
IMDb member since December 2015
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    8 years


The State

Muito Realista
An excellent series that shows a good preliminary work of investigation in order to make it as realistic as possible. It is neither by far nor by near, an apology for Islamic radicalism and violence; show only a naked reality that, whether we like it or not, exists and which is not worth ignoring. The most attentive viewer will find during the 04 episodes not only the large references associated with ISIS (free and medieval violence, religion, the situation of women, accepted and justified slavery, but also small references to the bombing of civilian targets, former officers of Saddam who, by being ostracized and persecuted in the Iraq, formed the backbone of senior officers who allowed ISIS to have some success at the beginning of the expansion of the Califado, as well as the relevant issue of advertising and its dissemination in social networks. To see without reservations ...

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