
IMDb member since December 2015
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The Letters

A must see, Jiliette Stevenson, Max Von Sydow and Rutger Hauer...superb!
The Letters was a beautiful film about a very pious and humble servant of God who dedicated her life to the poorest of the poor, the starving, sick and dying in the slums of Calcutta. Research done By Juliette Stevenson was obvious in that her portrayal of Mother Teresa was flawless, she became Mother Teresa down to the most minute detail. Her hands stood out to me in how she so lovingly and kindly touched the sick and dying. Oscar contender for sure. This film is a much needed reprieve from all the horror, violence, and ludicrous reality shows and senseless killings, in the name of religion no less, that is so prevalent today. A Nobel Peace recipient we all know she was, but The Letters will tell you so much more about this woman who suffered within, but never stopped giving of herself because in her eyes everyone was a child of God.

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