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Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin

It's pretty okay
If you're a serious horror/slasher fan, you will probably get some enjoyment out of this. There are loads of easter eggs and references scattered throughout. Very strong vibes of movies like I Know What You Did Last Summer, Scream, Sorority Row, etc. I've never watched the original series so I don't know how or if it's connected to that, but this isn't too bad. There is definitely a political agenda being pushed, which may turn some people off. The film nerd character got annoying pretty fast, to the point where nearly every line of dialogue she speaks is a movie reference. I love movies too, but that gets old very fast. Also, a couple of the lead characters don't have the most likeable personalities, making them hard to root for at times. Aside from these relatively minor complaints, I quite enjoyed this series. I'm certainly not part of the demographic they're targeting, but it still mostly worked for me. I look forward to another season.

Awake in the Woods

Below average mockumentary
Here we have yet another contribution to the mockumentary/found footage horror genre. When this style of storytelling is done competently, it can be rather effective in my opinion. Unfortunately, this is not one of those instances. The story itself isn't interesting enough to hold your attention throughout the entire film, quickly losing me after the first few minutes. The acting is abysmal even by found footage standards. Logic issues are prevalent, not to mention the poor editing at times. Low budget isn't an excuse anymore, honestly. I really hate to say this, but the most entertaining and exciting part of the movie is the woman taking her clothes off in the beginning. This is definitely not the worst movie I've seen, not even in this genre, but it's a far cry from some of the better films the genre has to offer.

The Movies That Made Us: Halloween
Episode 1, Season 3

A well done documentary, but nothing new for die-hard fans
This is a fun and enjoyable documentary on the making of Halloween. Most hardcore fans won't walk away from this learning anything new, but it's a rather entertaining watch regardless. Irwin Yablans comes off like a bit of a tool, but everybody else is enjoyable to listen to. A worthy watch for horror fans.

Sworn to Justice

Decent low budget martial arts flick
This movie isn't for everyone, but there is some fun to be had for fans of 90s action B-movies. The story is basically a gender swapped Death Wish. Televison level acting and production value is to be expected, so no surprise there. There is some solid action in this film. Again, Rothrock fans should find something to enjoy here.

The Dummy

Fun 90s SOV Horror Flick
You know what you're getting into when you put this on. It's a 1995 shot-on-video Z-movie about a cursed dummy, what do you expect? I'm a huge fan of anything involving creepy dolls, so I was inevitably going to watch this eventually. The actors are bad, the camera work is bad, the screenwriting is bad, pretty much everything about the film is bad. But it does have that charming quality that only 90s direct to video horror movies have. Being the type of horror fan I am, I enjoyed this, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it to most people.


Solid Effort - Not Your Average Haunted Doll Flick
This is an ambitious little indie horror film. Largely a period piece, it attempts to tell the story of a recently widowed antique expert sent to authenticate a legendary cursed doll, and subsequently finds himself and his stepdaughter drawn into its web. This story, at its core, is nothing particularly new, but the film does attempt to do some rather interesting things within it. The film is extremely well-shot, the cinematography is beautiful and haunting. Acting is solid for the most part, especially the two leads. This is clearly an homage to old school British gothic horror, and it largely succeeds in that regard. There are a few sequences that I found genuinely creepy and intense, but where the movie really shines is the haunting atmosphere throughout and the gradual feeling of dread. This is slow burn psychological horror, many people will find it boring or uneventful, so keep that in mind. It is not for everyone. I think fans of Hammer horror will enjoy this, because it has that classic Victorian vibe.

An Evil Tale

Terrible title for a terrible movie
This movie is awful. It attempts to tell the story of a young woman recovering from a traumatic home invasion in which she ended up killing the intruder in self defense. This premise would have made for an interesting drama/character study, but they instead chose to make it a horror movie by unnecessarily throwing in some ghosts and a cursed doll. Anything that might have had potential in this film was ruined by terrible acting and cheap effects that you can find on free editing software. I love low budget horror, but this brings nothing new to the table and is just very dull, cliche and uninteresting. The only reason I gave it three stars is because it seems like everybody involved was at least trying their best, which I can appreciate to a degree, but unfortunately they just simply ended up making a bad movie. The title of the movie, however, is so incredibly lame and generic that I now have to go back on what I said and question how hard they actually tried...

Curse of the Witch's Doll

Good attempt, but falls flat
I went into this knowing it was going to be a low budget indie film. So all the symptoms are there: mediocre acting, cheap special effects, cheap set designs, amateur writing, etc. However, I do appreciate the attempt to make something great, and with a bigger budget I believe this could've been much better. Still, there are a few negative things to get out of the way. The actors are clearly trying their best, and they aren't terrible by any means, but it ultimately ends up feeling like a local amateur stage play. Also, I don't understand why this movie had to be a period piece, especially considering the budgetary restraints. The best compliment I can give to the flick is that the doll looks great. It's genuinely frightening and the CGI effects on the doll are decent enough, once again considering the low budget. I also did enjoy some of the music, and the story was at least interesting enough to keep me invested throughout.

All in all, if you're a fan of independent low budget slow-burn horror, you may enjoy this. Otherwise, you might be better off skipping it.

S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer

Terrible but quite entertaining
Not sure what to even say about this flick. All of the actors are awful, especially the lead who hilariously overacts and hams it up during every scene. The story is extremely cliched and filled with plot holes, the dialogue is unnatural and cringe worthy at times, and the sex scene is very awkward to watch. The film does utilize practical gore effects, but they're amateurly done and not used nearly enough. Most of the death scenes are either very quick or not shown at all. It's hard to tell if this movie was meant to be serious or tongue-in-cheek. Either way, it's hilariously over the top and poorly made, so I'd recommend it to someone who enjoys bad horror flicks.


A genuinely haunting experience
Throughout the years, this has remained my favorite horror film to come out of Asia, a part of the world that is known for its superb contributions to the genre. The story here is interesting and fairly unique, with a twist that I didn't see coming, though some viewers might. The film is well-acted and shot, with plenty of genuinely frightening visuals throughout. In other words, this movie creeps me the hell out. Go out and buy it.

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