
IMDb member since December 2015
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    IMDb Member
    8 years


Bad Fellaz

I totally enjoyed this!
Yeah, this has a combination of comedy and action that you do not see much of these days. I really got a kick out of the background music and the acting was spot on. The timing was good and the movie just kept rolling. I was not bored and really enjoyed what I saw.It kept your interest all the way through. You see one group of actors and then, moments later, a new set comes onto the screen and you get wrapped up in what they are doing. The camera work was good. Steady as a rock, unlike some other indie films where the scene just shakes like a roller coaster. I was able to relate to the urban background; nothing phony about that. You can tell Mr.Lee is a guy from New York City itself. Nothing plastic and all the reel deal.

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