
IMDb member since July 2005
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RoboCop: Rogue City

Excellent and nostalgic
Was very excited to play this game ever since seeing the trailer. It was a great representation of Robocop 1 and 2, with a little sprinkle of 3 thrown in there. I'm hoping for a sequel to this game! The character models were done well and I really enjoyed the voice of Robocop; it sounded authentic. Using the auto 9 pistol can feel a little old quickly, but by using modification chips you can increase damage, spread, capacity, firing mode. I enjoyed using the full auto and single shot the most. The city of Detroit map felt kind of limited and could have been fleshed out to a much bigger area to explore. The 3rd act of the game really threw all the punches in by taking on armored mercenaries, Ed 209, police droids, and even an epic battle with Robocop 2 (Cain)! I really enjoyed this game even with its simplistic nature. It made me want to watch the trio of movies again just to relive the experience. The funny thing is that Detroit is just as bad as depicted in real life today. Even if a Robocop existed in real life, it would be a challenge for him to handle that mess of a city.


Disappointed..coming from a huge VHS fan
I had no idea that a new VHS film came out until 2 weeks ago, so obviously I was looking forward to watching it. Throughout the franchise there have been plenty of good segments, while others were a miss. In VHS 99, this film was mostly disappointing and felt like it was rushed and slapped together quickly. I only enjoyed the Suicide Bid and Shredding segments. The last segment, To Hell and Back was so god awful that it was comedic. It's worth a watch if you are a VHS fan like me, but don't get your hopes up. Hopefully they make another sequel where they take their time and focus on delivering good segments.


Wow this was a chore to get through!
Good lord was this terrible! I love found footage style movies and I've watched many that were shoestring budget that were miles better than this. I was hoping Annie would have been killed off within the first 10 minutes! Her persona, maturity, demeanor, and dopey look made me want to gouge my eyes and turn this movie off multiple times. It's like being stuck in a nightmare scenario with a Karen-like / over the top 7 year old.

Since her character is named after her own name, I wonder if she is anything like this in real life. I'm a Trump supporter and proudly support the man, but it's like they made her character have the intelligence of a carrot to fit the anti Republican narrative. I kept watching in hopes of her demise. A rap free style dash camera YouTube star...wow scraping bottom of the barrel. I expected better from Blumhouse films... I felt bad for Stretch's character as he only got dragged along into this because Annie took off with his car. As far as the demon or whatever that was it started off interesting, but then it morphed into some cheap looking silent hill character...

The Empty Man

A good film, but lacking direction
Overall I think this film was very entertaining and merits a viewing. In the beginning of the film the hiker stumbles across this hidden temple and awakens some kind of demonic god and becomes the vessel. The other hikers in the group then become victims through unsettling deaths. I thought this was well done and very creepy. The rest of the film follows an ex-cop suffering from depression and nightmares over losing his wife and child in an accident while he was having an affair. He sets out to find the missing daughter of his mistress and notices many cases of missing people / deaths that end up being linked to a cult group formed around the hiker.

The film played out more like a mystery thriller and had very little that would be considered horror. The lead actor portrayed his character very well and kept me engaged. I really enjoyed the film and it's definitely worth a watch if you enjoy cult films, but just keep in mind that the run time is over 2hrs and is a slow burner.

The Lost Vlog of Ruby Real

Decent watch for parallel universe films
I believe that this film is worth watching. While the acting is a little amateurish, the plot of the film is interesting and kept me interested to see what was going to happen. The concept of crossing over into a possibility of infinite parallel dimensions is something I find very interesting and hasn't been done in many films. It was present in the newest Blair Witch film, but only slightly with returning to the same camp and time skipping through to the night. In the Lost Vlog of Ruby Real, a team of three set out to this forest that appeared to be on the outskirts of a city to debunk a myth of crossing into another dimension by walking around this unique tree. They each film themselves walking around the tree and nothing happens within that moment. They concluded that this myth has been debunked and head back to the main trail to the parking lot. I noticed right away that unlike the others, Cali walked around the tree counter-clockwise. I knew right away that this was going to change the dynamics later on and it did, as Cali was the first to "disappear".

