Reviews (1)

  • I know I'm quite late to review this movie, but as says- "Better late than never. Well, i still can't stop thinking about this film. I never expected the movie to be this great. I was completely overwhelmed watching this movie. I'm a big fan of "Naruto" series and this movie really knows how to keep up the expectations.

    If i talk about the story than it was Awesome, you never always get to see an anime movie with such strong and potential story background. The Concept of kidnapping the younger sister of Hinata was something new to watch and was a visual treat. The Movie Keeps evolving better and better in terms of Maturity.

    This Movie personally revolve around the connection and romance of "Naruto and Hinata". If i were to talk about the "Romance" in this movie than it's something unusual. Even the romance in this movie comes with maturity. They really did balanced the romance in this movie, and i personally liked the romance of this movie. This Movie shows how naruto ends up with being "Hianta". The Movie might be too slow but it's fun to watch and not a single point made me bore. Eventually, I personally love 'Hinata' rather than 'Sakura', so it was a bit plus point for me.

    Even the fighting sequence was maturely executed and even the small cameo fighting sequence of "Kurama" was great to watch. Naruto has changed a lot in terms of fight-hing sense.

    Overall- I would definitely recommend you to watch this movie. It' a well matured executed movie. You'll be definitely surprised to see the "Newly Grown Naruto".