits, (and there have been plenty in the past 20 years) and bad Monty python skits, they start out unfunny and get worse from their but they keep on going for far to long.

The Gods Must Be Crazy

As funny as people think Monte Python is.
I was not sure what to expect, just channel surfing and got mesmerized by the randomness of each story within the movie. Even today the jokes land well, quirky and entertaining. Give it a try.

Ghost Adventures

Boo, not ah, I am afraid, but boo, who green lighted this crap.
Ah, something just brush my leg, ah geez man did you hear that, whoa, there is something down that hall! Ah, fake and self hyped. I lived in a house with a crypt in the basement, four family members were entered in it, a graveyard 25 feet from the house with several families buried in it and a graveyard for the servants and slaves just down the hill. And I never ever encountered any "paranormal activity, even when my brothers would carry out seance with ouiji boards and all, sorry fantasy fans, nothing, Nadia, zilch. Our mother would be ferrous with them, she firmly believed but was never able to produce any tangible reason other than the typical he said- she said sand when we were girls we did a thing in the mirror and I saw my dead sister, ah! We eventually relocated to a farm house that was used as a civil war hospital for two years, we even would recover human bones when plow the horse paddock and never once encountered a spook, Spector, apparition or unexpected event, contrary to the caretakers insistent that the house was rampant with unsettled spirits. Sorry to burst the old bubble but there you have it, over active imagination and wishful thinking. Sorry.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Hippie exterminator
Worth the wait, good stuff. Cerebral script, the mindless just don't get!

Rick and Morty

Funny stuff without the overdone preaching
The show is humorous and quirky, it has been compared some other shows and some claim it falls short of other adult level cartoons. I enjoy it because it makes light of itself, gives credit to other older shows and is not preachy like the Simpsons is and has been and South Park became after the funny years past. I watch it because it is entertaining as well as creative. Yes some episodes are better than others but over all a fun half hour. Just don't try to find some political or B. S social meaning, it will ruin any shows entertainment value in two lines or less. Looking forward to the 5th season in June and hope they will do a movie to cap off the series, except, leave out the PC crap and they could have a hit!

The Liberator

Had potential but...
The Heavy Metal version of the Big Red One. The cartoonish comic book presentation is tolerable, however, trying to use today's social sensibility in an early 1940's era just does not fly. Just another subliminal tactic to brainwash the masses. Just make the show with the realistic outlook of that time frame and let the viewer decide and that makes more progress with most normal people. Another reason the wife and I are letting our Netflix subscription expire. Just tired of all the force feeding of one side of the political spectrum. People are supposed to be "more sophisticated" in the 2100 century. Let the viewer decide. Again, just make an historically accurate show for the entertainment and historical comparison.

Don't Breathe

Well done suspense, not a horror
The blind veteran is required to use lethal force to defend himself. The criminals are poorly developed with a shallow attempted portray them a victims of society forced to be petty criminals. I was rooting for homeowner from the get go even though he was a bit disjointed from loosing his daughter in an automobile accident and keeps the girl who caused it locked in the basement because her rich parents could afford a lawyer to get her off the hook. With no way to escape because of bars on the windows, the vet also manages to lock his door and cover the window the broke upstairs to enter. The Vet dispatched the primary deuchbag and eventually tracks down the other two. The suspense continues through the entire movie, it seems at times they were going to get the upper hand but he seems to prevails Even though the vet had a dark side you could not help but root for him. It's is a good modern day Hitchcock type of thriller with a bad M Night Shyamalan ending.

Watch it for the suspense and detach any feeling for the criminals, not that any even developed.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Scott Gimple should be #canceled for offensive writing
I think there needs to be a petition on to have Gimple ban from American TV and USC should revoke his diploma. I am not a fan of the cancellation culture because it is a cheep shot low life way of trying to make statement by a small groups of people but in the case of TWD:WB, let's get it done! This show is actually embarrassing to watch, I find myself Squeamish trying to sit through even one full episode! Predictably ridiculous, I have read toothpaste instructions that had more captivating story lines. He ditroyed the Walking Dead, I tried to stomach season 8 after season 7 spiraled into the netherworld of implausibly (yes I realize it is a graphic fantasy about zombies) and I only got halfway through season 2 of Fear, even Morgan, who is one of the best characters of both shows, could not pull me back in. So please let the former great show but terrible franchise fade into the history of great shows before it becomes a tired joke more so than it has become.

