
IMDb member since July 2005
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Today's Special

Delightful ethnic comedy!
The excellent comedic talent, Aasif Mandvi, plays a lovable character named Samir in a very funny comedy about Samir's life in New York. He works as a sous chef in a nice restaurant with the hope of becoming a full chef in his boss's newly opening restaurant. When that position fails to materialize for him, Samir quits in a huff and decides to move to Paris for an unpaid position with a famous chef there.

Not too surprisingly, it turns out he needs to stay in New York because of a family crisis (I won't say what) and Samir's help is needed with the family business. A thoroughly delightful story follows that is full of heart and full of humor, for a totally enjoyable experience! Highly recommended!

Haarautuvan rakkauden talo

Great Quirky, Finnish Comedy!
I saw this film directed by Mika Kaurismaki (one of the famous Kaurismaki brothers) at the 2010 Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival, and I can say that the entire theater was cracking up laughing at this film. It doesn't pretend to be anything but great comedy - actually black comedy, given that the topic is the break-up of a marriage - and it succeeds very well.

Tuula, the wife, and Juhani, the husband, are a nice couple living in a nice house. He is a family therapist and she conducts motivational business seminars. Both are successful professionals, and both expect to have an amicable separation and divorce once they made the decision to break up the marriage. They start with Juhani moving his bed into another room and the two setting up rules to manage living in the same house until the divorce finalizes.

When one of them breaks an important rule, it starts the roller-coaster ride of hurts and retribution going, all handled in a very funny comedic way! Things are not the same after that.

This film pulls out all the stops showing normal human reactions to separation and divorce with a lot of humor and craziness thrown in. Since it could be described as "divorce, Finnish-style," there certainly are some cringe-worthy moments as well. Relationships gone bad are not pretty.

The craziness gets almost over-the-top when some criminal characters enter the picture, as relatives of our couple! As unlikely as that may be, it adds to the funny situations that occur, so, as far as I'm concerned, all is forgiven! Don't expect anything too deep here, just enjoy the laughs!

Kielletty hedelmä

Thoughtful and beautiful film!
This surprising film introduces us to a contemporary, conservative Lutheran sect with over 100,000 members in Finland through the lives of two 18-year old girls of the sect, one of whom rebels against her religion's taboos (no TV, no dancing, no make-up, no alcohol, no sex before marriage and no kissing before marriage) by leaving her village in northern Finland to visit the "evil" big city Helsinki and experience "life." The second 18-year old girl is sent by church elders to follow the rebel, watch over her, and keep her from falling into sin and ending up in eternal hell.

Now we have a situation that promises to bring about something of interest, and it does. The story continues with the familiar inner conflict of desiring forbidden experiences and how each individual reacts to the big city's temptations. Not to give away the story further, I'll just say the two girls in question are easy on the eyes and the director certainly knows it. My only criticism might be the understandable yet slightly too frequent lingering on the faces of these lovely girls, but this is certainly a minor criticism.

I highly recommend this beautifully done film!


When marriages hit rocky times
I loved this psychological look at marriage and the difficulties when one partner strays or is tempted to stray. Tomi and his wife, Maria, are very happily married with two children. Tomi, quite by accident, meets a woman he is immediately attracted to, physically and more. Meanwhile, we find out that Maria's older brother has been unfaithful to his wife. These two stories run side by side throughout, although most of the film centers on Tomi and his genuine feelings for both women and where this leads them all. Some may find the film slow moving, since it is a straightforward depiction of the emotions people go through during such difficult times, but I found it beautifully done and I loved it!

Csak szex és más semmi

Terrific romantic comedy/drama!
The attractive, 32-year old and single Dora edits scripts for plays and is working on "Dangerous Liaisons." One day when her lover shoves her, half-naked, out on a balcony at the sudden appearance of the wife that Dora didn't know he had, Dora is rescued by a handsome man named Tamas! She later finds out that Tamas is the star of her play who is much pursued by the ladies. Dora can't trust that Tamas is anything more than a Don Juan when he shows interest in her and, longing to have a baby but not finding the right man, she places a personals ad asking for "just sex and nothing else" with the idea of getting pregnant and having a baby on her own. Lots more happens in this fast-paced story, and it's very funny lines, touching and human characters makes for a really enjoyable experience. I loved it and hope it comes out on DVD soon!

Les filles du botaniste

Based on an actual event in China (some spoilers)
Many comments seem to be skeptical about what happens in the film. In an interview, the director said, "The story is based on an actual event. A long time ago I had been reading an article from the local news in a Chinese paper. Two young women - lovers - that worked together at a factory were sentenced to death for the murder of one woman's father..." The director made a beautiful film about this situation, and said, "I wanted to tell the story of what it is like to lose the right to love, as can happen in any time and any place." Because he could not film this in China, it was filmed in Vietnam.

I found the film not quite perfect, but well done and extremely lush in its settings. I give it 8 out of 10!

Elvira Madigan

Gorgeous and Tragic Love Story
I saw this film when it came out in the 1960's. It is loosely based on a true story of two lovers, a beautiful tightrope dancer and a married Army Lieutenant, who run away together in the late 1800's. I was blown away by the sheer beauty of this film. There are no car chases or explosions. Instead, it brings you close to nature with the sights and sounds of the fields and trees, the wind, sumptuous berries, bird songs and crickets. Their love plays out within some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. It runs almost in real time, quietly moving their story along. This film left a lasting impression on me for decades. I loved it.

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