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The Big Lebowski

If you are watching this movie and think it's a bowling movie, you're watching it wrong. If you're watching this movie and think it's a stoner movie, you're still watching it wrong. If you're watching this movie thinking it's about a mystery movie, a whodunit movie, or a mistaken identity movie, you're STILL watching it wrong.....because "we know which Lebowski you are, Lebowski..." Yeah, this movie is on a completely different category. I mean, I can't even describe it. What I DO know is that this movie is supposed to be funny and it's a completely different type of comedy.

Let me explain what I'm trying to say. Everybody knows about movies that are "So bad It's Good", like the movie The Room, for example. I mean, if you watch the movie The Room thinking it's supposed to be a drama movie, or a suspenseful movie, or a "dark comedy" movie, then you are watching it wrong. You don't watch that movie for its love story, you watch that movie because it's so bad it's good. You watch movies like that because you want to make fun of it. Now let's get back to The Big Lebowski. It's not a "So Bad It's Good" category.....FAR from it. While you watch The Room to make fun of it, The Big Lebowski is a movie that makes fun of you!

So what does that mean, the movie makes fun of me? Yes, it's teasing you, it's making you think it's a bowling movie, but it's really not. You don't even see the main character play a single game! This movie is making you think it's a mystery movie, but it's really not! There is NO mystery! That's what makes this movie hilarious. That's the reason this movie barely makes any sense......because it's NOT supposed to make sense in the first place! It's the ultimate anti-joke. It's a plot that makes fun of plots, a comedy that makes fun of comedy, a punchline without a punchline.

What so genius about this movie is that it's NOT self-aware. It's a comedy that doesn't hold your hand, it's like you either get it or you don't. If you don't get it, then it's WORKING, because you're not supposed to get it! Throughout the whole movie, every time you see the 3 main characters together, you'll notice The Dude has all the questions, Walter thinks he has all the answers, and poor Donny walks in and is still figuring out what the question is! If this is your first time watching this movie, you are like Donny. If it's your second time watching this movie, you are like The Dude. If it's your third time watching this movie, you become like Walter, because now you "think" you know all the answers...

So in conclusion, this movie is nothing like all the other comedy movies such as The Hangover, or Superbad, or even The Room. It's a totally different type of comedy, and it grows with you the more you watch it. That's the reason why people tell you that you have to watch it again, because, yes, you are watching it wrong.....and when you realize this movie is intentionally trying to not make sense, then it becomes hilarious every single time you watch it.....and it's SO quotable.

Birdemic 3: Sea Eagle

If you loved the first movie, you'll love this
Long story short, it's the EXACT same plot of the 1st movie and everything you'd expect. The audio was everywhere, the lighting was everywhere, the dialog and acting was everywhere, which by the way always sounded like generic AI bots talking to each other...yup it's all here.

Movie starts out with loud happy music with the infamous driving scene, then cuts away to a very quiet scene where guy meets girl with wacky dialog audio. Also, the lighting was so bad I couldn't tell if there was something wrong with my TV, probably because there was so much over exposure and bad filtering.

The CGI, same thing, the birds are flying GIF images. Like I said before the plot is the same, the 2 characters have everything going for them, go on dates, dancing with live music, and get in bed. No birds until 57 minutes into the movie and out of nowhere they attack.

What's interesting about this one is that it's actually better than the first 2, but that's not saying much. It's probably the most preachy and had the most music and alcohol. And yes there is a hanger scene.

So the question it still so bad it's good? Short answer, YES and its pretty funny and entertaining.

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition

The Mobile Version was Better
Just played a few hours of the Trilogy Definitive Edition on the Nintendo Switch and there were weird glitches, bad controls, and the rain graphics was terrible. I hate to say it, but even the app version is better, it may not have updated graphics like this version but it played much more smoother. This game is overpriced in my opinion.


It's so good that it's so bad that it's so good that it's not bad.
After watching House the one question you will ask yourself is "Why haven't I watched or heard of this before?" And the answer is, it's called House. The title doesn't get anymore generic than that, in fact many films are named House but this House is something you will never forget after watching. This is quite possibly the most creative, the weirdest, the strangest, horror movie ever created and the fact it was made in 1977 is very impressive. Like others have said, do not watch this on drugs...