When Cali disappeared after going to the bathroom just a few yards away from her friends, the others didn't seem that disturbed. They looped back to the tree to try to find her a few times and just casually concluded she was "gone" and gave up looking. The others would then see her again at a distance standing still with a creepy stare and then suddenly disappeared again. They kept following the trail to be continually looped back to the tree. If the actors had more experience they would have captured a better sense of hopelessness and despair, but we didn't really get that in this film.

Eventually they realized the direction that they circled the tree mattered and when the male circled the tree a second time after going counter-clockwise he disappeared. The remaining girl came across them again in a desperate attempt to find a way out, but saw the others embracing each other. They could not hear or see her as she was in another dimension. She looped back to the tree one last time to circle the tree in the same direction as the others and then was never shown appearing on the other side of the tree. Give this film a chance if you appreciate the found footage genre.

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

Extremely disappointing
As a casual fan of the show, I really wanted to like this movie, but just didn't. The plot was very dumb and over half of the movie revolves around this nonsense. There was only a limited amount of jokes, like you would see on the show. Their very first season of the show had some hilarious skits like taking people's food, but sadly there was nothing like this in the movie or even the show lately...

This movie felt over the top corny, like they were trying to force it to be funny, but it wasn't. It was almost like watching a spinoff of the movie Mystery Men. I only had a small chuckle from maybe one or two very brief scenes, but overall this movie is terrible. If I had watched this in the theaters, I likely would have walked out and that very rarely happens with me.

The Fanatic

It's really not bad, don't let the rating dismiss it
Although this may not be John Travolta's greatest, it's still not bad. It comes off more as comedic, but Travolta delivers his role very well as an autistic middle aged fan boy. I thought the ending was good and a little sad. When he got his hand blown off and stabbed in the eye, the cries of pain sounded authentic and unsettling. It made me feel sad for Moose and you can see Dunbar felt remorse for his actions. Moose's way of thinking and going about things were dangerous and wrong, but he was simply at his breaking point with being pushed around by everyone. If Dunbar would have simply just given Moose 5 minutes of his time to just sign an autograph so he would go away, he wouldn't be dealing with this life altering mess.

Now nobody is going to believe Dunbar's story. A body of a woman he tried to seduce is in his yard that he likely went maybe a day or 2 without noticing. What's he going to say?? "A crazy fanboy named "Moose" has been stalking me and likely did it!" It sure doesn't sound believable since he often drinks and takes heavy sleeping medication. I think this film is definitely worth a watch, Travolta gave a great performance!

Escape Plan: The Extractors

Why was this made???
I just don't why this movie was made..a quick cash grab I guess. The first movie was amazing and fun. The second one, while different was interesting with the unique and complex prison. Then this one... it really had nothing to do with "escaping" at all and was more of a rescue the hostages mission from some pathetic excuse for a prison. Alcatraz, while deteriorating, was a better and more impenetrable prison compared to this lame castle dungeon. This dungeon had nothing intimidating about it, just worn down crumbling walls and various small cells and passages modeled after something from the 18th century.

I was really looking forward to this once I heard it was being made before they finished the 2nd film. This was an embarrassment and waste of time that I'll never get back. I thought it would have been a direct continuation of the 2nd movie, but had nothing to do with it whatsoever. Everyone involved in making this should feel ashamed for producing this dumpster fire trash!

The Final Wish

It was decent, but could have been better
I'm usually forgiving when it comes to B rate movies. Some are horrible and others are masterpieces. I would say this falls somewhere in between. I enjoyed it, but kind of chuckled when the monster was revealed for how cheesy it looked. However, since the movie had a small budget to work with, I can look past that. Overall, it was definitely worth a watch and I don't feel that I wasted my time at all. It is certainly better than some of the films that make it to the big screen. It's reminiscent of the Wishmaster series with a Djinn granting wishes that have twisted consequences in exchange for their soul. So if you enjoyed the Wishmaster series like I have, this is right up your alley.

Bird Box

Very impressive, should have been shown in theaters!
I'm surprised this movie isn't being shown in theaters because it is 100x better than the trash movie, A Quiet Place, which received so much hype and positive reviews. This film actually captured the survival horror / disaster epidemic correctly. The creatures / supernatural force hunts by sight, not by sound which can be easily manipulated. It reminded me a lot of The Last of Us video game with a mix of 28 Days Later and The Happening, where just one infected individual can rapidly infect others.

