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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

an outer space adventure that falls short of expectations
As a person who has never been a fan of star wars from the beginning, what can I say about this new addition to the universe. I wont give you a bad review just because I've never been a huge fan of the series, like some people do. I'm going to give you an honest opinion of how I felt.

The bad -overused plot. The plot for this movie is literally the same as the others. There are droids that have to be captured, a love story that wont happen, a masked villain with voice software that honestly should of just kept his helmet on the whole film. A twist you can see coming before even a 1/4 into the movie

-the bad guy. Kylo ren is the main enemy in this movie. The movie and hype was built up around this man. You are given a tantrum adult that might as well be a teenager who fits at never getting what he wants. He has emotional breakdowns every time he is on screen. His acting is sub par and only believable when his mask is on. When its off, well, he's utter junk. Not threatening at all.

-light saber battles. Might as well be non existent because there's only 2 in the entire movie. You're pretty much watching a futuristic western is space because this movie basically is just blasters the entire time.

-incredibly long buildup. I understand they are doing a whole new story, but man, was it a very uneventful first half of the movie

-you can tell its a Disney film. From the acting, to the script, you can tell Disney has taken over this film franchise. Trying to cater to all audiences with their PC movie. There's nothing wrong with female stormtroopers or a black main character but the entire movie they are throwing it down your throat. We get it, you added non male characters in the movie. Calm down

The good -it will keep you entertained. After seeing in the 3D which it does look good in, you'll be on the edge of your seat the whole time. The visuals are very well done and the musical score is out of this world. The minute that crawl comes on you relive every memory of your childhood.

-the lightsabers that are in this movie look really really cool.

-even though kylo ren is a giant teenager. His force power is extremely strong. He might be the most powerful dark side user we have seen

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

A decent ending to a great series.
Well this is it. This was the movie I wanted an entire year to see Part 2 for. Let me tell you, it didn't disappoint, not really, at least.

The entirety of Part 2 does follow the book very well. So, if you've read the book, you shouldn't be disappointed with that at least. But, even though it was full of action for a 2 and a half hour movie (that's right, 2 and a half hours) there were parts of the movie where you just went, 'Alright, let's just get this train rolling please' and when it does get going, it goes and goes.

The last 45 minutes of the movie are extremely rushed. EXTREMELY RUSHED. There is no time for grieving, there is no time to ponder what just happened, there's no time for anything. It just jumps from one thing straight to the next.

Let's pull away from that for a second. There are a couple try hard one liner funny moments they decided to put in. I did chuckle at one of them but the other ones were just not needed. They were not needed at all, it's not meant to be a comedy, I don't know why the writers put them in.

You do get to see Philip Seymour one last time (from his death last year), which is a nice thing, especially if you're one of his fans.

I do wish Effie was in it more. She was my favorite character in the entire movie.

So here's the summary: .It's a very long movie, but it keeps you interested throughout. .The ending is very, VERY rushed. Don't expect time to go over and ponder anything that happens. .Hopefully, the characters you like are along the lines of Katniss and Peta. Cuz the others aren't in it much, sorry. .It follows the plot of the book to a T. If you're a reader, you'll enjoy it.

All in all, a decent conclusion to a great series. I just wish it was a bit better.

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