Evil Dead

Sorry it wasn't scary
Lots of gore but no glory. The film has almost a similar plot to the original but doesn't have the charm. It's another Hollywood scare fest that tries to be scary but ends up being slightly predictable. I felt like some parts of the movie tried too hard to scare us and other parts felt like they didn't try hard enough. The blood and gore was enough to freak some people out but not me. I've seen a lot of scarier, bloodier, and disturbing movies in my life and this movie was as mainstream as you can get, in other words, it's what you would expect for a popcorn movie. That being said the acting was quite well and I thought they did a good job with the cast. If you're a fan of the original I recommend you wait for this and rent it. But if you really want to see this film by all means go ahead. Just don't worry about getting nightmares, you will forget about it as soon as it wears off.

Birdemic: Shock and Terror

Most amazing piece of garbage I've ever had the pleasure of seeing
Shocking and terrorizing is right. I don't even know where to begin. All I can say is it has the worst editing, worst sound, worst acting, worst directing, worst special effects, worst story, and worst ending ever told. However it is by far the most breathtaking failure I've ever seen. It's like watching a work of art by Picasso created with dog poop and vomit under sewage water. Maybe that's what makes it fun to watch because of its honesty in trying to make a horror film with very limited resources. The pacing is atrocious though in that you will finally see the birds attack about 45 minutes through the movie and the birds look like Windows 95 screen savers. The sound's like every shot you will hear the difference in the background noise and by the time you see them "firing" guns your ears will explode due to the intensity of the sound. Forget about the plot because it doesn't even need one. All in all I can say it's a great movie to laugh at even when you are not drunk.

The Room

The acting is so bad it's good
I've never seen a movie so bad it's good. The acting especially the main character is so bad but so rewarding at the same time. It's as entertaining as a serious magician trying to impress you with tricks that don't work the way it was meant to work and still delivering a show.

So the movie is about a drama between a man and a woman. There is pretty much no plot but it involves cheating and a lot of sexual scenes. Also there is a lot of confusion and hilarity involved between other characters. This is the kind of movie you must watch as if you are reading a book "between the lines". It won't make sense but you'll be surprise to find out your own meaning to it. Certainly a cult classic.


Watching Avatar is like taking a drug; everything looks very real and very clear, but you're little lost, in a good way.
What I mean by very real is that all the aliens and all the backgrounds DO NOT look fake at all. They look completely real, not even a hint of cartoon or video game scene at all. It's also very clear that it's like watching HD times 1000. How do I describe the 3D in the movie? Imagine you are wearing blue make up. Now look in the mirror and imagine there is a jungle behind you. That's how it feels.

It looks so real that you will feel the after effect by the time the movie is finished. I went to the bathroom and I felt like I'm still watching the movie, it's like I can't tell what's real and what's fake anymore.

The movie goes by really fast. It doesn't feel like 2+ hours so you will be entertained without ever looking at your watch. But sometimes it goes so fast that you're kinda lost in the middle of the movie. However the story is so interesting you'll be begging for more.

Like Terminator and Titanic, you will feel very connected to the environment and setting. However, in this movie the characters just didn't really give the same connection I felt with John Conner or Jack Dawson. I don't want to ruin any plot or details, just watch this movie and enjoy taking the "Avatar Drug" and you will be in a great trip.

Silent Hill

The game is scary because it has that psychological terror, this movie doesn't have that and that's why it's not scary.
It's missing that *psychological* horror. Silent Hill is a town that is dark even when there is daylight because the fog is so thick. This fog or smog is so thick that the only time you're able to see anything is when you're close to it. Imagine being lost walking around looking for your daughter in Silent Hill, a place with thick fog where you could only see as far as your hand can go. That's the psychological horror, and the movie didn't have that.

In the game, unpredictable and unexplainable things happen. These things are not suppose to be scary but you might get scared anyways. In the game, for example, doors that were once locked are now mysteriously open. Classroooms that were once filled with tables become empty. After returning to an elevator, another button suddenly appears leading you to another room. It's not that scary but the more these events happen, the more that psychological confusion builds up until it becomes horrifying. And then, the "darkeness" comes and then your state of mind loses control. This movie didn't have that process and that feeling. It doesn't have that originality.