Some of the only criticism I have is that is just has the typical dumb/naïve woman that screws up and potentially costs everyone their lives and the alcoholic jerk that is only concerned about himself. However, these characters were essential to the progression of the film. I also thought that it was very unrealistic that for going downstream on a boat for over 3 days blindfolded and they don't really run in the potential danger with crashing the boat until they get to a point with rapids.

I was expecting the cop and the drug addict that took off with the car on their own to come back later as psychos / hunters, but we never see them again or find out their fate. Overall this film kept me engaged even though it was 2 hours and kept me wondering what was going to happen next. I was hoping that it had a dramatic ending and wouldn't have the typical happy ending, but that is almost all Hollywood films nowadays. If you are a survival horror fan, this definitely merits a watch and is not time wasted.


Decent Thriller
I thought this movie was pretty good and better than I expected. Nothing scary to see in this movie, but the mansion layout and the sense of paranoia help build the tension / creepiness. Compared to A Quiet Place, this movie is way better. Still having a hard time wrapping my head around why many people praised that movie so much, (was one of the worst movies I saw in theaters in years). Anyways, this is an enjoyable B-grade thriller worth a watch. Don't let the two negative low ball reviews scare you away.

The 15:17 to Paris

This is one of those movies I almost turned off
This is one of those movies I almost turned off which I usually never do because I give bad films the benefit of the doubt. I was expecting to see something great with Clint Eastwood at the director's chair, but instead I got a very dull, forgettable, and uneventful experience. So glad I only wasted my time watching this and not my money to see this in the theater. It should have never even made it to the theater because this movie could have been covered in like a 30 minute short. About 95% of this movie is just filler, while the actual terrorist event only fills about 10 minutes towards the end of film. The movie was all about the 3 Americans and their story from their childhood into adulthood in the military. It was so dull and boring, I almost fell asleep. I can understand the need to have some character development, but there was just minor segments of it that could be considered useful.

Spencer, the main character, doesn't get into the military division that he wanted and felt like he was lacking purpose and wanted to save lives /be a hero. There was just a few snippets of this in the film that should have been used and the rest should have been thrown out. 75% of the film was just the guys talking about hanging out together and going traveling around Europe. It was all irrelevant and added nothing at all to the story or their character development. They decided to use the actual survivors from the events which is a nice concept, but their performances were lousy and frigid, it felt like I was watching a high school film. Definitely the worst Clint Eastwood movie I have ever seen.


Terrible movie
As some of the others have stated, yes this movie is terrible. The acting is terrible and lacks any emotion. The plot is dumb and has been done already many times before. Everyone involved should be ashamed for being attached to this horrible film. Do yourself a favor and don't waste any of your time watching this.

A Quiet Place

Don't fall for the overrated reviews, this is mediocre at best
This is my first review on the site, even though I've been utilizing IMDB for years. I felt obligated to rate it after being suckered from the advertising to see it. DON'T fall for the overrated reviews, this film is mediocre at best. I should have known better when they were giving it 100% ratings from critics here and on rotten tomatoes. This is the last time I'll let myself fall for the hype and fake reviews and do the proper research before viewing. If half of the positive reviews on the film are actually legit, then maybe it is due to the increased pussification of America because it is not scary at all. Films like The Descent and It Comes at Night were WAYY better with a similar plot/setting and they were ignored or butchered by critics.

For this film being rated PG-13 with very little dialogue, good luck with trying enjoy it with all the moron teenagers talking and laughing half the time. The film itself lacks any edge of the seat scary moments. The monsters/aliens have no explanation of how they arrived on earth or anything about how to defend yourself besides being silent. You would think if this was a worldwide thing that the military or scientists would have some noticeable presence or solutions on how to deal with this mess.

Why would the couple even continue to have a baby in this type of world where silence is a necessity to survive? Once the baby was delivered, it was laughable how quiet the baby was, hardly any crying if any. The characters just seemed to be dumb with how they handled everything. They knew that the river/waterfall gave off a lot of noise to hide from the creatures and could have built a shelter to live in along the coast, but they stay in their home in the middle of a corn field. Instead of having dozens on security monitors in the basement, they could have just placed alarm clocks throughout the woods to distract the creatures as they moved from place to place. The ending was also very lame and corny, nothing that you haven't seen before. For a true horror fan, it might be worth just one watch, but don't waste your money on it in the theater because it's defiantly not worth it.

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