
IMDb member since December 2015
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Sunset Song

Terrible film version of a lovely book.
This is a terrible film - wooden acting and awful accents. The book is a real Scottish classic, set in the area I have lived in and worked for many years now - but the whole portrayal of folk from this area at the beginning of the 20th century is all wrong. Agnes Deynn looks so odd next to the actor playing her husband as she's so much taller than him - she should stick to being a model. Really poor development of the story and, to a Scot, the unforgivable wrong lyrics to Auld Lang Syne sung - did no-one check?! There's a particularly hilarious scene where the local folk walk to church through a ripe harvest field (as if they'd ever do that!) while a very 'anglified' sounding choir sing "All in the April Evening" - really, for the'couthy' folk of the Mearns?! I only sat through the whole thing to see the lovely, poignant ending - and they ruined that too :( Just awful - please read the book instead!

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