The first 30 minutes of this movie was very good. Then after a while you'll start to yawn at the nonsense they give you afterwards. In my opinion, there's too many characters. The only Silent Hill game I ever played was the first Silent Hill and to me, back then, it was the scariest game I ever played. That game had just a few characters, but it was enough to set that mood of loneliness and fear. When a movie like this has a lot of people in it, it makes you feel like you're in crowded area away from fear.

Also, I wanna point out the camera angles. In the game, you feel alone because it feels like there is only one camera following your character. That's what makes the game so interesting, the game doesn't always switch scenes or switch camera. And in the game, you don't ALWAYS here music. That's what makes it scary, the second you hear something you're going to panic. I think the only strong thing in this movie is the computer graphics. Amazing graphics and description of how the "other world" should be.

And finally, the plot, the plot really had it's weak points. The beginning was easy for everyone to understand and follow. But towards the middle and last part you become more lost than the characters in the movie. Trust me, you'll get confused. But I was expecting this already so I'm not surprised by the people complaining about the plot. The games plot is supposed to be confusing anyway, but when it comes to movies, I don't think anybody likes being confused.

If you wanna make a movie based on a game, it should feel like the game. That way, everyone watching will understand why so many Silent Hill fans enjoy the game. They did a pretty good job making the film, but they could have done better. They should have given it some originality, something the audience never seen or felt before in a movie. That's how I felt when I played the game for the first time, it was so original and interesting. And yes, the game will always be better than the movie.

Scary? No. Funny? hmm it depends, even though there was no comedy at all but I'm not complaining. Entertaining? Sometimes. Confusing? Yeah, the last half hour of the movie. Worth Watching? If you played the game, if not, good luck.


Cinderella Man

This movie will get you hooked, from left to right
I was sleepy when I began to watch this movie. I thought this movie was going to be just a plain boring boxing documentary. I thought wrong. I was hooked, not the punching hook that will knock me down till I sleep, but the hook where I felt like sleeping but I couldn't. This is like one of those movies that will get you going from the beginning to end. You could almost feel like you're in Jim's shoes as he struggles through the Great Deppresion. The story line was very consistent, I never got lost with what's going on. Every scene prepared you for the next scene, and if ever you get lost with the story, either by a disturbance or you needed to do something, and then return to the film, the action and suspense will keep you from getting lost. The boxing scenes were superb, more realistic than if you were to watch the real fight from an old boxing film. Sooner or later you'll begin to cheer for the Cinderella Man making sure the right man wins the fight. Whether you're a boxing fan or not, you can be sure this movie isn't a boring documentary, but more like a boxing event.

Siu Lam juk kau

Funniest action comedy you'll ever see
This movie will make you see soccer in such a different way. Not a soccer fan? Well, whether you like soccer or not, this movie will crack you up. This movie will hit you with a three hit combo of laughter in just seconds. It's so smart that they could put so many funny scenes in so little time and it will still make sense without ruining the movie. This is what I mean when I say three hit combo: First you start giggling, then after take a deep breath, another funny thing comes up and you start laughing, then a punch line with a twist pops up and you just start cracking up with tears. You can't hold your laugh on this one. Not only the comedy was good but the special effects was outstanding. I wasn't even a fan of soccer or the Matrix movie and this movie still got me loving it. With the realistic graphics, the slapstick comedy, and the strange but clever storyline, I don't how you could not get interested in this movie.


scary film
If you ever watch this movie you'll know what I'm talking about when I say scary. The movie is about a little girl and her young nanny moving to a village where a beautiful woman that can transform into animals or people terrorizes the place. The scary women is like a vampire but she doesn't just like drinking blood, she actually eats everything but the bones and particularly little children and babies. She even eats unborn babies inside pregnant women using her snake tongue. Now, imagine visiting a small village near jungles and it is haunted by a gorgeous monster-changing cannibal woman. People are missing and bones are being found. You would feel so insecure and you would trust no one. This is a must see for horror fans. The ending is as great as the beginning and the story just gets spookier by the minute. I hope they make this movie with English voice overs so that people in the US can watch this.

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