
IMDb member since July 2005
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Salt and Fire

Began Promisingly, But Then Went Downhill
I began watching this film because I've always found Garcia Bernal an interesting actor. The beginning of the film was mysterious enough to hold my attention, but as it progressed, I found my interest waning. At about the halfway point I felt I had already invested so much time I couldn't stop watching. Then, as it progressed even further, I realized the only thing continuing to hold my attention was Veronica Ferres. That woman must have the longest legs in the world! Herzog needs to realize that presenting intellectual concepts in dramatic movie format must be dealt with very carefully or it becomes all too easy for the plot to become really boring!


What A Tragedy!
This was yet another interesting indie film I was able to learn about through Netflix. It is a darkly moody story which requires paying close attention. As I watched this movie, I felt myself becoming more and more saddened and angry as the realization hit me that Cory Monteith possessed far more talent than he was ever called upon to demonstrate in Glee and this would be the last of his roles for eternity. Here was a young man already capable of holding his own with a seasoned actor like David Morse and obviously capable of becoming even better and better at his craft as time progressed. What a sad, sad waste of a young life.

The Hammer

What a Marvelous Surprise!
When I heard Richard Roeper mention a movie starring Adam Carolla which had gone directly to video, I figured that made a lot of sense. But then he said he liked it and I was really intrigued. I decided to take a chance by renting it and was very happy I did. Now I'm sure many who review this film will use the word "formulaic" and they're probably right, but to some extent isn't The Godfather also formulaic?It's all in how it's handled. Carolla does a surprisingly good job in the title role and I absolutely fell in love with Heather Juergensen, who plays the role of Carolla's girlfriend/foil with just the right combination of sweetness, strength and humor. The other cast members acted their parts with above average skills and I honestly have to say I enjoyed The Hammer far more than the majority of movies I have seen thus far this year. Give it a chance and you might be pleasantly surprised as I was.

Walk the Line

This one's got it all!!!
Watching this film I could not help but think of what I call the three most compelling themes in telling a story. First, there's the story of a person realizing their dream (the humbler their beginnings and the stronger the odds against them, the more powerful the effect), second, the story of redemption (the farther they fall and the farther they make it back, the more compelling their return) and lastly the story of a love that finally succeeds (particularly one where the odds seem stacked against them). Most good movies are lucky if they successfully cover just one of these themes and even fewer manage two, so when I tell you this movie has all three, well you may disagree, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it! I have read many reviews comparing this film to Ray, but the one which I thought of after seeing it is Hustle and Flow, which I believe also contains these three themes, although to a greater or lesser degree in certain areas.

I think Mangold brilliantly uses the close-up to incredible effect in telling this story, particularly the 2-shots during Cash and Carter's duets. They lent a real intimacy to these scenes and made me truly feel not only the love between these two people, but also a genuine caring and friendship.

I am amazed to find that although I was never a real Johnny Cash fan, I have become a huge Joaquin Phoenix/Johnny Cash fan. While Phoenix has received praise for his performance from every corner, I feel Ms. Witherspoon deserves every bit as much, if not more, recognition for her wonderful turn as June Carter Cash. To be able to act like that, to look like that and on top of it all, sing like that, is truly an embarrassment of riches. If she is overlooked at Oscar time, I will be sorely disappointed.

I've seen it twice now. Please make sure you see it at least once. You will not be disappointed.

Un long dimanche de fiançailles

What a rare cinematic treat!
This film absolutely captivated me on every level. I never wanted it to end. The entire cast was marvelous, but Audrey Tautou was simply incredible! What a joy she is to behold. This movie had everything; romance, mystery, drama, comedy, you name it. I was reminded of Paths of Glory while watching the battle scenes, which depicted so graphically the brutality and senselessness of warfare, particularly trench warfare. And I had to do a brief double take before recognizing Jodie Foster in a fine performance. Experiencing this film was akin to reaching an oasis in a barren cinematic desert. Anyone who can view the final scene without shedding a tear is a better man (or woman) than I. I will be watching and enjoying A Very Long Engagement for years to come!

It's All About Love

Really, REALLY boring movie.
What a load of pretentious tripe and what a waste of a really talented cast! And where do they find people to actually spend their money backing movies like this? Gotta be a tax write-off. I almost got drawn into this story initially, but as it wore on (and I do mean WORE on) it seemed more and more as though the writers really had no point. The final scenes of the movie were almost laughable (frolicking in a frozen wasteland with no winter clothing or food) although I feel sure they were meant to be quite dramatic. I know they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but if anyone found beauty in this dog, they need to see an ophthalmologist!!!

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