The Outpost

Not realistic
There is a LOT of Hollywood interpretation in this series. I spent time there just before the main assault by the Tali, the Soldiers were NOTHING like what is being portrayed. Nor was the circumstances. Do they use the lingo, sorta, do they dress like them, for the most part, are they trying to obtain the feeling of daily life, maybe. Was it a stupid location, yes the CO had a lot to do with that decision, and it it was a poor one, but the accusations that a GI died because of a gang land style assassination or that an NCO would snap kick a subordinate is incomprehensible. Even for asinine behavior. That is not the dynamic I saw in those Soldier, I did see fear and concern but that was expected based on the location and knowing they had Zero support from the chain of command and certainly from the Commander and Chief on down, the ROEwas so tilted to the tali that it was terrifying in it self and would make for a more realistic scare thriller. Watch it for entertainment but no historical accuracy. The Soldier were heroic, with out a doubt, was it terrifying, I can be certain it was, but this was not the true story of heroism and raw terror those Soldiers and civilians survived through. Don't fall for the Hollywood tripe. Read the history, and this story is not and will not be forgotten by those who were there, those who loved those that died and survived and the few that were privlaged to be in the present of some of America's finest!

The Last Man

Please, forgive me for the wasted time on this movie
On my deathbed, I will want the time back, I would have rather sat in the DMV or had a root canal. It truly is not worth the effort to push the buttons on the remote to tune it in and that was more of an effort than anyone put into making this terrible movie. Just don't bother.

Black Summer

Mediocre at best
It takes you from after the social breakdown has begun, Marshall law has failed and the disease has spread so it attempts to pull you into the character world as the cross paths. At this it does a fair job. The labeling of each event gets tiresome and my biggest peeve is the lake of a military advisor, hell, I would have done it at no charge, they did a terrible job at characterizing the Soldiers and the complete lake of knowledge on how a uniform is worn, rank structures and basic discipline even the lamest Reserve unit would have during this event.

The characters are fairly well developed but it makes every person look like a bumbling lamb going to slaughter. It seems they are no more knowledgable than the viewer is about the plot. With a bit more script refinement and better directing as well as casting and this could have been a pretty good series. The editing seems incoherent at times and to much time is spent on them wandering when it could have been use to fill in the gaps and bring the viewer up to spread. At times it feels like an AV production from a junior college but at least they are trying. I will keep watching to see if it gets better with age.

Grandma's Boy

Don't judge me monkey!
Very well done comedy, has the right people playing the right parts, probably Kevin Nealon's only funny roll. Doris Roberts and Shirley Jones were great. Several of Adam Sandler's regulars are present, and they did well in there rolls, they did not seem forced or as if they were trying harder than they had. Their repertoire seems legit and natural. Very funny and well worth watching for a light comedy.

Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

Boring commercial!
Just a poor attempted to revive a dead and forgotten lame phase from the nineties. My son and nephew loved Pokémon, they left the theater with a less than enthusiastic response of, "well the CGI was ok, but Ryan Reynolds voice was obvious and sounded like a mini Deadpool.

Just wait for it to be streamed, or even better, wait until it is on TNT or some other obscure network.

Holmes & Watson

Just a bunch of poorly written skits slapped together with costumes
Could have had potential but fell flat. Was hoping it was better than the previews indicated but the t.v. commercials used all the funny bits. A definite money grab. Just two dudes dressing up and trying to be silly with each other. Wife was p.o.ed that I convinced her to see it. I will have to see a chick flick with her now to make up for that mistake. Wait until it comes out on FX or TNT. Not worth your hard earned money. Or the cost of a 2.99 DVD at Walmart because this is where it will be within a month.

Bugsy Malone

Great nostalgic fun.
I used to brows the T.V. Guide ( that was a weekly magazine that had the television listings so you could plan your viewing before the days of on screen guide) as a kid in anticipation to see when this movie would be on TV. It is a fun yet campy kids gangster flick. Yes, some of the acting is a bit off key, but the smiles of the kids when they miss time thier lines is genuine. The soft violence was a great way to imply violence without really being to much for kids. Some have complained about the acting but it is far better than anything Vin Deasle, Ben Affleck or Ice T have attempted. It is a shame it is not broadcast more often, for,that matter, at all.

American Horror Story

First show was good but then it spiraled in flames.
The first show was intriguing and entertaining, it had depth with many twist and turns as well as suspense and good character development. The end was a great surprise. It seems after its success, the network wanted more shows so the writers grab for ideas that were either cliche or lacking any imagination. The shame of it is, they used a very good concept to push social agenda that is way out of sinc with a sophisticated audience. The attempt to appeal to a very minor audience has spoiled the intire series. What a shame.

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